
My Girlfriend Is A Demon

One day a male teenager [Rikki Thao], crush [Emica Amano] confesses to him, but then all of a sudden they're attack by a demon. She turns into a demon and the young man [Rikki] suddenly remembers it all now. They then continue with life knowing that they're demons and monsters out there attacking and praying on men kind. Now it is up to them to put an end to the demon and monsters kind. *Covers not mine* Hope you enjoy this story, if not I am sorry then, I try to update chapters every Friday.

AnimeForLife_Chu · Urban
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9 Chs

The Demon Who Uses Magic Part 2 (Final Part)

I still sense and smell Emica and the others presences and the scent are is still in the abandoned mall. I get off Homura and get my sword ready for any surprise attacks. Homura opens the mall door and walks inside. I walk behind him and close the door quietly. Dais's presence gets closer to me from the right, so I jump to my left and Dai's at my right with an electric purple magic ball. SHIANG!! I get my sword out and it absorbs the magic ball, I turn it the other way, so the blade can face Dai. I swing my sword down and DOOM!! Dai disappears I look around and I don't sense his presence anymore. Homura yells "HEY!! Rikki, I found them! Up here!" I jump up to the second floor and see Chuck and them, but Emica was missing. Chuck's right arm, Kujo's left leg, and Issa's right leg is missing. They're not conscious which is good. I say to Homura "Homura put pressure on the open wounds, so blood can stop coming out. Also, take them back home I have a first aid kit there, so fix them up." Homura replies to me "alright then I will do that then."

I ran outside and run up a tall tree, which was maybe 30 or 35 feet tall. I close my eyes and turn off every sense I have except for my hearing and smelling sense. I could hear baby birds, cars, people talking, the wind blowing at the trees, demons walking around in the forest, and finally, Emica crying. I smell the animals in the forest, food that people were eating, the blood and meat that the demons had or left, and finally the most amazing, beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, lovely scent I ever smelled which was Emicas scent.

I turn back on all of my other senses, jump forward, land, and follow the scent of Emica. I keep running and running. I close my eyes and focus on my energy and muscles. I put more muscle and energy into my legs so I could get there faster. I open my eyes and stop and see another abandoned mall. I stop the energy and muscles from going just only to my legs but everywhere now to keep balance and ready for anything. I got my sword ready, so if a demon jumps at me they're a goner and mess up big time.

I push the door and walk in, I smell Emicas scent. She's right above me, so I jump up and land on the floor safely. I smell something bad and I realized it is BLOOD?!? I see Emica curl up in a corner. There's blood on the floor and it leads to Emica. She has blood on her hands, hair, pants, shirt, and shoes. I slowly put down my sword and walk towards Emica. I'm walking slowly and quietly to her until I hear a CLANK!! She looks at me and her eyes are RED?!? She gets up and looks like she's going to charge at me. I slowly walk back and get my sword. But when I pull it up it goes down fast and something tugs it away from me. I look back and see Dai! I pull my sword away from him SHIANG!!! I get my sword out and charge at him, Dai waves his hand BOOM!!! I close my eyes and went through a wall. I open my eyes and see Emica on my left and Dai standing maybe eight to ten feet in front of me. I look to my right and I see Chuck's right arm, Kujo's left leg, and Issa's right leg?!! I look to my left again and Emica is gone. I barely manage to get up, I lean to my right then to my left. I step back and lose my balance and fall, but someone catches me.

I look up and see Emica and I noticed Emica has fresh blood on her face. I rest my head on her chest. I feel her licking the back of my head. I close my eyes and focus on the back of my head, so it heals. Emica puts me down safely and stands up, she runs to Dai ZWOOMD!!! I can't see her. Dai flies up, down, right, left, and down. BOOM!!!! Dai on the floor, all bloody, and his right arm and left leg are missing. DOOMMMMM!!!!!! Dust flies everywhere FWOOSH!! A gust of wind comes and removes the dust. I look up and see the roof and windows are broken. I look straight and see Emica standing in front of Dai. I get up once again, but this time I'm healed and have more energy. Emica picks up Dai and rips his neck and throws Dai at me. I get ready and bring my sword up, I make it go down, but at an angle going down. I step back with my right leg and bend my legs, so I could be able to jump somewhere if my plan goes wrong. Dai still flying at me and I put my dragon spirit into my sword and charge at Dai, but I didn't stab him right away. I jump over him and stab him down on the ground. I spin my sword around and my dragon goes inside of him. Dai turns black, red, and purple. He slowly dissolves and my sword takes him in. My spiritual dragon comes back to me, Emica looks at me and her eyes are red, black, and purple.

