
My Girlfriend Is A Demon

One day a male teenager [Rikki Thao], crush [Emica Amano] confesses to him, but then all of a sudden they're attack by a demon. She turns into a demon and the young man [Rikki] suddenly remembers it all now. They then continue with life knowing that they're demons and monsters out there attacking and praying on men kind. Now it is up to them to put an end to the demon and monsters kind. *Covers not mine* Hope you enjoy this story, if not I am sorry then, I try to update chapters every Friday.

AnimeForLife_Chu · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

The Demon Who Uses Magic Part 1

I woke up and Emica is still there holding me, I slowly get up, but surprisingly Emica still holding onto me. I can't see anything except for Emicas boobs. I close my eyes and I can see a map like thing for my house inside my mind. I slowly use the map in my head to move around my house. I get inside the bathroom. I get Emica off of me and she's just standing there half-awake yet half-asleep. I laugh and clean my face, I bring over a wet small towel to Emica and clean her face. I get us new clothes to wear and turn on the water in the bathtub.

I walk to my room and get my sword out, I say "Come Out Homura!!!" He comes out and says "Yoooo Rikki what's up!? Also, you don't have to yell to summon me. You just have to be thinking about summoning me. Then I shall appear in thin air." I reply "oh my bad, but I just want you to go outside and look around to see if any demons were here last night." Homura runs outside and starts to search around.

I hear footsteps behind me, so I quickly turn around. It's Emica, but she looks like she was ready to pounce on me. I walk to her and take her clothes off. I also take my clothes off and we both go inside the bathroom. I put Emica in the bathtub and wash her hair. I clean her hair and wash her body. While I was washing her boobs she moaned and grab my hands. She made my hand grope, squeeze it more, and make them move around. I laughed and take my hand off her boobs. I say "does Emica want to do it that bad?" Erica is blushing and nods. I laugh and pat her head and walk to the shower and turn on the water.

I clean my hair and body, someone puts their arm around my neck and make me sit down. I look back and it's Emica I question myself "when did Emica get this strong?" I then turn back and just sit there and see what Emica going to do. She then rubs something behind my back, I thought it myself "what is this? It feels familiar but I can't remember what it is? Think Rikki what is it? It's soft, round, there are two of them, has heat, and Emica has them. Wait!!!! They're her BOOBS!!! I slowly look back and see Emica boobs rubbing against my back and she's breathing hard. I can see her breath in the air and she's blushing as well. I say " hey Emica you can stop now I still got to check with Homura, to see if there were demons here last night."

Emica hugs me and I get up and walk out of the bathroom. I get a towel and wrap it around us, but all of a sudden I get a phone call. I check who it is and it's Chuck and them. They're calling from the group chat. I answer it and say "hello what is it, guys?" Chuck reply "is Emica asleep? If she is can we see how she like when she sleeps? Also, what are you doing?" I reply "sorry we just got out of the shower, Emica hanging onto me and won't let me go. Also, shut up man I'm not showing you how Emica looks like when she sleeps. Like I said go find yourself a girl first." Kujo says "forget what chuck said, but you guys heard about the demon attack last night? Well, an attack but I'm pretty sure it was a demon who did it." Issa says "yo can we come over? I'm hungry and don't want to get me/make myself food." I laugh and say "sure Issa you guys can come over and no Kujo I haven't heard about it until now. I will look into it more. Also, I told Homura to check around to see if demons were here last night but he hasn't come back yet." They all yell "Aye yes sir!! Bet We're coming over ASAP!!!!!!!"

