
New and novel theory

Looking at my speechless expression, the tall and thin man showed a smug smile on his face and quickly said, "Many people believe that there is such a thing as 'luck' in the world. For example, a gambler may win everything when he has good luck in the first half of the night. If he has bad luck, he may lose everything and become destitute. And what causes this situation is luck!"

I still couldn't fully understand it, but I vaguely felt that what this guy was saying might have some truth to it.

But I immediately reminded myself that this guy in front of me was a fraudster!

When encountering fraudsters, my first reaction is always to hold onto my wallet tightly!

The tall and thin man continued with his theory with a smiling face: "So what exactly is luck? It cannot be seen or touched. What is it made up of?"

"In fact, so-called luck is just a strange electromagnetic wave that exists in this world. It belongs to one type of brainwave similar to those humans can receive. It exists in the air and in this world but it's very rare."

"If I make an analogy," he walked around the table towards me while placing one hand on my shoulder and pointing at my head wrapped with gauze with another hand before coughing lightly: "This radio represents us while so-called 'luck' represents hidden FM signals within the airwaves."

"However, everyone's brain development isn't completely identical." He continued speaking more simply for me to understand better: "If someone's brain development exceeds others', then their brains can receive more 'luck,' making them relatively lucky compared to others who have less developed brains which means they will naturally receive less 'luck' resulting in being unlucky."

This theory seemed quite fresh! But I immediately asked him: "You mentioned brain development? But aren't people who are highly developed supposed to be intelligent? Intelligence and good luck are completely different things! There are also people with low IQs who have strong luck."

"Tsk," the tall and thin man rolled his eyes at me: "Does brain development equal intelligence? Have you read too many online fantasy novels? If we compare the human brain to a wireless radio, then having more developed brains is equivalent to having higher power than others. It doesn't simply refer to high or low intelligence!"

"Okay." I finally became interested, changed my posture, took out a box of cigarettes from my pocket, lit one for myself before handing another one over to the tall and thin man: "So according to what you said, what exactly is 'luck' made up of?"

The tall and thin man took the cigarette handed over by me while thanking me quickly. He then pulled out an exquisite lighter but instead of answering my question directly after lighting his cigarette he took a deep breath with contentment in his eyes before sighing: "I don't know."

Now it was my turn to jump up and down: "You don't know?"

The tall and thin man looked at me pitifully: "Brother, please understand that I am just a salesperson. I am not involved in product research and development within our company. As a salesperson, all I need is some basic theories. Just like if you ask a pharmacist about drug effects she can tell you but if you ask her how pills are produced or their chemical composition or manufacturing process she definitely won't be able to answer! For someone like me who's only responsible for selling products knowing how they work on such advanced levels as R&D processes would be considered commercial secrets which means there's no way for me to know!

I was a little annoyed because this guy was looking at me with a "your question is stupid" look.

He took another puff of his cigarette, cleared his throat, and put on a friendly smile again: "Alright, let me introduce our company's product now." With that, he took out the shiny little thing.

It was a ring, but it looked very cheap.

Why do I say that?

Firstly, the craftsmanship is rough and the texture looks like plated iron despite the tall skinny man telling me it's pure silver.

"Please note that this is our latest product. It has environmental protection, safety and no radiation features. Its main function is to enhance the power of brainwave reception for those who wear it! As long as you wear this ring, you can greatly increase your ability to receive good luck! Imagine from now on you will become someone with great fortune every day accompanying you in life full of joy and happiness!" His tone was full of excitement as he continued to spit out words: "Imagine if you buy one such product right away; your life will be improved immediately! Do you want to get rich? Do you have an unrequited love interest? Are you eager for promotion? Then don't hesitate; please purchase our products so all your dreams come true!"

Then he stared at me eagerly with anticipation written all over his face.

I watched him perform effortlessly until he reached his climax when I casually smoked my cigarette then quickly asked in a low voice: "Do you have a business license?"


"Do you have an operating permit?"


"Do you have a quality inspection certificate for your products?"

"No," said the tall skinny man sweating profusely by now.

"Very well," I smiled cunningly. "So basically what we're dealing with here are 'three-no' products."

"This product may not be recognized by any scientific institution worldwide from its technological perspective within short period of time," the tall skinny man's expression suddenly changed as if he had been hit by a door. He said with difficulty.

"Oh," I smiled again. "So what you're saying is that your product is still in the experimental stage and hasn't yet received official permission to be put on the market?"

The tall skinny man sighed, gestured at me, and I handed him another cigarette. After lighting it up, he sighed: "Brother, to tell you the truth, I'm also frustrated! You know our product is really amazing from a theoretical point of view but when I tried to sell it to someone a few days ago, that bastard thought I was a fraudster and even called the police on me! Now I have to hide everywhere; this is why we can't set up our company downstairs in an office building!" He shouted loudly with indignation: "Why? Why are people so stubborn? Why don't they want to accept things beyond their own knowledge?! "

His tone was full of dissatisfaction, anger, grievances and cynicism; those emotions sounded quite sincere!

"To tell you the truth," he continued pouring out his heart: "Our product does work very well but no one believes us! There's nothing we can do about it because this kind of thing goes beyond human cognition; only a few people will believe it." The tall skinny man seemed to be venting his frustration towards me: "But damn it! A few hundred years ago did anyone believe humans could fly? Did anyone believe humans could go into space? Did anyone believe humans could invent telephones or television sets?! Damn!"


My interest in this guy grew more and more.

Of course, I still didn't believe him; however, I felt that such a swindler was really creative!