
My Half-Vampire Mate

His eyes traveled all over my body, from head to toe. It made me self-conscious for some reason. "The dress fits you well," then he paused and murmured, looking at the floor. "I was wondering if you'd like it or not." "Huh?" His head turned to me again as if he was freed from a trance. "So now will you tell me what I have to do for you, sir?" I said sarcastically. "What?" He looked at me with surprise. "What? You have to have some purpose for keeping me here by force," I said, pressing on the last two words. He paused for a few seconds and then the lamest thing I could have ever imagined came out of his mouth. "Yes, you are here to serve me," he stated blankly. "What? Did I hear you right? You knocked me out, kidnapped my sister, and blackmailed me into coming here just to be your servant?" I cried out in disbelief. A smirk began to settle on his face as he took in my reaction. He was enjoying this absurdity even more! "Yes, dear. You are here to serve me. From now on, you will be with me 24 hours. All matters regarding me are your responsibility from now on." This is insane! Is he really a pervert? What is he trying to pull? "But you already have a lot of servants!" I protested. 'And they're always at your beck and call too! Why the hell would you have me kidnapped for this? And who gives new clothes and breakfast in bed to a servant?" This was driving me crazy. Was he playing with me? Probably, a rotten rich vampire prince playing for fun. But I was not going to play hooky with him. No way! He kidnapped her sister and forced her to be with him. She waited for the right time to get herself and her sister free. But when the time will come, will she want to get away from him?

NewEraCulture · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter-4: Taken Away

*It was dark. There was a hopeless silence lurking in the chilly atmosphere. My heart was aching. I didn't like darkness. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Help me!"


"Help me!"

I knew that voice. How couldn't I? It was Epic's voice. The voice was echoing in my mind. Urging me to wake up from this deep slumber and come to her aid. But where?*

I woke up, startled, and soon pain shot up my head. The flashes of past night flickered through my mind and realization hit me.

"Where is Epic?" My voice came out crumbled. I quickly got up on my feet with much effort. I was still feeling dizzy but I had more important things to do than to worry about it. There seemed to be a pool of blood dried on the floor where I had been lying. I didn't waste time pondering over it. I searched every room of the house, even outside the house. She was nowhere in sight.

I was worried sick for her. Where would have they taken her? What would they do to her? What was I supposed to do in this situation?

Suddenly, a voice in my mind said that I should go back to that dark alley where I met those freaks for the first time.

I ran in my vampire speed out of the house and in no time I was standing in that alley. It was a bright morning, so, the alley wasn't that dark at all. However, it was still isolated and shabby looking.

My eyes scanned every corner of the alley to see if I could find anything related to those vampires. When I was searching, I heard a sarcastic voice behind me.

"Looking for someone?" My head snapped towards the voice, startled by his sudden arrival. This sudden action caused black dots to appear in my vision but I didn't let it show that I wasn't in my best state. That would give them a chance to subdue me.

It was the same vampire who had pinned me to the wall. I looked into those bright hazel eyes and took cautious steps towards him.

"Where. Is. My. Sister? Tell me or I will rip you apart rib to rib!" I bellowed, my voice full of rage.

I, myself, had never thought that I would ever speak in that tone to anyone. But this jerk had kidnapped my sister!

"Well, well..." A smirk formed on his face as he stared at me from head to toe. "You are far more interesting than I thought."

That moment, I just wanted to wipe that smirk off of his annoyingly handsome fuck of a face. Suddenly, rage hit my head and I punched at his face hard. Well, at least I wanted to do that!

As my fist was about to collide with his cheek, he caught my hand and pinned me to the wall for the second time.

Oh, great!

I tried hard to get free from his grip but his hold just got stronger.

He leaned close enough that our faces were just inches apart and whispered in my ear. "I told you to come with me but you ran away. You also disobeyed my men and now you are in a dangerous situation princess, just because of your ego. Now if you

want your sister alive, you should come with me, obediently. What do you think about that?"

Saying this, he moved back so that our eyes were at the same level now. For a second I was molded in his hazel eyes but then I remembered that I was trapped in between a wall and a handsome, strong vampire, who was standing extraordinarily close to me and he was the kidnapper of my baby sister!

For God's sake, Alice! He's also kidnapping you at the moment!

At that thought, I snapped back from whatever trance I was in and looked confidently into his eyes.

"If I come with you, you will let my sister go," I demanded, holding his stare. I didn't know what this sick bastard wanted from me, but I could do anything for my Epic. She was the only family I had left and I wasn't going to lose her because of some petty, handsome, ruthless, sick, vampire!

A grin appeared on his handsome face and he shook his head in agreement. He pointed towards the street where a black car stood.

"There's a car waiting there. You should better get in it if you want your sister's safety."

He let go of me and started walking away. But then he stopped abruptly and turned to face me. "If you try anything stupid, I will make sure you regret that forever. Just remember that you are not as strong as compared to me."

His words stabbed my heart like a dagger. He knew what damage his statement did as a satisfied look took place on his face after seeing me grit my teeth in anger. Smirking, he headed towards the car, and at that moment, I just wanted to slap that smirk off of his face, again. He signaled for me to get in the car as well.

I strode towards the car and sat on the back seat. He was sitting beside me.

I could feel his gaze on me which made me nervous for some reason. To avoid the annoying stare I turned my head to look outside the window. As the houses passed by we entered a forest.

The rest of the journey was silent and it was hard to breathe because my heart was aching at the thought of my sister getting hurt. I just wanted this to be a nightmare so that I could wake up to my peaceful life again where I knew my sister was far from danger.
