
Chapter 48 Enough

"Thank you for not misunderstanding her; you are a stranger and I know that I shouldn't have shared her personal matters with you, but you are a woman, you understand her better than I can understand," Maxwell said. "I'm not used to begging people, but please don't terminate the contract with her; she was very happy and honoured to make your dress," Maxwell said, he realised that he can do anything for Meliss.

Pathy handed the phone back to Maxwell, frowning. "Why would I terminate the contract? I came here to check on Mellisa after such a terrible sex tape was released; I wanted to hear Mellisa's side of the story before the media gets to know about her being the one making my wedding dress," Pathy said.

"Oh! I didn't know," Maxwell said.

"Can you call her for me? I need to talk to Mellisa," Pathy said.