
Do you believe in luck?

The tall and thin man had already assumed a standard posture for negotiating business as a white-collar worker in the company: "Mr. Chen Mu, first of all, I need to introduce our company's business to you. Our main business is not housing leasing, so please don't stand up in a hurry. I said that we do have houses available and the conditions will definitely satisfy you. However, before renting a house, there are several points that I need to explain to you."

"Firstly, as I just mentioned, our company's main operating project is not real estate but another type of product. Simply put, once you purchase this product from our company, then you will become a member of our company and enjoy very good benefits including many preferential services. Of course, your request for accommodation can also be included in the membership benefits and everything can be negotiated."

For a moment my mind was confused; I swallowed hard: "Wait wait wait...what do you mean?" I tried hard to digest what he had just said: "You mean if I buy one of your products then I can become a member and your company will help me solve my housing problem? What kind of organization are you guys? Even government officials nowadays don't get free housing anymore! Are your members like Al-Qaeda or something?"

"Of course not." The tall and thin man replied with an ingratiating smile: "Our company operates environmentally friendly projects with the aim of benefiting society by serving the general public; it is absolutely not what you call some terrorist organization."

Then suddenly he pulled out an enormous wooden box from under the table which startled me even more!

I couldn't believe it! Just now when he moved away from under the table there was nothing there at all! Where did such a big box come from?!

The tall and thin man ignored my surprised expression, and had already opened the first layer of the box. Inside was a slightly smaller box, which he then opened to reveal a second layer, followed by a third and fourth layer. I watched as he opened one small box after another, feeling like I was about to collapse under the pressure. Fortunately, he finally let out a sigh and spoke to himself with a bitter smile: 'I can't believe my luck is so bad that I ended up with such a low-level membership.'

The tall and thin man took out something shiny from one of the small boxes in his hand and held it between his fingers while looking at me with a smile. He introduced it in an extremely professional tone: 'Please take a look at our company's main product - we call it the Luck Adjustment Device. With this device on your wrist, you will be able to control your life completely and make it full of beauty! Do you want to achieve your dream career? Do you want to save thirty years of hard work? Do you want to marry the woman you've been admiring for so long? Do you want to become the center of attention for everyone? With our company's product, all your dreams can come true!'

Perhaps he was too excited when he spoke because I suddenly felt some spittle land on my face but he didn't even notice.

I wiped my face hard and finally confirmed one thing: I had encountered a swindler.

This guy's appearance was just like one of my friends who did pyramid schemes!

They both had the same fanaticism.

I wasn't going to waste any more time talking with him; I turned around and walked towards the exit on the rooftop.

But just as I took two steps forward, the tall thin man behind me suddenly said something loudly.

With just that sentence alone, I stopped in my tracks because this bastard used an acrid tone saying: "Chen Mu, weren't your parents educated enough to teach you how important it is to respect others when they are speaking?"

When I heard this sentence, a fire ignited in my heart!

This sentence hit the most painful part of my heart!

My parents died when I was young and they didn't educate me. As a result, I often received ridicule from others during my student years. But after I learned martial arts, no one dared to say such things in front of me again!

When someone said something like this back then, I punched him and knocked out all his teeth. After that, no one dared to mock me with these words again!

I quickly turned around and walked towards him while clenching my fists, ready to knock out his teeth as well.

"Wait wait wait," the tall skinny man shook his hands repeatedly and quickly jumped back: "Look, don't come over trying to hit me. I have carefully checked today's fortune-telling and won't be beaten up by anyone. If you don't want to hurt yourself, it's best not to use violence."

I bent down quickly and grabbed his shirt collar with one hand before walking briskly towards the edge of the rooftop while holding him up high above ground level.

The guy immediately screamed like a wild cat on summer nights calling for mates; never had I imagined that a man's scream could be more piercing than that of a woman or louder in decibels!

"You fool! Let go of me now! I'm afraid of heights!!" He hugged my arm like an octopus while kicking frantically with both legs like a frog.

"You said you've already calculated your luck today without any mishaps? Then did you calculate whether or not you would fall off the building today?" I looked at him coldly.

He blinked his big yellow eyes pitifully at me: "Nope...I didn't calculate that but it shouldn't happen." He begged continuously: "Please let go of me now; please...please...I really have acrophobia. I'm not afraid that you will throw me down, because I know you won't do it, but I'm afraid that you will scare me to death with a heart attack. I have a very serious heart disease and although there is no bloodshed today, I cannot guarantee that my heart won't fail."

This guy was crazy.

That was the first thought in my mind. Although I am not a good person, when it comes to offending lunatics like him, I wouldn't bother arguing with them since mental illness is excusable by law.

Moreover, he only ridiculed me once.

I let him go and stared at him coldly: "Listen up! No matter who you are or what you want to sell me on improving my luck; I'm not interested. Now if you'll excuse me..."

I had already decided to leave and immediately find the real estate agent who introduced this guy to me so that I could punch out his teeth!

"Don't you want to improve your luck?" The tall skinny man pitifully added another sentence from behind.

"Hmph!" Turning around and looking at him coldly: "I've heard of a saying before - whatever one wants must come with a price! I believe there are no free lunches in this world; furthermore, anything related to changing one's fortune is just nonsense. If anyone can change someone else's fate then they might as well become God!"

"How much one gets depends on how much effort they put into it." The tall skinny man suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Mr Chen Mu please don't be hasty yet. Can you answer one question for me? Do you believe in 'luck'?"


For a moment, I was stunned before frowning slightly: "Are you some kind of religious fanatic sent here for missionary work? Then let me tell ya something unfortunate - sorry pal, I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any religion; only myself."

"Exactly!" The tall skinny man snapped his fingers and smiled: "I also don't believe in any religion nor do I think there is a God in this world. However, luck does exist even though we can't see or touch it."

Still skeptical, I asked: "How can something that cannot be seen or touched possibly exist?"

"It exists!" The tall skinny man faced me directly and said firmly: "Air! Isn't air the same thing? We can neither see nor touch it but everyone knows that air exists! It's common sense.