
My Hero Academia: Spark of hope

Imagine if, during Izuku Midoriya's darkest moments, someone else had uttered the words he so desperately needed to hear. What if he possessed a quirk but required a spark to awaken its potential? Get ready for a wild ride, because things are about to take a thrilling turn.

SirBolsterous · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Enter Battle Simulation

A couple of days had passed since the quirk apprehension test, and for Izuku, it seemed like his past would relentlessly haunt him. One decision had cast a long shadow over everyone around him, one that he couldn't erase from his memory.

The revelation that his actions had rightfully angered someone for injuring their sibling weighed heavily on Izuku. What made it worse was the unimaginable cover-up that shrouded the incident. The news had conveniently omitted any mention of injuries, opting instead to glorify the heroic deeds of two teenagers, inadvertently staining the reputation of real licensed heroes. Izuku couldn't help but suspect that this media manipulation aimed to boost their reports by exaggerating the heroic narrative.

It was a grim reality, one where the truth was buried beneath a facade of heroism. Yet, despite this, the green-haired teenager realized he couldn't afford to dwell on the past. Regret wouldn't change anything. The only viable path was forward. Determined, he knew he had to face the consequences of his actions and attempt to reconcile with Shiho when he was ready to hear his side of the story.

Wholeheartedly immersed in his studies, Izuku gradually became more acquainted with his classmates. Despite being largely ignored by most, his tight-knit group of friends provided a sense of camaraderie. Something he had always longed for when he was younger. Then, a transformative shift occurred. Notably, Eijiro Kirishima, the red-haired boy, and Mina Ashido, the pink-skinned girl with pitch-black eyes, formed friendly connections with Izuku and his group.

Engaging in studies with his newfound friends, seemed to ease the initial shock from Shiho's outburst. Grateful for the support and friendship of Kirishima and Ashido, Izuku found himself nearly inseparable from this trio, both inside and outside the academic curriculum.

However, this period of calmness was destined to be temporary. The impending battle simulations loomed on the horizon, where students would be pitted against each other to hone their quirks and abilities to the fullest. 


Izuku sat in the locker room, his new hero suit draped across his body. Its vibrant green color was complemented by a subtle silver tint, covering him from head to toe. Reinforced padding adorned his shoulders and knees, designed to withstand the immense pressure his quirk was capable of outputting in the most extreme conditions. The suit itself was crafted from a skin-tight polymer substance, capable of resisting the heat generated by his incredible speed, a speed that he had yet to replicate since that fateful day.

His remarkable physique evident through his suit was impossible to ignore as he made his way out of the locker room, heading toward the training ground known as Zeta.

In the center of the expansive hall stood a raised platform, purpose-built for students to engage in battles. It boasted staircases on each side for easy access, with benches lining the walls at a safe distance, ensuring the students' safety during their training sessions.

As he stepped in through the door he could see some of his classmates turn their heads around glancing him up and down. Some wore impressed looks in their gazes as he moved forward and others merely gave him a look. Eventually, he saw a familiar blonde-haired hero-in-training waving to him from the side where Kyoka and Uraraka were a

"Yo. Took you long enough" Denki smirked.

"Haah.. The suit was a hassle to get in." Izuku began chuckling. "For some reason, they made it tighter than I had intended," he explained while inspecting his suit. As he observed his friend's hero costumes he was left in awe. The purple-haired girl was wearing a black jacket with a torn pink shirt under it. Her lower body was composed of black jeans and big boots that were nearly twice as big as her legs. What drew Izuku's attention however was two miniature speakers plugged into her earjacks.

The blonde-haired teenager on the other hand also wore a black jacket with fitting black jeans however his had a logo of a white lightning stretched on them covering the entire surface. The only difference is his white T-shirt

"Matching outfits?"Izuku grinned.

"Can't have the destructive Jiro duo without it ya know?" A blonde-haired teenager pats his chest with knuckles, while Kyoka rolls her eyes with a light smirk making its way to her lips. 

"You look like a bonafide hero already!" The green-haired boy turned to lock gazes with the auburn-haired girl who was wearing a black colored skin-tight suit with a tint of pink. Her suit was adorned with two chunky-looking gauntlets and high-heel boots.