Emica growls and she runs to me, I throw my sword and form a fist and put my dragon into it. Emica jumps and I hit her chest, but this has to be my weakest and lightest punch ever. I hit Emica and she falls and I catch her, I kiss her forehead and get my sword. Dai comes out of my sword and says to me "well looks like you got me, but like you know Emica isn't herself right now. I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to beat her. Well since she drinks some of your blood and also your dragon is inside of her she will survive, but it will take time. This curse I did was a stronger and more dangerous one than the one I did to you, Rikki." I reply to Dai "Dai so you can't remove it then? " Dai replies to me "no I can't Rikki I'm sorry." I laugh and reply to Dai "it's all good Dai I know she will make it." Dai nervously laughs and goes back inside my sword.

I jump outside the abandoned mall and run back to Homura and them. I see my dragon going around inside Emicas body. I focus my strength and muscles on my leg, so we can meet Homura and them faster. We get there about five to ten minutes later. I put Emica down on my bed and say to Homura "Homura go back inside the sword and also I got Dai as a servant/pet so don't be worried about him." Homura nods and goes inside my sword, I hold my sword above Emica. I close my eyes and see Homura and Dai spirits inside my sword, so I stab Emicas chest. But I didn't stab through her chest just poke her so blood can come out. When I saw blood come out I put Homura and Dai spirits into her to help my dragons and her spirit.

I close the door and got on top of her and put my hand on her chest, I close my eyes and focus on her spiritually, I see Homura, Emica, Dai, and my dragon fighting this black and white creature. I open my eyes, got off Emica, and search around my house to see if my grandpa left me more things that I didn't know.

I found a scroll that had something on it, it looks like a familiar symbol, but I can't remember where it's from. I get my sword and got it out, I make my sword tap on the scroll and the symbol. Nothing happens, so I cut myself and drop a drop of blood on the symbol, and it unseals itself. I focus on the cut and it heals, read the scroll and it says "Oh looks like you found it after all of these years huh? Well, this is about your sword a skill that I am sure you will be able to do. Here it is, your sword can take evil things and make its energy from it. Or magic whatever it makes from the evil thing is up to your choice. Also, did you know your sword can take a demon's body and make them come back to life as your servant or pet? Hehe, I'm pretty sure you already know, but I just wanted to say it. Well, have fun, Rikki, grow strong, and hopefully, you already or will find a girl for you that you will protect with your life. Here's a simple magic spell that you will learn easily. You just have to find a demon and then say "Yameru! Hyoketsu! Torappu!" The demon should stop and be in a cage or frozen. Here's the last thing I've left for you, it is a book about everything you will need to know about. They're demons, monsters, your sword, and finally magic/energy spell/control. You should find this under your bed, but you got to tap it with your sword, so it can come out. Well, this is it Rikki like I said Rikki have fun and take care of yourself."

I roll back up the scroll and put it on the side of my sword case. I put my sword away and got back on top of Emica and close my eyes and I see the black and white creature almost gone. I see my dragon eating parts of it. I also see Homura and Dai protecting Emicas spiritual form. I open my eyes and lay next to Emica, I hold her hands and close my eyes, I slowly blackout.

