
UA sports festival VIII

A/N: Enjoy the chap or something...


In the stadium, the crowd was cheering louder and louder, as soon as the semi-finals began. I was currently sitting and waiting for the next match being Shoto Todoroki VS. Ibara Shiozaki

[After fight after fight we finally reached the semi-finals, the 4 strongest first years of UA will be fighting to see who is the strongest of them all!] Present Mic started with his usual showmanship as the crowd grew more restless.

Soon enough two students started to make their way to the arena. Both Ibara and Shoto had a serious expression as they eventually faced each other, In the middle stood Ms. Midnight refereeing the fight, although I doubt she could actually do anything to stop those two monsters.

"Are both contestants ready?" Midnight asked as usual and both of them nodded making Midnight start the match without delaying any more, as soon as the confirmation sounded Ibara's hair grew to titanic sizes and started to whip around, some burying themselves in the ground.

On the other side, Shoto immediately started by shooting out ice blocking some of the vine's way, but unfortunately, the vines were strong enough to break through the ice. Nevertheless, the ice delayed the vines for Shoto to weave his way in between the vines closing the distance, but Ibara prepared for this as more vines erupted from the ground trying to tie Shoto's limbs, but instead of dodging Shoto immediately started using fire to burn away at the vines.

No words were exchanged while fighting, only a back-and-forth with Ibara pushing with her vines only for Shoto to freeze or burn them away.

Seeing as not much was going for her, Ibara started to use a different strategy, she started to weave her vines into a tight formation creating sort of limbs that were much stronger than individual vines. She started to spin the interwoven vine like a drill and started to chip away at the ice formations at a rapid pace.

On the other hand, Shoto who saw that he wasn't going anywhere decided to use more firepower, he started to touch some of the vines directly freezing the vine and spreading it along the root. The strategy was working well as fewer vines were whipping around him until suddenly, one of the ice formations he created to block the vines burst

"Tsk" Shoto clicked his tongue as he quickly dodged the tentacle-like vine that broke through the ice, wanting to finish the fight quickly Shoto ignited his arm sending a gigantic fire wave towards the vine catching it on fire in an instant, instead of backing away Shoto started to run towards where the vine started retreating. 


On the outside, the area could barely be seen as a 'Vine forest' would describe it perfectly, the audience was cheering loudly wanting to see the ending of this fight.

on a certain viewing platform stood Enji Todoroki also known as 'Endeavor', on his firey face a smile was plastered as he watched part of the vine forest burn at a quick pace.

"He finally embraced his true power! Soon he'll understand that UA was just a stepping stone for him to surpass All Might!" Enji thought to himself as he continued watching the fight progress, looking at Shoto quickly advancing through the vines and making his way to Ibara made his smile deepen.


"Him using his fire might complicate things," I thought to myself while looking at the fight between Ibara and Shoto, my first plan against Shoto was to just devour all the ice he threw at me but now that he started using his fire he became 10 times more dangerous...

"I really need to train my powers more, sigh..." I sighed to myself thinking about how powerful I could become if I could destroy anything in an instant like the full power [Beelzbub] could, unfortunately, I was cursed with using a nerfed version of it...

"They are truly monsters, I doubt most of our class could use our quirks to that extent" Tokoyami commented looking at the continued destruction.

"Well Todoroki got in as a recommendation as well as being Endeavor's son, and Ibara's quirk is insanely powerful no matter how you look at it," I retorted, they were both given good opportunities to make their quirk as powerful as they were.

"Sigh. Life is unfair" Jiro sighed looking down with regret

"When hasn't it been" I sighed as well, although slightly hypocritically as I was basically given a cheat item, but I couldn't figure out how to contact Raphael, she had been quiet for quite some time...


There are so many vines in here... In the beginning, I thought her quirk was only decent but this is ridiculous. I kept dodging but more vines kept appearing. even if I freeze or burn them they get replaced... There has to be a limit I'm sure of it

But I'm making progress I'm sure of it. I kept slowly moving forward, knocking away vines. I just need to make steady progress and i'll win in the end. Currently, this is a battle of endurance.

As I kept destroying the vines I started to notice the vines starting to slow down, she's getting tired I'm sure of it. I began to destroy more vines and continue forward at a rapid pace.

"I see it!" There she is. In front of me stood a cacoon, and she is definitely inside. I just need to knock her out and I'll be one step away from proving that I'm the strongest!


[Todoroki is in front of Shiozaki's cacoon! Is this the final showdown?] Present Mic commentated with an excited voice, as the climax was just beginning.

without wasting any time Shoto tried freezing the cacoon, but it proved difficult as the vines were just replaced. So instead he started to shoot fire everywhere, As soon as the vines started to burn Ibara's attacks became even more ferocious, forcing Todoroki to focus more on dodging.

 But unfortunately Ibara couldn't stall forever as her figure started showing in the burnt holes of the cacoon, her forehead was damp with sweat and she was hunched from exhaustion, Shoto and Ibara looked into each other's eyes, one of them as calm as a river and the other shaking like a stormy night at sea.

"huff- huff- I have to win.." Ibara muttered in between breaths as she started to cover he mouth with her collar to avoid breathing the smoke

"So do I, let's finish this quickly" Shoto replied with a calm voice, but unlike his outer appearance, he was almost as tired as Ibara was, Constant use of his quirk and switching from cold to hot took a toll on him.

In an instant all the vines surrounding both Ibara and Shoto switched to attack more, moving erratically they made their way to Shoto dead set on hitting him.