"You think so?" The green-haired teenager scrutinized his suit once more. "Well, I don't really see it, but I'll trust your opinion, Uraraka-chan." As their words flowed between them, their hearty conversation was abruptly cut short by a thundering voice, heralding the arrival of a muscular blonde-haired man. "I. Am. Here!" His voice resonated through the entire hall.

In response, every student shifted their stances, turning to gaze at the source of the familiar battle cry. Their eyes widened collectively; it was All Might, the number one hero and pillar of hope, now standing before them. "It is time for your simulated battles. Simply put, each of you will pair up to engage in combat using your quirks in the arena," the blonde-haired hero explained, pointing to the central area of the hall. "To determine pairs, I have put all of your names into a machine that will shortly display your names here." He gestured toward a screen hanging above the arena, encased in what appeared to be dense glass.

After a brief moment, two names illuminated the wide display. 'Kyoka Jiro versus Hanta Sero.' A black-haired boy stepped out of the crowd, making his way to the arena, his gaze locking with the purple-haired girl. His eyebrows rose in acknowledgment as he prepared for the upcoming battle.

"I wish I got to fight someone tougher," the boy stretched his limbs aloofly as he stepped onto the platform. In a split second Kyoka's usual calm demeanor shifted entirely. She was now maliciously grinning while jogging to the arena, her steps light and full of energy contrasted by her cold glare that sent shivers down Izuku's spine. He had never seen her like that and if that was not enough to alert him the following remark would.

"Damn," Denki gulped, concern etched on his face as he exhaled air deeply out. "This is not good."

"W- Why not?" Izuku turned to look at the blonde, gulping as he became nervous too.

"She is livid dude and when that happens..," the blonde-haired Jiro sibling rubbed his temple. "When we were small I hid her favorite plushie guitar and.." Denki felt a shiver run through his spine. "Let's just say I don't push her buttons like I used to" Izuku turned pale, a drop of sweat running down his features as the combatants prepared for what was coming.

As promised, a moment later, a deafening boom erupted from the arena. Kyoka released powerful soundwaves from her speakers that reverberated through the arena, sending the skinny-looking boy to the edge of the bounds without any chance to retaliate. Just as the boy attempted to launch his tapes in the middle of his slide to wrap Kyoka, his view was suddenly obstructed by the silhouette of the purple-haired girl, her knee impacting his jaw and sending him flying out of the arena in the same heartbeat.

"The battle is over," All Might called in a stressed tone, his expression and gaze now looking ten years older. "Young Lady you did a terrific job at taking the initiative in this fight. However, I must ask you to exercise more restraint next time. Don't want anyone to lose their heads before starting their hero careers," All Might chuckled nervously at the scene as he motioned a couple of students to help the unconscious black-haired teenager to the nurse's office.

Nodding Kyoka stepped down from the arena, she returned to his now stupefied friends standing in the middle of them before noticing the now distraught expression on both of them. 

"Why do ya two look like ya saw someone die?" She said with a sarcastic grin, her tone filled with mischievousness. It promptly caused both boys to look at each other. "Because you kinda did" Denki laughed nervously. 

"Haah? Are you calling me unhinged? Are you?" Kyoka poked the blonde-haired in the cheek with her earjacks. Meanwhile, Izuku silently vowed to not ever piss her off as the blonde-haired nodded in silent understanding.

However the moment did not last long, the green-haired teenager's attention was alerted to a randomizing effect running on the display screen before spitting out two names. 'Izuku Midoriya versus Shoto Todoroki'. As he glanced around he saw a red and white-haired boy stepping forward, wearing a blue full-body suit. He postured himself straight as he locked gazes with Izuku. His eyes were blank and cold which was only emphasized more by his uncaring demeanor.

Both of them stepped on the platform their eyes firmly locked on one another as they stood on the opposite sides waiting for a mark to start. Izuku began inhaling air as he shifted his weight forward. 'I need to circle around him to find an opening and then capitalize on it.' The burning sensation began settling inside him as lightning began crackling all over his body.

"Begin!" All Might's voice thundered as the green-haired boy launched forward, in a swift motion he sped around the red-white-haired boy as he waited for an opening. A short moment later Todoroki shifted his weight Izuku reacted immediately shooting forward before an enormous ice glacier spiked from the ground creating a half-eclipse around the red-white-haired boy. "So cool-" he thought before the glacier began gaining more size set under them enveloping the entire arena in it before Izuku felt his legs nearly slipping from under him. In that span of a moment, he let the burning sensation set all around his body, as he charged forward, his body spiraling as he delivered destructive kicks at the ice glaciers sending pieces and shards back at the now stunned red-white-haired boy whose lips began curling up ever slightly. 