I feel something on me going up and down, I feel soooo weak for some reason. I can barely open my eyes, but I barely manage to open my eyes. I see Emica on me bouncing up and down. I say to Emica in a weak voice "hey Emica can you stop? I can barely talk and open my eyes. Wait until I have more strength and energy, then I won't mind you doing this." Emica stops and leans down towards me and replies to me in a sexy woman voice "okay then, but be ready then, I won't listen to any of your excuses anymore when I see you have more strength. I will listen to you until we can finally do it with each other. Hehe, can't wait then, R-ik-ki." Emica rests her head in my chest and puts her hand on my chest too. She giggles and slowly Emica and I fall asleep.

I felt something was wrong, so I open my eyes and see Emica is still sleeping on me. I look to my right then to my left and everything seems to be fine. I feel a little bit better I don't know why, but I just have a feeling something wrong. I close my eyes and scan the area to see if anything was nearby. Nothing was near except for birds and insects. I focus on my sword, then focus on summoning Dai and Homura. DOM! I open my eyes and see Homura and Dai standing there. I say to Homura and Dai "hey can you guys look around to see because somethings off but I don't know what though. Also, Dai set up some traps for demons and tell Homura where they're at, so he won't get trap. I will stay here with Emica and rest more because I don't have all of my strength yet. When I do I will help you guys out. Be safe and don't do anything reckless ok?" Dai and Homura reply to me "yes sir!" They run out of my room and Emica still sleeping.

It's so quiet that I can hear Emicas breathing, I can feel her chest move as she breaths in and out. I can feel her heartbeat, Her scent, and presence are back to normal now, so I know she's back to her normal self. I close my eyes and focus on my muscles. They're badly injured, so I focus on my energy and I barely got any left. I feel someone breathing on me and I hear someone say to me "Hehe, is Rikki awake yet?" I open my eyes and Emica there. She's smiles and says to me "oh Rikki is awake Yay! So are you ready now!?" I reply to her "no not yet I still don't have enough strength sorry I need more time to rest my body." Emica replies to me "no your lying! It is bad to lie Rikki!" She gets off of me and grabs me and pulls me off the bed. I'm standing up surprisingly, Emica says to me "see Rikki is lying you can stand, so your okay now." I laugh and I feel dizzy all of a sudden for some reason, I tried to take a step toward Emica, but I couldn't. I lean to my right then to my left, Emica laughs and I take a step towards Emica and fall. Emica catches me and says to me "so you weren't lying Rikki? I'm sorry Rikki, please go back to sleep I will make you some chicken noodle soup. Then I shall pamper you until you're all better, so we can do it hehe." She has a smirk on her face and she carries me up and puts me on our bed. Emica runs out of the room and I close my eyes thought to myself "wow Emica carried me like I was nothing!?! Dang it!! I got to get my strength back soon so we can do it!" I hear footsteps, so I open my eyes and see Emica there standing with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. She gets a chair and puts it next to me, she gets a spoon and gets some chicken and soup on the spoon. She blows at it and says "ahhhh" I laugh and open my mouth. She puts the spoon in my mouth and I drink the soup and eat the chicken. She feeds me about two bowls of chicken noodle soup. I say to her "thank you Emica if it weren't for you I would be starving right now." Emica got on top of me and laughs, Emica leans towards me says to me "You're welcome Rikki I'm glad that I was useful, and also this is a win-win anyway. You get to feel better soon and I get to feel pleasure soon hehe." She has a smirk on her face, so I use almost all of my strength to kiss her lips. She was surprised and push me back down. I couldn't move a muscle, so I just close my eyes and lay there. Emica laughs and says to me "Oh ho is Rikki asleep!? Rikki is super vulnerable right now. If I were to do something you couldn't do anything about it hehe." I smile and focus on resting my body, I feel someone head and hands on my chest. I'm pretty sure it's Emica because she's the only one in the room.

