

I couldn't stop thinking about the statement Lucian made. 'It's nothing'. That statement kept ringing in my head. There's no way nothing happened because something definitely happened that night. But what? I felt so confused so I went up to my room to rest and get my mind off all these things. Just then I heard someone knock on my door and when I opened the door I saw a butler. "It's time for dinner My Queen" the butler said and then he left. I wasn't really in the mood to eat, especially with Lucian but I had no other option.

As I arrived, I saw a long table with six seats and Lucian was sitting on the first end while I sat on the other end. They served us beef stew and noodles. The place was really quiet. We both ate in silence till Lucian finally spoke. "Do you like the food" he asked "It's sweet enough" I said. The food was actually very delicious. I didn't know people of Aerandel could cook so well. "About yesterday...I need to tell you something" Lucian said. FINALLY!!! he was going to tell me everything that happened last night. "What do you want to tell me??" I asked curious. "Last night, I....I....I just had a stomach ache and jumped off the window to go see a doctor" he said. "Why didn't you just use the door??" I asked again "I....I didn't want to disturb anyone" "It's okay" I said as I continued to eat my food but deep down I still found him very suspicious. Why was he hesitating to give me an answer? I needed to figure out what was going on and fast. As I went out of the castle to get some fresh air I realized as soon as I looked up at the tall... really tall castle that Lucian's room was at the top of the castle and that there was no way he could jump. How did he get down then? He can't fly. I didn't want to ask him anymore questions so I decided to wait till it was night.

It was finally night time and I decided to stay up till it was midnight

Once it was midnight I began to hear those noises again and I heard him scream in pain. I really wanted to go up and check on him but I had to go outside and see how he "jumped" out of the window. As I went outside my eyes almost popped out of my head. I saw a shadow fly out of his window. I was scared.... REALLY SCARED!!! What if that was the demon that was eating people every night?? What if he ate Lucian and flew away?? Without thinking I ran up to Lucian's room and started BANGING on the door. "Lucian please open up" I said with tears in my eyes but there was no response. I couldn't give up. I began to BANG on the door even louder. "Lucian are you in there?" I said again and and then Lucian opened the door. "What is it now???" he asked and I just hugged him so tightly. I wasn't in love with him but I couldn't bear to see him or anyone else die. "Something flew out of your window. I think it was the demon" I said "What are you talking about?" he asked "I saw a shadow fly out of your window. It must've been the demon. I will capture it before it kills anyone else" I said fiercely "What if it was someone close to you??" Lucian asked. What kind of question WAS THAT!!?? I slowly pushed back "Why are you asking?" I asked "Forget it I was Just Curious" Lucian said as he entered his room and locked the door.