As Todoroki shifted to evade the incoming onslaught, Izuku could see the right side of his body covered in a layer of ice that seemed to hurt him. 

'That's it. Make him overuse his quirk.' Izuku's eyes sported a hint of glint before he exhaled and absorbed air into his lungs his form turning into a blur of crackling lightning that moved with indistinctive movement patterns, alternating between dozens of them while continuing to collide with the ice glaciers created by the red-white-haired boy. Everyone observing the exchange was wearing looks of utter shock and awe at the ever-intensifying fight that showed no signs of ending before Todoroki's form began visibly shaking as he exhaled icy shroud, his breathing labored.

'Now…!' Izuku raced to collide with the weakening form of the boy before his eyes widened, in a flash, he could see an enormous ice wall speeding towards him.

"Impossible..!"He gulped before noticing a smoke rising from the boy's right side. His heart was racing as he braced for impact. The next moment he felt a cold blunt hit on his chest his body turning limp as he was hurled across. A second went by and then another, As Izuku opened his eyelids again he found himself upside down gazing at the roof.

"I got my butt handed to me, huh?" he said, his disappointment evident as the blonde-haired hero helped him up. "Young Midoriya and Young Todoroki, I applaud both of you for your sound strategies. This battle came down to a singular error in judgment on your part, Young Midoriya. Remember not to make assumptions about your opponents' capabilities. It can sometimes come at a high cost," Toshinori said, his tone filled with encouragement. Izuku understood the sentiment, but it didn't ease his frustration. He was almost convinced that they were evenly matched, but now he doubted if Todoroki had even used half of his potential.

"Not good enough," Izuku whispered silently as he returned to the seats where Jiro's siblings were eagerly waiting for him. As he seated himself the green-haired boy glanced at the floor, his jaw clenching as he rested his arms on his knees tightly gripping the fabric.

"Chin up. Given the factors and your quirks, you did really well" Kyoka had already realized the conflicting emotions the boy had to been feeling after a spar like that. "If that had been a real villain people would've- Ouch!" Izuku began before feeling a piercing ear jack on his ribs. "In a real fight, the factors would have been different. Your quirk operates at its best when it's not confined to a small space right?" she probed.

"Right..!" Izuku confirmed in a realization. How could he have missed something so simple? First and foremost he should focus his efforts on things that he excels at. This means instead of aiming to be a raw frontline vanguard, he should use his speed for what allowed him to reach the U.A. in the first place. A rescue specialist combined with the ability to delay and chip villains with hit-and-run tactics.

"T- Thanks Jiro-chan" Izuku stammered as he scratched the back of his head. Seeing that the boy's usual energy had returned the girl opted to merely punch his shoulder. "Good, don't forget that broccoli head" she whispered with a smirk.


After the curriculum of the day, Izuku retreated into one of the training areas dubbed Gym Gamma, an empty hall that students can freely use to train their quirks. Its floor was made out of cement that one of the members of the faculty a hero called Cementos could mold to suit the needs of the students who require a special environment to practice their quirk. It was specifically made to allow students to go all out within certain parameters.

The green-haired teenager was standing in the middle of the hall surrounded by multiple training dummies he had brought out of one warehouse in the very same hall. Izuku sat upright, legs crossed, hands cupped in his lap and his eyes closed. He inhaled air slowly, his chest rising as a tingling sensation began building up in him, tiny sparks of lightning crackling off his form before exhaled, his chest rose and fell rhythmically. Gradually, he extended the time between inhales and exhales, focusing on the ever-intensifying tingle in his lungs. Finally, he inhaled air in deeply, his lungs beginning to burn as he felt the electrifying feeling coursing through him. As if his entire nervous system was on fire. A moment passed before Izuku let his chest fall again. He calmly opened his eyelids, his pupils sporting a hint of sparkling lightning before fading away with the burning sensation. 