They hang up and I look up and see that Emicas eyes are closed. I put away my phone and lay on my side on the bed. Emica grip loosens and I quickly turn around. Emica opens her eyes and rubs them. I grab Emica, carry her up and say "is Emica sleepy? Do you want to go asleep?" Emica yawns cutely and snuggles up on my chest. I pat her head, put her down in bed. I'm walking out of the room but feel something wrong. I turn around and Emica pounces at me. I hit my head on the floor and I feel dizzy. I slowly get up with Emica hanging onto me. I say "so you're not tired then? If so put on your new clothes, Chuck and them are coming over and I don't want them to see you naked." Emica replies in a cute voice "no Rikki put clothes on me. I want to stay with Rikki, Rikki has to stay with Emica too." I laugh and reply "ok ok I will then." Emica lets go of me and puts her hand up. I put on my clothes and walk to Emica with her new clothes. I put Emica bra on her, her underwear, shirt, and finally pants.

The doorbell rings and I walk out of the room to get it. When all of a sudden I feel heavy and dizzy, the back of my head started to hurt, so I touch it and saw blood on my hand. I look back and Emicas eyes are red. I managed to say "Emica what's wrong?" BOOM!!! Everything black.

I feel someone licking the back of my head, I slowly get up and they grab my head and put me back down. I get up once again but I quickly jump up this time. I see Emica there, she has blood on her lips, hands, stomach, and thighs. I say "what happened Emica? Why do you look like that? Did Chuck and them come over yet?" I look at her eyes and they're red, I get my phone and see Chuck called me 15 times, Kujo called me 13 times, and Issa called me 10 times. I check what time it was and it was already 5 pm. I touch the back of my head and blood still there. All of a sudden I hear a loud BANG!!!!! I get my sword and walk to the sound, it came from the back door. I slowly walk there and open the door while getting my sword out. It's HOMURA!!!??!!

I put down my sword and say "what happened Homura? Why were you banging on the door? Wait why hasn't it broken yet?" Homura replies "sorry Rikki but I've felt weird like something took over me, so I thought something bad happened to you. I tried coming back to the sword, but I couldn't it was like something was not letting me in. I tried coming back inside the house, but I still couldn't get in. I look inside the window and saw Emica drink and licking your blood. She had a red and black aura around her, I started to feel dizzy, so I ran to the back door and tried smashing it open." I put away my sword and walk to my room, I see Emica and Homura wasn't wrong she did have a red and black aura. I slowly walk up to her and hug her. She gets her hand and puts it in the back of my head. She then licks the blood from her hand that was from my head. I started to feel dizzy.

Homura grab my sword, phone, and me and ran outside. I started to feel better again. I say "hey Homura! Why did you do that? I just wanted to hug Emica." Homura replies "sorry Rikki, but if you keep staying with her she will drain your life away from you." I laughed and got my phone and called the group chat. Chuck answered and say "Bro you good man when we got there Emica had you in her arms and was licking the back of your head. She had red eyes so we came inside and ask what happened. She just ignored us. I tried to see what happened to you but she growls at me. So we all just went home." I reply "sorry bro something happened to her, but I'm all good now." Chuck hangs up for some reason and Homura says "Rikki why haven't you heal your head yet?" I reply "oh shoot you right why haven't I?!?" I close my eyes and noticed that Emica aura/scent was in front of us. I focus on my head and felt energy flowing around it. I open my eyes and touch the back of my head, no blood I laugh. I say "Homura put me down she's here already." Homura replies "okay then." Homura puts me down and I run to Emica, she sees me and runs at me too. I jump and she jumps as well. We're about a foot away from each other and I quickly turn right and go behind Emica. She's surprised and tries to dodge me but it was already too late for her. I hold her close to me and whisper next to her ear "Emica listen if you want me to let you go tell me what happened. Also, calm down Emica no one going to hurt you while I'm here." She growls at me and I say "Hey!! What did I just say!?!?!"

