
My Half-Vampire Mate

His eyes traveled all over my body, from head to toe. It made me self-conscious for some reason. "The dress fits you well," then he paused and murmured, looking at the floor. "I was wondering if you'd like it or not." "Huh?" His head turned to me again as if he was freed from a trance. "So now will you tell me what I have to do for you, sir?" I said sarcastically. "What?" He looked at me with surprise. "What? You have to have some purpose for keeping me here by force," I said, pressing on the last two words. He paused for a few seconds and then the lamest thing I could have ever imagined came out of his mouth. "Yes, you are here to serve me," he stated blankly. "What? Did I hear you right? You knocked me out, kidnapped my sister, and blackmailed me into coming here just to be your servant?" I cried out in disbelief. A smirk began to settle on his face as he took in my reaction. He was enjoying this absurdity even more! "Yes, dear. You are here to serve me. From now on, you will be with me 24 hours. All matters regarding me are your responsibility from now on." This is insane! Is he really a pervert? What is he trying to pull? "But you already have a lot of servants!" I protested. 'And they're always at your beck and call too! Why the hell would you have me kidnapped for this? And who gives new clothes and breakfast in bed to a servant?" This was driving me crazy. Was he playing with me? Probably, a rotten rich vampire prince playing for fun. But I was not going to play hooky with him. No way! He kidnapped her sister and forced her to be with him. She waited for the right time to get herself and her sister free. But when the time will come, will she want to get away from him?

NewEraCulture · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter-5: Monster

Aaron's POV:

It was hard for me to make my sweet mate suffer like that. But I had no choice. If I told her that she was my mate, then she might not have accepted me. I had to make her fall for me first and then, I could tell her. But then things messed up and I ended up kidnapping her sister. I never wanted to do that. And now it was even more difficult than before to make her fall for me. She thinks I am a monster!


I let out a deep sigh. She was sitting so close to me yet so far at the same time. I couldn't touch her, feel her or comfort her worries......because I was the cause of her worries.

Her scent was intoxicating. Her hazel brown long hair, bright blue eyes that resembled the deep blue ocean, her soft fragile body, everything was so mesmerizing about her. I'm so lucky to have her as my mate. But she doesn't recognize me yet.

That may be because of her lack of vampire senses. I had found out from my sources that she didn't drink much blood and mostly starves herself. Oh, my poor little mate!

*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* Alice's POV:

After some time, the car stopped in front of a huge house or you should rather say a palace. It was so deep in the forest I wondered if anyone even knew that such a place existed, let alone visit it.

A bulky man opened the door on my side. I hesitated before stepping out of the car. A cold breeze hit my face making me shiver.

Yeah, yeah. I know that vampires don't feel cold considering they are already low-temperature creatures, but in my case, I can feel cold just like humans. My body is also warm, as compared to vampires. I don't know why, but it never bothered me enough to try and find out. Maybe because I'm too lazy.

The gate of the palace was opened into a huge corridor. Huge because the ceiling seemed to be as high as the sky. I would have sprained my neck if I stared at it for any longer. The vampire who was sitting with me in the car walked past me. I guessed that he was the leader, considering his aura. Also, everyone seemed to bow their heads when he passed them.

Two men came and held my arm from each side so that I won't run. Seriously?! He made a deal with me man, then why do they think I'd run? I'm a lady of my words, you damned creatures!

"Why have you brought me here?" A voice echoed in the corridor, as we were walking towards a huge door. Oh, yes! It's my voice.

The man, who I supposed to be the leader, turned his head towards me and waved his hand in the air, signaling his guards or whatever they were to leave.

I hadn't realized that we were standing in front of a huge oak door until he opened the double doors and bowed his head, telling me to go in first.

What? A gentleman? All of a sudden after kidnapping me? Huh! Funny.....

I entered the room. It was really warm and cozy compared to the big cold corridor. It looked like a study room. A large case filled with books was at the north wall of the room. While there was a fireplace at the south wall, a formal study table placed near it. I was snapped out of my observation when the door behind me closed.

So. now I am alone with this freaky kidnapper in the room?

"What do you want from me?" Finally, my voice came out again, breaking the silence. He just stared at me, not answering my question. Finally, he opened his mouth only to mock my patience.

"There is nothing you can give me besides yourself." He answered nonchalantly.

A mischievous grin took place on those thin lips. My eyes twitched at the sight while my fists clenched in pure rage.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I was done with his smile. Although it was gorgeous, it was not what I wanted for an answer.

"You will figure that out later. But till then, you will stay here."

"Huh? Are you dumb or what? You have kidnapped me and my sister. Now you want me to stay here for some shitty reason, which you are not even telling me?!" I was feeling dizzy and my eyelids were getting heavy too. A cold sweat broke out on my back. I was done with this shit. I couldn't bear this anymore.

My already not-so-perfect life had gotten completely messed up because of this vampire and I didn't even know why it was happening to me.

Hearing my words, his expression darkened as his jaw clenched.

"This is not some shit reason." He said, taking long furious strides towards me. When he reached me, he grabbed my arm in pure anger.

"You are supposed to be here! You are meant to be here, with me!"

After that, everything went black and I was waiting for the impact of falling on the ground.