Now feeling calm and steady he proceeded to conduct the next part of his training program. Toshinari had instructed Izuku to participate in a dojo to learn a martial discipline that would match and assist him when fighting villains. Taekwondo would perfectly fit that criterion as it relies on agility and speed to deliver destructive kicks. The Number One hero himself specialized in boxing that emphasized head movement and carefully placed strikes with hands which is why he had no way to instruct Izuku in that facet. Unlike the public impression of him, the blonde hero himself had admitted to not relying on it as much anymore given his incredible strength and ability to end most battles before they even begin.

In today's fight, Izuku swiftly confronted his limitations, realizing that pushing beyond his current threshold would strain him too much. He understood that he could potentially tap into greater power by holding his breath beyond a certain limit, but the excruciating pain made it nearly unbearable. For now, his only option was to focus on honing his quirk and using it to augment his martial arts skills further.

Izuku now taking his stance began moving on his toes keeping his form light as he inhaled a small amount of air into his lungs before launching devastating kicks at the nearest training dummy. Anyone nearby would not be able to see the green-haired teenager's movements as his kicks would look like a blur followed by a small sparking of lightning focused around his body.

"Faster, sharper!" He berated himself as his momentum surged forward, feeling the sweat race down his face. With each passing moment, his shirt clung to his skin, drenched in perspiration. Izuku alternated between inhaling and exhaling as he delivered a relentless barrage of kicks, leaving his targets decimated in his wake. In the blink of an eye, he shifted his weight, exploding forward and launching himself into the air. With a graceful pirouette, he obliterated another training dummy, practically severing its head before landing.

"That was pretty intense huh?" a male voice called from a distance behind him before continuing. "Do you do this every day?" The voice probed before the green-haired teenager jumped up as if scared half to death, he turned around to see Denki and Kyoka standing in front of him.

"W- Well. Yeah, to increase the power of my quirk I have to strain it, push it to the limit." He said his eyes fixed on them before continuing his explanation. "Since my quirk is an accumulative type that needs air in my lungs to function and activate, I can strengthen it by training my body's natural endurance and cardiovascular properties." He finished as began taking his drenched shirt off to dry himself with a towel placed on top of his gym bag before Kyoka jumped in.

"Is it specifically the ability to retain more air in your lungs or a more efficient intake?" Kyoka wondered aloud, her tone curious, as she tried to avoid making direct eye contact with the green-haired teenager, who had now dropped the towel as he turned around his mouth open.

"I hadn't considered that possibility. The distinction is important, which means I need to determine if it's one, the other, or perhaps both. But what if... No, it can't be," Izuku mused. This was a big aspect of his quirk that he had not thought of before. Now excited the green-haired teenager put his hand on the girl's shoulders as he laughed with a stupefied grin plastered on him.

"Incredible Jiro-chan! I can't believe I had not thought of that. You've been incredible today." he chuckled heartily bouncing up and down as he gently shook Kyoka, his smile bright. The very same girl was now looking at him with wide eyes, her lips tightening, eyes averted away from the green-haired boy.

Denki beamed and patted his chest with a fist, saying, "Anyways seeing ya bust yer ass like a mad man got our blood pumping too. would ya mind having a few tag-a-longs in your training sessions once in a while?"

"I- I wouldn't mind having more company with me," Izuku replied, snapping out of his stupor. He then noticed that the blonde-haired teenager had shifted his attention back to his sister, who had her gaze focused on something while trying to avert her eyes away every few seconds.

"Great! Dearest Nee-san, you can now stop ogling the man. Midoriya, you wouldn't believe how much of a pain she is when she goes all zany for..." Denki began, but his sentence was abruptly cut short when he felt an ear jack thrust into his back, followed by Kyoka's kick connecting with his rear end.

"Ya wanna die huh?" the purple-haired teenager whispered in a icy tone as she glared at the blonde, her lips curling into a mix of devious and knowing smirk.

The green-haired teenager stood there, utterly stupefied, absentmindedly scratching the back of his head as Jiro siblings engaged in yet another quarrel. Their bickering over the most trivial matters was a familiar sight, but this time, something was different. The purple-haired girl, typically vocal during these skirmishes, remained eerily silent, her chilling gaze effectively quelling her brother's outbursts. The terrified blonde sibling swiftly turned towards Izuku, his eyes pleading for assistance.

Izuku, seizing the opportunity to change the subject, interjected, "Come to think of it, Denki-san, I still don't know what your Quirk does exactly." His attempt at redirection seemed to be successful as Kyoka halted her assault of ear jacks on Denki and locked eyes with him.