She calms down and Homura says "Rikki!! Her eyes are back to normal!!" Emica looks around says "Rikki why are you holding me out in the open?!? Where are we? Why am I here? Weren't Chuck and them coming over?" I laugh and kiss Emica check and carry her. I say "Homura go get Chuck and them and bring them to my house okay?!" Homura replies "Okay I will!!!" He runs off and Emica looks at me. I look down and her left eye is red but her right is normal. I put my hand on Emica left eye and she says "what are you doing Rikki!?!?" I reply "shhh quiet stay still Emica" I close my eyes. I see darkness, evilness, greediness, selfishness, and the thirst for blood. I laugh and put my energy in there I see a red and black dragon as my energy. It goes inside Emica and most of the darkness, evilness, greediness, selfishness, and thirst for blood are gone. I open my eyes and Emica says "Rikki your right eye what happened!!!?!!??" I laugh and reply "don't worry it's nothing it will go away soon." I kiss Emica on her forehead. I get my sword and a weird wave hits me. I fall but barely catch myself and Emica. Emica says "Rikki I feel weird like I feel something inside of me moving around." I laugh and reply "that must be the energy that I sent inside of you." Emica face turns all red and she covers her face with her hands. I laugh and run back home with Emica in my arms.

We arrive and Chuck and them are already there. I say "was good guys!? Sorry for what Emica did she was just protecting me." Chuck replies "sure she was "protecting" you while drinking your blood." Kujo replies "you good Rikki why didn't you call us." Issa replies "what happened to your right eye, Rikki!?!" I laugh and reply "yes she was protecting me. Also sorry Kujo I did but only Chuck answered and it's a long story, Issa."

I feel a demonic presence close by, I put Emica down and say "all of you guys stay here Homura will protect you guys." I get my sword out and run to the demonic presence. I find myself at an abandoned mall. I walk inside and I see all red and black for some reason. I look at my hands and they're red and black. I look around to see where that demonic presence is coming from. Berr!!!!!!! A magic ball comes at me from my right, I get my sword and I cut it in half. I run in the direction where the magic ball was shot from. A demon with horns, a hat, a cape, a strong muscular body, and a staff. I charge at it and it points at me. I feel a demonic and thirst for blood feeling come inside me. It spread and scatter everywhere inside of me. I still charge at it and slice the finger that was pointing at me. After that, I couldn't move my legs for some reason. I close my eyes and saw a demonic spirit was inside my body. I focus and fought it spiritually, my red and black dragon fought it. Also, I saw Homura spirit as well he was helping my red and black dragon. Maybe about a minute or two passes, the spirit was destroyed and I open my eyes. That demon ran away, but I still can track him down. I follow his energy tracking him down. I noticed he was running to Emica and them. I focus my leg muscles and ran maybe about six or seven times faster than my normal speed. I catch up to him about 40 to 50 seconds later.

I see him and tackle him down, I see Homura and them. Homura runs to me to help me, but I say "Homura!!! Don't let it point at Emica and them!!!!" The demon struggling to get out of my grip. I pull him up and get my sword and stab his chest into the ground. I get off him and form a dragon claw and put energy into it. My hand starts glowing black and red, I can see my dragon, it comes out and circles around my fist. I jump up about four to five feet high and punch the demon face and it knocks out cold. My dragon goes inside the demon and it comes out of it after two minutes. I was confused, but I got his legs and pulled them so my sword can cut through him. BRRRRR!!!!!!! Four magic ball comes at me from my back, front, left side, and right side. I get my sword and slice all of them in one go. I spin in a circle and cut all of them and they disappear. The demon gets up and is all healed up for some reason. It looks at me and laughs. I was confused and mad, so I charge at it and it points at me but I dodge it. I put more energy into my legs and arms. I'm about two feet from it and I step once and bring my sword up and slice down. I cut his right shoulder, but I didn't cut it off because he points at me before I could finish cutting it off. I'm sent flying back about ten feet from the demon. I land on my back and jump back up.

