
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

A Royal Birthday Party - PART I

* Lucius POV *

Today is my birthday, and thus the day of the royal banquet. Isadora made sure that she would help me dress up until I show the ability to do so by myself, and although I would always try to convince her otherwise, today made the exception, I had to show up in perfect form after all. I used the moment to open my status window.

[ Name: Lucius Celestia Solaris

Level: 0

Class: none - mana veins still locked

Subclass: none - mana veins still locked

Rank: Corporal

Title: Prince of the Kingdom of Lumina

HP ( Health Points ): 50

MP ( Mana Points ): 0 - Mana veins are still blocked

XP ( Experience Points ): 0


1. Physical:

Strength: 3 (0+3)

Agility: 5 (0+5)

Constitution: 4 (0+4)

2. Mental:

Intelligence: 9 (4+5)

Wisdom: 14 (8+6)

3. Unique:

Luck:47 (+40)

Charisma: 8

Mana: 0 - All the host's mana veins are blocked.

Skills: None

Spells: None

Talent: Aura eyes - Blocked due to the age restriction - Can be unlocked at the age of 5 ]

It seems Mother's harsh training regime paid well, and Isadora's help in physical activities helped too, I can't wait to start learning to control mana.

Just as my maid finished her task, my mother showed up.

"Are you ready to present yourself in a manner befitting of a future king, my son?"

"Of course, Mother, it is in my blood after all"

I took my mother's hand, and we walked along a dimly lit corridor, in the end of it, my father was waiting for us, I took my father's hand at his signal, and we made our entrance to the banquet hall with the announcement of a chairperson.

".....tonight inspire conversations that ripple beyond this gathering, fostering understanding and goodwill.

To His Majesty, we offer our most sincere gratitude for gracing us with your presence. To his family, we extend our warmest welcome and admiration. May the conversations be engaging, the laughter abundant, and the memories everlasting.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us raise our glasses high in honor of our royal guests. May this banquet serve as a chapter in the chronicles of friendship and kinship, a testament to the power of shared experiences and shared aspirations."

And at his signal, all our guests raised their glasses, from nobles and aristocrats to royal guests coming from far away kingdoms, and in the middle of it all, three of our guests didn't make a move, two men and one woman, one being fat, if the word still stood for his case, with elongated ears, clothes clearly oversize, as if to hide a little of his real weight, not what I was expecting from an elf, I'll make sure to make fun of him a little. The other two guests though were not sitting near him, they were sitting at a table on the balcony, on the other side of the hall, all by themselves, on the same level of height as our seats, and even though their seats gave away their identity, their looks made me question my beliefs for the first time since I took the mafia after my late pops demise. The couple looked young, the man was so handsome he could be called beautiful, and yet, he had a perfect body shape, the woman though was beautiful, and perfect, I mean I know I'm physically a baby, but wow, the man must be happy. One thing in common though, is the lack of a smile on their blank faces, I guess my grandparents aren't satisfied in the least.

Just as everyone was expecting us to sit, Mother called for the butler, and gave him a couple of orders, following which, our seats were moved, Mother's seat was put next to my presumed Grandma, whereas I was to sit in between Grandpa and Father. I already could see what I had to do in the next few minutes.

We walked into our new seats, and Father amplified his voice in order to start his speech by welcoming the guests, more like to ease the tension.

"Esteemed guests, friends, and honored allies" He turns to look at Grandfather and Grandmother.

"Welcome to this joyous celebration within the walls of our kingdom. Today, under the embrace of our realm's magic and the watchful eyes of the stars, we gather to commemorate a precious moment in our lives – the first birthday of my beloved son.

With hearts brimming with happiness, my queen and I extend our most sincere gratitude to each one of you for gracing us with your presence on this special day. Your presence honors not only our family but also the bonds that unite us as a kingdom, as a community, and as friends.

As I look upon my young prince, I am reminded of the blessings bestowed upon us and the promise he carries for our future. His laughter is the melody that resonates in the halls of our palace, and his innocence is a reminder of the wonders that life holds. In his eyes, we glimpse the magic of possibility, and it is a privilege to share this enchanting journey with all of you.

Today, as we celebrate the completion of his first cycle around the sun, we also celebrate the circle of life, the circle of unity, and the circle of love that binds us. Just as a circle has no end, let our camaraderie and kinship remain unbroken throughout the ages.

May this day be a testament to the magic that courses through our world and to the bonds that weave us into a tapestry of stories, experiences, and memories. As we revel in the enchantment of this moment, let us also look forward to the journeys that await our young prince, and the wisdom he shall gain from the paths he treads.

So, let us raise our glasses in a toast to the laughter of childhood, the love of family, and the unity of our kingdom. May our connections remain as strong as the roots of the oldest trees, and as bright as the stars that guide us. To the joy of today and the promise of tomorrow, I offer my deepest gratitude and welcome you all to this celebration of life, magic, and the unbreakable bonds that weave us together."

As he finishes his speech, I stand up and go to his side, then I bring my hands up, a gesture for him to hold me, and as he does, I ask him to amplify my voice just like he did.

