
Finding his weapon

Phobetor was on the edge of ripping apart this new damon. He just so happened to come across him walking in the opposite direction of him. And him being in a human body. Well this damn damon decides to use him as a food source. His power were good to damon. He can fed them from time to time but at this moment he temper was in all time high. Grabbing the damon and slamming it down to the ground. He was not in the mood to fed others. Twisting it arm in one clean brake. Black blood of the damon streaked across the sidewalk and on the wall of the building. It cried in pain. The arm was fling to the side. Holding the damon down. He was about to pull the other arm off. The day walking stop in front of him.

"Sir?" The day walker spoke only to the man. He observe the damon under his' king. He couldn't stop him from doing want he wanted. He was the king.

"What is it?"

"I know that you are in a foal mood. I just wanted to tell you we are looking for your weapon. We still can not find any trace of it. Could it be in the dream world? The one place we can not go." This did in rage Phobetor. He rip the damon in four piece. Threw each of the pieces across street at other damons that were watching him. Afraid to come close. The one who were supposed to watch and protect him. The day walker calmly watch and waited. Phobetor fury turn his eyes red. If he uses his power now. Morpheus will find him. Not only that this body will be destroyed. It was the only way to get back what was taken. On the other hand he can be put back to sleep and this time for good. No spell can last forever. He had to think this through. Calming his self masking his anger. His brother was one step ahead of him.

"Tommy." A boy shout out. A boy of fifteen with ashy blonde hair. Blue jaunty shirt and brown shorts pants. Came running and behind him were five other boys. All running after him. Each one dress in black and twice as big. The boy was running for his life. It a good thing that humans can not see them. For they would see the damon on the ground and the blood scatter all over.

"Come back here you little twit. We're not done with you." The senior football captain dress to kill today. Went straight for Tommy. Today is not the day for this. The day walker side step the boys. Phobetor got two of the boys behind him. Today is really not a good day for these boys. The mood of the king of nightmares is bloodily murder.

"Tommy Fay. We got two little birdies. What a day this is. Each one is go to lose its wings." So all the boys all grin. All of the them getting itchy ready for a fight. Phobetor smile. He was itching for this. He needed to vent out. The only thing is. He can kill them. He look over he shoulder at the two boys. Than turn to see the other two boys behind Tommy. He move so fast in a blink. All five boys are down. Tommy eyes when wide. He didn't see Phobetor move. He was still standing there.

The day walker saw it all. He seen his king use Time Move. The spell stop time for one move. His king use it for more then one move. He took the two that were behind him. He grabbed their heads push together. His swift movement to the other two boys from behind them. He done the same there but the last boy. He broke his arms and legs. Time return to normal. The screams from one boy echoed. Phobetor was bend over in pain. The day walker was next to the his king side.

"Get me back to the room." In between waves of pain. He knew if he use his power. This will happen. The boy's body was not designed for this. The day walker wave over two of the damon. Their king needs his body back. If this body dies. He will have to find another one. He put to much work in the plan. To stop now. He has the power now. Over all the damon. Second-in-command. He will have to fine the king weapon and fast. There has to be a way to get it in the dream world or find him a new weapon. Traveling back to the room. That kid, the king save was two step in back of them. Following them. Once in side the room. The two damons let their king down on the bed. The day walker wave them out of the room but the boy stay by the door.

"Is he going to be alright?" The day walker was surprised. The boy can see him.

"You should not be here. Go back. My king does not need someone like you." The boy still standing there not moving.

"I can help. You just tell me and I can get for you."

"Go home little boy. You will be the next one on the floor." The boy nodded.

"All right. But let me know. I can still help him. I will come every day to see if he need me." He walked out of the room. Once he was outside. He looked back at the house. Tommy was very sick right now. He wish in can help him this time. Thinking on what happen today. Tommy took all five of those boys. Did the creature hurt him? He? I think it a male. He won't hurt him. He help him get home and I think he was worried too. I will see him tomorrow.

The day walker kept eyeing the boy from the widow. What a strange human. He was afraid of us, but then he talk to me. His fear is on him. Soon went away. He turned to the bed. The king was in a trance. He may look asleep. The fear was there. This day walker has to find more nightmares. The king need life essences. He call for all the damons to look for more and not to stop. The king has to go back in to his body. The day walker move to the king side. He bend over to him.

"Your Majesty, can you hear me? Do we need to keep you back to your body? I know the girl is important but we can't have use your power again. If the others damons find out. They will try and use you. I have stay by your side. I only live to serve you."

[I know there are other that wish to take my place. I have to get stronger but this body will not allow it. Damn these humans and their weak body's. I have to save this foal body. So the now I have to take the time to heal it. Curses.] The day walker was taken back. He took it for good news.

"I will continue doing the work from here. Until you get better."

[It won't be long. There might be away I can use this body to get my weapon back. My brothers will never think twice on me using human to do my work. If I can get that girl to bring me to it or get it for me. I will have the my weapon back.]