I'm about to fall asleep until I hear Homura voice he says to me [through minds] "Hey Rikki!? Are you still awake?! Dai is done placing his traps and I'm done searching around. What should we do now?" I reply to Homura and Dai [through minds] "see if Chuck and them need something if not just protect the house." Dai replies to me [through minds] "well what about you Rikki? Do you want us to do something for you?" I laugh and reply to Dai and Homura [through minds] "no Emica is pampering me. I've lost almost all of my strength, so we can only talk through our minds/master and servant connection. Oh, can I do this with Emica then because we also have a master and servant pact? Well, ours was by my sword, but mine and Emica are by a spell." Homura replies to me [through minds] "Ummm I'm pretty sure you can because Emica and you have been through a lot together and also she has your blood inside her body." I reply to Homura [through minds] "okay bet then I will try it, see you guys soon then." They both reply to me [through minds] "alright then bye and good luck Rikki."

I focus on Emica and I say to her [through minds] "Emica can you hear me?" I feel the head and hands on my chest get off of my chest. Then I hear Emica say to me [out loud] "Rikki!!? How are you doing this?!?!!!" I laugh and reply to Emica [through minds] "by our connection/master and servant pact/minds. Homura and I have been using this, so I thought I could use it with you because we also have a master and servant pact." Emica replies to me [out loud] "so how do I communicate with you then, so I don't have to talk out loud?" I reply to Emica [through minds] "by thinking about me and then just talk." Emica is all quiet and then I hear Emica say to me [through minds] "Rikki can you hear me?" I laugh and reply to Emica [through minds] "yep loud and clear nice job Emica." Emica giggles and rests her head and hands on my chest again.

I finally blackout and then all of a sudden I hear Emica say to me [out loud] "Rikki? Rikki? Are you awake? Do you feel any better ?" I open my eyes and see Emica starting at me and she smiles. I reply to Emica [out loud] "yeah, my strength is almost all back, so I do feel way better. Thanks to you because you were pampering me." I grab Emica and kiss her on the lips, but I hear CREEEEK! I stop and look at the door, I see Chuck, Issa, and Kujo. I look back to Emica and say to her [through minds] "Emica can you move I have to teach these boys a lesson." Emica replies to me [through minds] "okay then Rikki, but go easy on them okay?" I laugh and reply [out loud] "okay then I will." Emica gets off of me and I close my eyes and focus on my body muscles and energy. I feel a burst of energy within me. I open my eyes and I look at Chuck and them with a smug face. They get scared and slowly back away, but it's too late for them FWOOSH!!! I tap on Kujo's shoulder and he jumps up, he looks back and turns around, and says to me "oh it's just you Rikki don't scare me like tha-" I put my hand on his chest, I barely use any of my strength but BOOM!! He's sent flying with Chuck and Issa into my room. I laugh and go into my room and flip the bed over. Emica says to me [out loud] "why'd you do that Rikki!?!? I reply to her [out loud] " just watch and you'll see why." I get my sword SHIANG!! I tap the bottom of my bed with my sword and VWROM! A book comes out and I grab it. The book opens by itself and it's on a healing magic section. I read it for ten minutes and say to Chuck and them "hey idiots come here for a sec!!" They get up and walk towards me and they reply to me "yeah what is it?" I say to them "Iyasu!! Kokan!!!" Chuck's right arm, Kujo's left leg, and Issa's right leg comes back and is healed.

I put the bed back and fix it, Chuck and them say to me "hey Rikki we're going to go okay?" I reply to them "no stay here something off if you guys leave you're most likely not going to survive so stay here." Chuck and them reply to me "okay then have it your way, but you can't complain about us being loud and stuff then." Emica walks to me and hugs me, I hold her and reply to Chuck and them "go play some games for a while." Chuck and them reply to me "YES SIR!!!!" They run out of my room and turn on the TV and play station. I carry Emica up and close the door, DOOM!! I feel weak and run to my bed and I lay in bed with Emica. I say to her in a weak voice "sorry Emica I feel weak again for some reason. I felt good and better, but now I don't feel so well." Emica replies to me "It's ok Rikki I can pamper you more now hehe." She gets up and sits on the bed, she brings my head up and puts it on her lap. I laugh and reply to her "thanks Emica you're the best." Emica giggles and replies to me "shhh sleep now I will take care of you, Rikki." Emica starts humming a song that I've never heard before yet it was so calming, beautiful, and peaceful that I quickly fell asleep.