Denki, wearing a proud grin, replied, "I can generate an enormous amount of electricity."

Kyoka couldn't resist a touch of sarcasm as she added, "Although if this idiot pushes his limits, he becomes... well, even dumber than usual." Her lips curled into a slight smile as she teased her brother. The green-haired boy, suddenly filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, surged forward, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Cool! Can you harness that electricity more precisely? Maybe use it to enhance some gadgets or tools for assistance. Picture this – an electric whip or a full-body suit that channels your power into gauntlets for hand-to-hand combat. The options are virtually limitless," Izuku mused, lost in thought. Denki and Kyoka watched in amazement as he continued.

Denki gasped in astonishment, glancing at his snickering sister before turning his attention back to Izuku, who remained completely absorbed in his musings, oblivious to his surroundings. "Wait, why didn't I think of that?"

"Denki," Izuku inquired, shifting his focus to the blonde-haired teenager. "What did she mean by 'dumber than usual'?" Denki stared between Izuku and his sister, who only shrugged in response. After a moment of contemplation, he finally gave in with a resigned sigh.

"I am so going to regret this," he remarked, exhaling deeply. "Okay, please step back, and I mean a good hundred meters," he requested, stretching his limbs. After a brief moment, the blonde-haired boy raised his arm, extending his right index finger and thumb. He aimed it at the nearby ground, releasing crackling yellow lightning that spread throughout his body and the surrounding area, tearing apart the cement. Izuku was utterly stupefied by the sheer power his friend displayed in the blink of an eye.

As the dust settled and the lightning faded, he saw Denki now dancing, his eyes vacant. "Wee-" the blonde-haired teenager repeated, pointing both index fingers upwards.

"I- Incredible" Izuku gasped.


Concluding his workout session, the aspiring green-haired hero and his companions exited the training gym, making their way back to the U.A Campus. Approaching the gate, a silhouette emerged—a blonde-haired man with an unwavering expression and impeccable posture, arms confidently resting on his hips.

"Still keeping up with the regimen, young man?" inquired the familiar blonde hero, now in his skeletal form, stepping forward.

"Yes. I've found it incredibly beneficial for developing my quirk," responded Izuku, as Denki and Kyoka exchanged curious and perplexed glances.

"I'd like to discuss something with you, young Midoriya. Do you mind joining me for a walk?" Toshinori requested.

The green-haired teenager nodded. "Denki. Jiro-chan you can go ahead I will see you tomorrow okay?" Both of the siblings agreed gazing at the blonde-haired man as they turned to take their leave, their forms becoming smaller on the horizon. Green-haired teenager now wearing a focused look turned his gaze to face Toshinori before they began walking slowly in the opposite direction.

"Young Midoriya, I believe I owe you an explanation," Toshinori began, his tone solemn as he took a deep breath before launching into a lengthy discourse about his quirk, One For All, and its origins. As he spoke, his expression grew increasingly somber, and the weight of his words seemed to bear down on him.

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing. This revelation was far from anything he had expected, and the following words from Toshinori left him rooted in place.

The blonde-haired man turned to young Midoriya with a serious inquiry, "Young Midoriya, would you be willing to inherit One For All?" He paused for a moment before continuing, "I can't let hope vanish when my time comes, that's why," He bowed deeply, his body transforming into his muscle form. "Young Midoriya I have chosen you."

"I— W- What?!" Izuku exclaimed, shock evident in his voice. The green-haired teenager mulled his thoughts as he began to consider the gravity of the request. Is he carrying a quirk of all might? The power that inspired people to hope for a better tomorrow. The responsibility felt daunting to Izuku and yet he felt he wanted to meet All Might's expectations of him if he could. Izuku opened his mouth to answer before a fleeting thought crossed his mind causing him to promptly close it. 

"I don't think I should," Izuku began, "I am nothing like you or him.." He paused briefly, his gaze shifting to his clenched fist. "All I need to be is a hero who saves those in need with a smile right?"

A moment of quiet lingered before the blond hero's smile broadened. "Young Midoriya, I admire your resolve, but I urge you to contemplate it thoroughly. If, within a year, you don't reconsider, I'll have to find another to carry on my legacy." He placed a reassuring hand on Izuku's shoulder, smiling gently.

Izuku nodded in understanding as the blond hero released his grip, watching him disappear into the distant horizon.