This time Shoto didn't hold anything back and swept the arena with heat, causing the air to warp around. Immediately he switched to frost rapidly cooling all the vines and turning them to dust. (Science thing: Hot thing made cold very fast = brittle :O )

In an instant the arena was cleared, now Todoroki and Shiozaki were standing in front of each other until... Suddenly Ibara plopped onto the ground... Unconscious.

"And the winner is Shoto Todorki! he will be making it to the finals!" with Ms. Midnight's words, the audience exploded with cheers, Shoto now finished with the battle took heavy breaths as he put his hands on his knees, sweat pouring down his forehead.


"Wow that was very dramatic," I said looking at the state of Shoto and Ibara. I myself would never fight until I went unconscious unless my life is on the line...

"That's true, this could very well be a scene in an action movie" Tokoyami commented, both of us unknowingly were on the edge of our seats... literally.

"The fight was much closer than expected, I felt as if my heart was in my throat," Jiro said, the fight was so tense and nerve-wracking that her hands were noticeably shaking.

All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around I saw Bakugo standing behind me, his face was calm... scarily calm...

"Our match is next, don't try to run away bastard. Let's go." Bakugo turned and left the stands leaving me with my thoughts.

"Good luck, Rimuru. you'll probably need it" Tokoyami half comforted me

"Dont jinx it dumbass" Jiro hit Tokoyami's head

"After I K-kick his ass we'll see who needs luck," I said while turning away

"that stutter doesn't make your case convincing"


[And our next match is Rimuru Tempest Vs. Katsuki Bakugo, Let's see who will make it into the fina-]

"I'll be me! It isn't even a question, I'll wipe the floor with you Girly-face!" Bakugo rudely interrupted Present Mic's speech as he looked at me with rage, I adopted the tactic of having a clueless expression. Tilting my head to the side I asked with curiosity.

"Are you talking about me...?"

"Don't act clueless BASTARD!" he shouted, this time interrupting Midnight who tried to start talking.

"Alright, Alright, short-fuse, wait until the fight begins. this isn't a rap battle, you can save your rant for later" I raised my arms, looking at Midnight with pity, only to get a glare from her.

"Ahem, Are both contestants ready..." and before Ms.Midnight could react we both answered.


Preparing for the fight I started to emit smoke, controlling it I shaped it into two hands like how Tokoyami does with Dark Shadow. Now ready I looked towards Bakugo as his hands were already primed and sparking, the only thing stopping us from lunging at each other was the countdown.

"And FIGHT!" Ms.Midnight announced and as-

"DIE BASTARD!" Bakugo instantly triggered a gigantic explosion covering the whole arena making it hard to tell what was destroyed and what wasn't. standing still Bakugo waited until the smoke cleared.

and as it did, my silhouette was revealed, of course, unharmed like those anime troupes. My smoke was covering me like a suit made from darkness, as it absorbed most of the brunt force of the explosion.

"W-WHAT?" Bakugo exclaimed, quickly calming down he started flying towards me at break-neck speeds as he prepared for another explosion.

Not taking any chances I swiped with the [Void Claws] as I had named them, forcing Bakugo to dodge with a sick spin.

"Quit flying like a bug and start fighting, where are your firecrackers durian-head?" I provoked Bakugo, which succeded as Bakugo instantly accelerated towards me with a rage-filled expression.

 I again swiped at Bakugo but he dodged, but instead of stopping he continued trying to approach, forcing me to start dodging myself. We continued our little dance until Bakugo started to get angrier and angrier.

"DIE ALREADY!" Instead of aiming at me with his explosion, which was sure to miss he aimed for one of the [Void Claw] causing it to slightly disperse. Seeing as his strategy worked he continued to blow up the claws until they were barely a nuisance, he then started to close the distance with me.

"DIE!" Again saying his catchphrase he aimed his hand and created an explosion causing me to get pushed back. Gaining more confidence Bakugo continued to chase me and push me around.

[It appears Bakugo is gaining the upper hand on Rimuru...] Aizawa commented, his eyes slightly squinted as he watched the fight go on.

"IS THAT ALL YOU CAN DO? EVEN AN EXTRA CAN DO MORE!" Bakugo screamed his lungs out, seeing as I wasn't even a challenge. Or so he thinks...

Again preparing to blow me up, Bakugo closed to the distance swiping smoke that was 'trying to intercept him', and as soon as he got close enough he aimed and-

suddenly 3 mines were expelled out of the smoke around him, Instantly detonating a gigantic pink explosion that pushed Bakugo back. causing a huge shock not only to Bakugo but to the audience.

[keke, It appears Rimuru is again using tricks, those are the mines from the obstacle race right?] Aizawa's frown swiftly changed to a big grin, Present Mic next to him was just as shocked as the audience.

[Ereaserhead did you know this would happen?] Present Mic asked

[I had an idea that it might happen keke] Aizawa chuckled looking at the frozen Bakugo, as his face had a slight hue of pink.


Meanwhile In an unknown location:

"A subspace quirk...? That is quite an interesting one... perhaps I should have it..." A man said, his big smile compensating for the missing half of his face, he was hooked up to many machines constantly beeping.

He sat in front of a TV watching the broadcast of the UA sports festival.

"It isn't just a Subspace, Teleportation, destruction... I am itching to get my hands on this one.. kekekeke *cough* *cough*" His laughter was quickly stopped by a coughing fit, blood spraying onto his hand.

"They have many promising kids over there... what shall I do?" Said the man as he wiped some of the blood from his lips.


A/N: this certainly was one of the chapters of all time...