
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
64 Chs

Engagement dinner

She looked at herself in the mirror. Yes, she was looking at herself, doubting if she should be proud to have this face and body or should she be insecure. She was wearing a bell sleeve pastel pink tulle round neck dress with a pink ribbon on her waist and embroidered flowers her sleeve and chest part.

When she received a text from her mother saying that they will have the engagement dinner today at a hotel, she thought that only the two family would be there. Well, she thought wrong. It wasn't what she was expecting.

Her mother sent another message telling her to wear something elegant and dress well as there would be some influential people there too. She tried to argue with her mom. She knew that some business men knew her as the the only daughter of Karina and Daniel Stone, but overall the public was clueless about it. She wondered if this event would go on the media.

"do I look fine, manang?" she asked manang Brenda who was looking at her with loving motherly eyes. Her make up was pretty simple but like what they said, there was a hint of elegance behind it. Her eyes were pink sparkling.

Seriously, she used the Clio eye palette that Dylan bought for her, put some some mascara and thin fake lashes before eyeliner. She did a good job of her brows and a light blush before doing the korean ombre lips technique.

"you look wonderful, Liana. I'm sure that they will love you. Jun might go crazy when he sees you," hearing his name made her heart ache instead of making it happy and joyful.

"Don't joke manang," she softly chuckled.

"Come on, Jun is waiting downstairs, " manang Brenda ushered while she grabbed her matching clutch purse and head downstairs.

When she walked through the stairs, she slightly kept her hair from falling and placed it at the back of her ear and Jun couldn't help but to tremble. He was anxiously waiting for her without letting them know it. He was about to go and drink some water when he saw her getting down with her lovely attire. Overall, she looked like a goddess. He gripped his suit tightly before making eye contact to her. Her pretty eyes sent shivers down to his spine and he attempted to push that thought away.

She couldn't help but to stare and observe how gorgeous Jun was. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a pastek link ribbon on his neck. His brows were well defined and his eyes seemed to sparkle. His medium hair was parted in the middle with subtle waves, covering left eye but still, he looked hot.

"Aeeya, stop looking at each other and go to the venue already," manang Brenda pushed them forward while waving at them.

"they look so good together," both tutor Hao and manang Brenda said, giving each other a high five.

Throughout the ride, she was playing with her fingers and with her dress. She was so anxious of what will happen and decided to call Ashley.

"Ash, have you been ever to engagement dinner?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"today's the event? Hmmmm...My sister's engagement party. I don't know what to feel since it wasn't my engagement party."

"can you just help me out?" she whispered, avoiding Jun again.

"I don't know. Really- Oh wait, I think Christian and Justin will attend your engagement dinner. He said something about an invitation from the Stone's. Probably,"

"That's nice to hear. At least I have someone to talk to." she breathed out.

"Aeeya, you have 4 older brothers and 3 nephews. Your grandparents from your mother's side and father's side. Your cousins,"

"mother said that my cousins, my aunts and my uncles don't know about it. Well, some of them knows,"

Ashley flipped herself over while watching a cartoon before she proceeded to talk with Liana again. "Why can't you just announce it?"

"I don't know. They'll probably announce it after marriage or maybe never," she never really cared about it. All her life she was hidden. She didn't even know all her extended family, and she didn't know the reason why.

"it's okay, we'll keep it a secret too,"

"is that Liana?" a person on the other line asked. The voice was familiar to her.

"is that your sister? Hi Chloe!" she grinned, greeting Ashley's older sister.

"Hi Livie! Where are you? I want to see you. I missed you guys. Ashley's been hiding her friends from me lately." she glared at her little sister who was just grinning at her.

"we can meet some time but not now. I'm a little busy. You can visit the school. Visitors are-" she was about to continue speaking when the driver pulled up.

"I gotta go, bye," she cracked before awkwardly laughing.

She was walking ahead of him and opened the door and without warning, Jun sneaked his hand from behind and pulled himself on her. "Smile and be sweet," he whispered at her, looking at the crowd in front of them. She instantly sneaked her hand on his waist while smiling fakely at the crowd.

Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she felt his warmth beside her. Their body was so close that she felt scared of Jun hearing how loud her heartbeat was. She smelled the strong perfume that lingered at him and she felt the urge to hug him until the end of the day. She felt his body relaxed right after she sneaked her arm on his side.

She was going to blush and smile at the thought of them being so sweet to each other but she realized that it was all an act. She couldn't forget his words and she was hoping that she wouldn't. It was hard for her to take everything he said and she wasn't going to let this act ruin her even if she was tempted to believe everything.

Lately, I've been publishing more chapters since I got ideas stack up in my head.

Happy reading everyone! ?

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