
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · General
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64 Chs

Oscar Award, really?

She thanked the couple in front of her, "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Johnson," while shaking hands with them, together with Jun.

The woman looked pleased with Liana and admired her beauty. "be sure to invite me to the wedding, my dear. I'm so looking forward to it," she tightened her grip on Jun's side while nervously chuckling.

"I'm sure you're invited Mrs. Johnson. My mother couldn't wait for it too. Surely, she would contact you," she wanted to escape the scene before her. She was so close to letting Jun go and ran away from the hotel.

"You have a bright future after you my dear and I'm sure this handsome man is going to make it clear for you. You just look so perfect for together," she commended but Liana wasn't buying their shits.

"Mother, don't rush Liana," Christian meddle between their conversation once he saw his mother chatting with Liana. Ashley made it sure for him to stop all the people who tried to commend perfect pictures.

"and here's my son~ I also couldn't wait for Ashley and Christian to get married and have their own family. You know, as you get older-"

"Liana, please excuse my mother," he excused before making that 'I'm so embarrassed for my mother' look. Liana winked at him and mouthed a thank you for him.

"1 down, a hundred to go," she exhaled. It truly wasn't easy to mingle with the rich people and act fakely. Rich people are the most fake ones and she's planning to get out of that place sooner.

Niko popped between them and he expressed, "I'm sorry Jun, but I'm going to steal this lady for a while."

She immediately gasped and lose her hold on Jun as she hugged her brother. "Niko! I missed you," she beamed.

"Aigoo, my little lady's getting married, huh?" he purposely teased her while walking walking away, leaving Jun along with the crowd.

"How's life with him? Is he maltreating you? Tell me and I will-"

"Don't worry, I got it. I'm strong enough to stand up for myself," she raised her hand and imitated Superman.

"we never know when will problems arise," he softly said, looking at his sister.

"you're my only sister. I won't let anyone hurt you," she faced her brother and pouted. She was touched by his words, knowing that he was speaking truthfully. They almost lost her. He couldn't afford to loose her again. It wasn't easy.

"Come, your nephews looking for their aunt." he led her to their table and when she saw her nephews, she immediately ran towards them, picking them up.

"my little nephews! How are you my darlings?" she said with her English accent.

"Aunt Vivienne, you look so pretty with your dress!" Oscar, the youngest touched her dress, seemingly fascinated by it.

Noah and Mason tugged her arm while whispering in her ears. "Aunt, I am so hungry and I want to eat cake, save me some, later," Mason giggled, embarrassed of his words.

"What are you doing Noah?" Noah was raising his brows, looking at her dress. In other words, he was judging her.

"Your dress looked like my curtain." he spilled his thoughts.

"You! How could you say that? I look pretty with my dress," she exclaimed. She scoffed as she couldn't believe the words of a young man.

"I know, but I remembered my curtain."

"hush, child."

"Nice compliment, Noah" Niko whispered at Noah before giving the boy a high five. Her face was in horror as she purposely stepped on his foot. He tilted his head, suppressing the pain, fakely smiling at his sister. She was just smug as if trying to say, 'try me'.

Oscar dragged her along as he told her to sit with him. He patted the seat beside him while bumping on his older brothers.

"Oscar~ that's my seat," Noah whined.

"I'm sorry but I wanted to sit with aunt Vivienne," he frowned almost at the point of crying.

"Don't cry. I'll let you sit at my seat. I'll just sit at your seat, anyways." Noah, the big brother handled the problem he started, patting Oscar's back.

"Good job Noah. I'm proud of you,"

"you taught me well," he simply replied. Again, she could feel her heart melting.

"Aunt, your future husband is coming," Mason teased, looking at Jun who was slowly approaching them.

"hey Uncle Jun," Noah greeted, giving his gummy smile and Oscar imitated him.

"hey kids, I'm going to steal you aunt for a moment," without warning, his hand sneaked on her back and she let out a soft yelp.

"what are you doing?" she whispered, forgetting their little act.

" did you forgot how to act properly?" he suddenly kissed her cheek when he saw a photographer aiming at them.

"oh no, you didn't" she gasped before blushing.


"so, do you have plans on having a baby?" his grandmother asked while feeding herself a piece of the beef steak.

"uhmmm...I don't think I'm-"

"we'll keep that in mind after the wedding. As of now, we don't have any, right babe?" she gasped, controlling her anger inside her. She was not only mad about the fact that his arm was on her shoulders, he also called her babe.

Control, control, Liana.

"I'm sure you're aiming for the Oscar award," she whispered. They thought that she kissed his neck but the truth, she was cursing at him.

"please, not here," Nicholas teased but he earned a deadly glare from her and her mother.

"Manners," Karina voiced out.

"anyways, when's the wedding? Is it decided already? What's the theme? How about the entourage?" Nathaniel's wife, her sister-in-law asked while clasping her hands together on the table. She didn't knew that she was pressing more further to her trap.

She looked around raising her eyebrow as is she was daring to stop her from asking more questions than she already asked. She liked Liana but she like pissing her off like an evil in-laws.