
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

A scary cunning family

A gang is commonly known as a group of criminals doing shady business all while following a harsh hierarchy, where disobeying orders is akin to death. But when it's a European gang in American lands, then the gang groups are mostly family members in leading positions and common people from the same origin country.

"The Britannia syndicate" was such a gang, its members were all one big family, and although they were not related by blood, they were related by their nation, England, and their goal to conquer America all again and become the new underworld rulers of the USA.

Its leader, Victor Donovan, code name "The Blade", was a ruthless ruler, who followed rules as long as they benefited his gang, and swiftly massacred gangs that planned to endanger his goals even before they choose to make a move. Victor was also a cunning man, he took over 2 states for his gang even before becoming its leader. Later on, making big moves and taking over 4 more states. This would've been a big move already, but due to his cunningness, Victor only conquered small states, choosing to build quantity first before going for quality, and his plan was meant to take years to succeed, but it had the lowest margin of risk possible to make his wish a reality. 5 years after taking the lead, Victor took the "Scarlet Shadow" for a bride, making her his advisor in the process.

"The Blade" 's wife, "Scarlet Shadow", also known as Isabella Morgan is a red-haired half British half Russian woman, daughter to the "Black Widow", Anastasia Petrova, and Thomas Knight, a former gang member and hero, who let go of his bright carrier to live a simpler life.

Anastasia was also the Russian gang leader, thus strengthening the relations between the two gangs.

Following their bond, and in the course of 17 years of hard work, "The Britannia syndicate" was able to control half of the USA, and with the help of their Russian allies, they could make lots of profit from it. Luckily, Victor was an only son, so no fight for the leadership position was going to threaten him.

Today, the couple is a happy family, with three children, and enough money to make them live like kings for who knows how many years, but Victor couldn't care less for money, for him it was an effective tool for his dreams, but only that a tool, and he was planning to use it to conquer three other states this year, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

But his leading position didn't make him forget about his children, he has three boys, the oldest, Lucius, 15 years, was already a strong one, he was able to assassinate 3 congressmen without alerting any police, all while they were having fun in a big hotel, they were playing with prostitutes, such an act is normal in America until we start talking about married congressmen, it was the equivalent of cheating on their wives and using money in a shady way. Thus the assassination was ignored and a huge commotion took place instead, making the US go into an uproar and give his father a small window in order to conquer 3 states totaling all 31 states under the " Britannia Syndicate".

The second and third children were not as bloody as the eldest, as the second, Arthur, 10 years old, was learning how to rule under his mother's tutelage, whereas Alexander, 3 years old, was still having it the easy way.

Things were going smoothly when 7 months after Lucius' move to kill the Congressmen, a strange thing happened. All the territories under the "Britannia syndicate", seemed to lose communication with the main territory, New York, all while an attack was going against that same territory. This could be explained in two ways, they were either betrayed, or mass attacked. And to their dismay, they were facing both dangers.

Due to Lucius killing three Congressmen in one wipe, he made the other Congressmen feel threatened, and thus seek a bad apple among the "Britannia syndicate". Two months later they found their double agent, a certain Jonathan Benett was the perfect persona for the character they were looking for, tempting him was easy, and so was strengthening his place.

And after 5 months of hard work, they were able to lead a counter-attack on the massive gang, and they believed their success was already validated.

Victor was and is a cunning ruler, and this is a fact, and one rule you should never forget when picking a double agent is that you should always know that a double agent's loyalty is only to his goals, and a good double agent will never tell his true goals no matter the situation.

The fact that every member of the "Britannia syndicate" has one goal in mind, and that is to rule the US underworld, and be the secret ruler of the strongest country in the world, this goal was not only a big condition to be part of the "Britannia syndicate", but it was also deeply put into its members' minds through long term brainwashing, thus fortifying the members' loyalty toward their leader and minimizing the traitor's risk among their ranks. But this move from the Congressmen was a big opportunity for Victor.

Victor made a choice to sacrifice himself and his wife, and also assassinate every famous gang leader in other territories in the US, as well as all the congressmen, thus making it seem as if someone attacked all the killed members as if they were related, and fleed, the double agent, Benett was also put in the list of assassinations, all while the eldest son, Lucius will have to recover all the territories later on, but for now, take this opportunity to, soundlessly take in all the other states under the "Britannia syndicate" gang, and then strengthen their hold of the underworld, thus achieving his father's life dream.

Lucius followed the plan to the letter, and although it took him 3 years, Lucius was able to make his gang, "Britannia syndicate", the strongest to ever take control of the US underworld, all while taking care of his two brothers.