I look around to see where it is and it's running at me. I get ready for him, I put my right leg back and left leg front. I hold my sword with my right hand and my left hand is at the tip of my sword. I bent my knees a little bit, so I could move quickly if my plan didn't work. It comes closer and closer, I count "three....two...ONE!" I jump up behind him and stab his back. I left him up and he's struggling to get the blade out of his chest. I laugh and slam him to the ground. He yells out loud "CHIKARA!!! AKUMA!!!! KETSUEKI!!!!! BASAKA!!!!!!!!!" He rips his chest bigger and punches the ground and goes up, I stop him and punch him back down. He screams and makes my sword cut through his left rib. He gets up and shoots a gust of wind at me and I quickly grab my sword. He gets up and runs to Emica and them. I'm still holding my sword and get my feet on the ground I pull my sword out of the ground and I'm sent flying back. I land on my feet and start running at the demon.

The Demon laughs and was about to point at Emica, but Homura came and rip its arm off and threw it back towards me. I got my sword and it sucks the arm inside and takes the energy from the arm. I jump up and put my dragon energy in my sword cut the demons head off. The dragon goes around the head and swallows the head. I hear the demon laugh inside my head and it says "BAISHU!!!!!!! KIJO!!!!!!!!!" Homura yells "Protect Emica at all cost!!" I look around to see where Emica is and she's with Chuck and them. I look where the demon's body is and Homura is holding it down on the ground. I run to Homura and stab my sword through the demon and into the ground. I yell to Chuck and them "take Emica to a safe place far from here!!!!" They run off and I see Homura sent flying and he hits a tree. I look back and see the demons head, arm, stomach, and left rib is back. He laughs and says "you think she can escape me? Do you not know who I am? I am Dai Majikku!!!!!" I look around to see where my sword is and it's still there in the ground.

BRRRR!!!!!!!! A purple electric magic ball flies towards me. I close my eyes and focus my breathing and I open my eyes. The magic ball about three feet away from me and I wait there until it's close enough. I count "one...two...THREE!!!!!!" I catch the magic ball with my right hand and spin in a circle and throw the ball back to the demon. Dai is surprised and reacts too slow and gets hit by his magic ball. His head disappears and I laugh and say "you couldn't even block your magic ball!!" Dai claps his hand together and his head reappears. He snaps and three lightning bolt and fireball and they're aimed at me. I laugh and run to him and duck and kick his feet and he falls. I get up and run to my sword and look back, Dai still laying on the floor. His body looks like it is getting stuck on the ground. I look around for the three lightning bolt and fireball, I sense magic from behind. I do a backflip and see the lightning bolt and fireball pass me. I land on my feet and run to Dai. He's still laying there for some reason, I get my sword and stab through his heart and into the ground. BOOOM!!!!! the dirt flies everywhere and it's dusty. A gust of the wind comes and the dust is gone. It's HOMURA! He standing on Dai and looks at him. My sword quickly swallows Dai up, I get confused and pick up my sword and think about summoning Dai but only magic comes out and circles around my sword. I thought to myself "what happened? Where's Dai at?" I say out loud "Ummmm Homura isn't Dai suppose to be summoned if I think about being summoned?" Homura replies "yeah he should be out unless...THAT WASN'T HIM!!!"

I close my eyes and focus hard to track where Emicas scent and presence are. Also, for Chuck, Kujo, Issa, and Dais's presence as well. I found them, they're at my house. I say out loud while my eyes are closed "Homura they're at my house carry me and get there as fast as you can. If I open my eyes I will lose track of where they're at." Homura relies "Okay you can count on me, Rikki!" He carries me and BOOM!!! We're up in the sky for maybe three minutes straight. I hear BOOM!!! I'm pretty sure we're on the ground, I noticed Emica and their presence and scent moved to the abandoned mall where I first found Dai. I say "Homura go to the left now" Homura replies "okay then." He turns right and then BOOM!!!! We're up in the sky again but this time about five to seven minutes long. BOOM!!! We're on the ground once again. Emica and them are still in the abandoned mall. I say "Homura turn right and just run don't jump this time." He turns right and stops, gets on all four. He picks me up and puts me on his back. He starts flapping his wings, I can feel his muscle move, and VOOM!!! We're off flying straight at the abandoned mall, PHWOOO Homura stops in front of the abandoned mall.