"Good day to you, esteemed guests, my name is Lucius Celestia Solaris, prince of the kingdom of the humans, the Lumina kingdom. I wanted to welcome you myself since this party is in my name, and to the people of our dear kingdom, I implore you to take care of the guests coming from neighboring kingdoms, the elves of Aetheria" I said the last sentence with a way too wide smile it could be mistaken for a joke, gotta take care of my victi.... guests. " The dwarves of Mystoria, the gnomes of Alchemora, the nymphs of Sanctaria, and lastly..." I turned to the ones for whom I did all this showing-off, and as if on cue, their mouths opened up to match their eyes."The angels of Celestia, my grandparents."

And right after that, to show that this is a baby talking, I had to act a little silly; "Father, you can put me down now" This ignited a series of laughs and claps from the hundred guests or so.

And as I sat in my seat, my supposed Grandfather started speaking.

"- I heard you're a genius, I didn't believe it, but now I see you're given less value than what you deserve." I guess I overdid it a little.

"- Mother taught it to me personally, it's only right for me to be perfect.

- Indeed, I'd expect no less from my child, even if her lineage was dirtied by lesser races." I see how he wants to play it.

"-Then why not help evolve this race you call lesser, and make your daughter's house better?"

The question shut him up, and I could see him already looking at me in a different light, too bad he can't take a baby too seriously. From his other side, I could see things already warming up between my mother and her mother, and at my side, Father was looking like a painted statue. I had to change it.

"- Grandpa, Father looks funny doesn't he?

- Oh sure he does, dear, like a monkey dressed to be a clown, HA HA HA HA". What a bitch, I just made fun of him, and he's already making the same mistake again, I mean I could relate but don't curse in front of a child for god's sake, even I didn't do it and I was a gangster.

"- Bad Grandpa, Mother, Grandpa just cursed father".

And that did all the magic, Mother looked at my father and then at her father, she then called a maid, ordered for my seat to be put next to her, and made a gesture to Father, as if to say 'You better not fuck up', while another one of the kinds of 'You better not curse un front of my child', and the funny thing, Grandmother was smirking at the side, as if she got it all, while Grandfather was deep in shame enough to not notice a thing.

As I sat in my seat, I decided to start talking with my Grandmother.

"- Hello, granny.

- Oh, hello dear.

- Grandfather called me a lowly race monkey, and I wanted to ask you if you share the same opinion.

-He what?" Mother almost went on to choke him, but I had to let Father play it safe.

"- It's okay Mother, isn't Father talking with him? leave them be.

-Okay my dear." That calmed her down a bit.

"- So what's your opinion, Grandmother?" Mother turned half expectantly half warning to Grandma.

"- Oh, dear, you're no monkey to me, but you have to understand, your father kidnapped my little cookie here, and then forced her to marry him, you Grandfather, can't be happy about it now can he?" She said that as if she was sure that I would understand every word of it, damn, Grandmothers are cunning no matter where you go.

"-Hold on a minute, he asked for my hand in front of you, and I accepted in front of you, so him kidnapping me is but your version of the story. Now I know why you didn't accept his proposal, it's only because you planned for me to become a noble, to strengthen your royal lineage, but my dear husband wanted me to become a queen, as I should have if not for your dirty plan, and as I am today, no thanks to you, so don't you blame a man on an angels fault.

- I guess, my father wasn't the one at fault, now was he?" I finished.

My Grandfather, listening to that, turned to his son-in-law and said.

"- You turned my daughter on me didn't you, Soren?

- How could I, Lord Uriel? Your daughter is the queen of not only the humans but also my queen, and believe me, she's quite the scar.., I mean strict, quite the strict one." He almost whispered the last sentence and as he looked up, Mother was looking at him as if she already heard it all. Needless to say, this made the angel king happy, and yet his own queen was silently warning him.

"Aurora grew to be quite the fine woman she was supposed to be, and quite the dutiful wife, just like her mother." Seems the old men were already warming up to each other, I wish I could find a way to slip up, I could make fun of the elf just fine, but Grandmother seemed to find joy in playing with my body, like a puppet of sorts, typical of a granny.

I turned to Mother, who was showing off how much work I had done in the last period, and gestured to my tummy, a sign of my hunger, for which she called the maids to bring a table, and allowed guests to start eating, I saw the elf breathing a sigh of relief, I could already guess what he was thinking. I took my fork with my hand, and my knife with the other, and started eating elegantly, surprising my Grandparents, and making my parents even more proud.

A.N: 2057 words, how's that? Anyways, I know some may think that a gangster saying tummy or silly is just not right, but I believe that a baby's a baby no matter what, and a brain's baby, coupled with him acting like one for 6 months just puts him the statue to speak like that, what's crazy is someone transmigrating into a baby's body and starting to talk like a 40 years old Businessman, and then nobody thinks there's something wrong, I mean I do believe in souls but I don't understand them enough to say that they could make such a situation possible. And still, I'm open to suggestions and corrections