
The king over the slave

Poor Phantesos. His own brother were in slave to him. Ikeloes was a task master. Already put him to work and it was only in the last five minutes. He help clean up the dinner room table and wash dishes. Ikeloes on the other hand was talking with the girls. How did it turn out like this?

"Ikeloes will be okay for him to do the dishes? Has he ever done this?" Ikeloes turn to the kitchen. Victoria was in there showing Phantesos how to wash dishes. The joy was written on his face.

"He will be fine. I had to chain him. He intentionally wanted to leave me all the work. He has done this numerous time. Its high time I teach him a lesson."

"But don't you gods use your gifts to clean up." Ikeloes smile. His handsome face brighten the warm in the girl heart. Lily turned bright red. Rosemary turn her eyes away and played with her hair. Ikeloes reach out his hand to Rosemary chin. Gently turn her face to meet with his.

"Little one, there are time we have to act human. From time to time we have to blend in. Hard work is one of them. We never fear to work along side humans. I tend to do more than work. So let get to work." He remove his hand from her chin. Now that the table has to clear. Books appears. The whole table was fill of them. The two girl put out a chair and started to pull one book at a time. Ikeloes smiled. Morpheus has taught them well. Straight to work they went. He sat down too and pull a book. After Phantesos was done. He came to the table. He was about to sit down too.

"Phantesos I see you are done. Now that you are done you can get the what we need. So go to the forest and find ash wood, wormwood, and pine wood. After that we need materials. Iron, lots of it. Sand to make the glass. And not just any sand. We need white sand. Volcanic rock too. That just the start of what we need. I will tell you the rest later. Go and get them now." Phantesos jaw drop.

"Am I to slave to you? To do every thing you say? This is not fair."

"You have to do what I say. As you can see that I am looked for spells to help us. And here you were going to leave me to do it all by myself. This time you get to do it too." Phantesos hung his head down.

"I still say it not fair."

"Not fair you say. How bout I go out and do nothing. You can do all of the work." Phantesos rise his head so fast. He started to panic.

"No, No. I'll go." Phantesos put his hands out to stop Ikeloes from rising out of the chair. He pat his older brother shoulders.

"You stay here and I'll go and get the materials. Okay big brother." With that he was gone. The girls laugh so hard they almost came out of their chairs.

"And that how you get a big dumb brother to work hard." Morpheus appeared with a book in hand. He looked around and didn't see Phantasos.

"Where did he run off to? I will bring him back."

"No need to worry. I took care of it. He will be back with some materials." Morpheus was surprised.

"How did you get him to work."

"Oh I have my ways." The girls giggle. Morpheus eye brow went up. Ikeloes just smiled at him.

"What can I say?"

"Just tell him the truth. It will be better this way than him finding out later." Both of the girls remember what happen to them. Ikeloes signed. Oh, he knew his brother can be scary. He told his brother every thing.

"So you put the slave and master spell on him. You know he can break that spell."

"O, I know how to break the spell. But have you to remember that he is lazy. And sample spells like that he can't remember them. So there you have it." Morpheus can remember that his little brother is lazy but there are some things that Phantesos knows. He will wait to see if he comes back. If not he will go and put on something more. Ikeloes knew the Morpheus would put a stronger spell on him.

"Just wait until he come back than you can put a better spell on him.

"I am more worried that he will come back in one hundred years later. He might find some way to get out of this. He maybe lazy but he still a god. And he can brake the spell if he want to." Ikeloes wavy his hand at him.

"No worried on top of the slave and master spell. There is a tracker spell. Its very hidden. He has no way of removing it." Morpheus nodded his head.

"How far did you get on the books? Where there thing we can use?" Ikeloes pulled out one book from the pile he had in front of him. The book was blue and bind in a leather cover. The cover was significantly falling apart. He open the book to the page and shown Morpheus. Morpheus took the book and read the page on it. It took he a minute to cipher the page.

The world is ash.

The world of worms.

We dream of the pine forests.

And walked on the beach.

A high shine of black rock.

Put in a box.

The man of the strong weight.

Sacrifice of Light to the darkness.

To rest dreams to peace.

It may work but there is a catch to it. Sacrifice of Light?

As he can see it was almost like the dream book said. He put the book on the table. The dream book he had on him. He open it to the page and put it next to the other one. The dream book was different. This book was pass to them by the high gods of their realm. More or less their father give it to them. The mysterious behind the book is that if one look in it. They will find what they are looking for. But not all things are right in it. Sometime it will make the reader feel stupid. So he found the passage:

I walked on the beach and dreams if the darkness.

The beach turn to black.

I saw a forest fill with pine, ash and worms.

Each hold a box and fill with light.

And on the each box a lid hold a man of iron.

But to sacrifice one of pure heart and light.

The world of dream will be at peace.

So to save the dream world they have to sacrifice some one of pure heart. Morpheus did not like the sound of sacrificing one person to save the many. There has to be a other way.

I finally find the time to write.

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