

Once again, that question 'What if it was someone close to you' kept disturbing me throughout the night. The next day I had to get ready for my public announcement. It was time for Lucian to announce the fact that we would be getting married in the next two days. I wore my bright red ball gown and I flew my hair and it went flowing down my back then I wore my heels and as I opened the door I saw Lucian standing there. Out of fear I screamed and slipped on my dress and fell but he caught me and we ended up staring at each other. The feeling of his hand round my waist was weird and uncomfortable. I immediately got my balance back. "Let's go or we'll be late" I said "Sure. Let's get going" Lucian said as he held my hand and took me to his Limo. When we arrived at the venue, Lucian got down looking nervous. "What's wrong??" I asked "It's nothing" Lucian said quickly.

As we entered the hall I saw lots of guests there. I guess he really wanted to tell EVERYONE!! Even people from different kingdoms were invited. Lucian put my arm in his and walked up on stage. "G-Good day everyone" Lucian said. He was sweating profusely. But why? Is he allergic to people?? He can't. He was just fine during our engagement party so why was he nervous now?? Just then Lucian groaned in pain and I held his hand "Lucian are you okay?" I asked "Yes I'm fine. I....I....I just want SOULS!!!!!" Lucian said as his voice suddenly became freakishly deep "SOULS!!" He said again and the entire hall became so quiet. You wouldn't even be able to hear a pin drop. "I...I'm sorry" Lucian said and went outside. "Sorry for the misunderstanding. The announcement we want to make is the fact that I Isabella Hallinton will be getting married to Emperor Lucian Shalingham in the next two days. Please enjoy the party and I hope everyone will be there for the wedding. Thank You!!" I said and everyone cheered politely. As soon as the party began I went outside immediately to look for Lucian and then I saw him standing. "Why can't you just leave me alone?? LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!" Lucian said "Lucian.....Who are you talking to??" I asked worried "I... It's no one. Let's go inside" Lucian said as he went inside. As each day passed, I continued to find out weird things about Lucian. As I arrived I saw everyone dancing so I tried my best to have some fun.