
My Dragon System

Sen, the last and most powerful dragon left roaming the skies causing chaos and destruction across the land. When all hope is lost the human race call upon their last hope, a powerful witch. Unable to destroy the dragon the witch uses the last of her power to cast a spell. Sen has not been defeated but has now been reborn as a human. How will Sen live his life now as a human who he once despised and saw as weak? Completed Novel The first book in the Trilogy SYSTEM series Read My Vampire System next! P.A.T.R.E.O.N JKSmanga for more content and support. https://www.patreon.com/JKSManga Discord link https://discord.gg/huTJG43 Post art work and more+

JKSManga · แฟนตาซี
533 Chs

Our Role

Sir K was the first one to head up to the mansion doors. He pulled on the giant metal ring. As the door was swung wide open, a gust of wind came out towards us. I closed my eyes as the dust was kicked up into the air but when I opened them again, Sir K had seemed to disappear.

"Where did he go?" Monk said.

"My eyes were closed," Kyle replied.

We all looked at each other having no clue what had happened to Sir K.

"Well, shall we go in then." Gary walked towards the door first showing no fear upon entering the mansion.

Inside the mansion, it wasn't as spectacular as the rest of Avrion city. The mansion had hardly any upkeep done on it. Unlike everywhere else, they used crystals as a light source. Whereas the mansion still had candles, which made the rooms incredibly dark.

I activated dragon eyes and could see several people inside the mansion but not many. For some reason, though I couldn't spot Sir K at all.

"What should we do?" Monk asked.

"I think it's best if we wait here, for now, the worst thing we can do is start wandering around and get lost," Gary said.

So we decided to wait at the front entrance. It was unlikely that Sir K would forget about us and he would eventually come back. Suddenly a red knight sash came out from one of the doors in the main room.

"Hey, are you guys first years? I see you're black sashes, well you're in the right place don't worry about that." He said.

Gary took this chance to ask the red sash knight a few questions.

"I thought only black sash knights were allowed here?"

"Yes, but for us red knight sashes, sometimes we're used for communicating messages between different departments."

Monk whispered in my ear.

"Looks like we lucked out, I guess it's true that they treat the red knights like crap."

"Do you know anything about the black knights?" Gary asked.

"Well, usually I wouldn't tell anyone about this, but since you guys are going to be black knights anyway it won't do any harm. There are rumours that the black knights are assassins. That they go on secret missions as double agents or get tasked to kill people."

"That can't be true," Gary shouted. He looked annoyed when the red sash mentioned that.

Gary continued to complain.

"A knight would never do something as dirty as assassination they would fight there foes head-on."

The red knight looked at Gary like he was a naive child.

"All though some people may think it's a dirty job, someone has to do. They play an important role in the kingdom. With the Dark guilds and the black plague, skilful knights with these skills are needed."

Gary didn't respond but just gripped his fist tightly.

"Anyway, you guys just stay here, a squire master should come down in a bit." The red knight then continued to walk out of the mansion. As soon as the red sash left, Gary turned towards us and started to complain.

"Do you believe what he said, how could a knight do such things?"

Gary was clearly troubled by what he heard. While monk and kyle kind of looked excited, they were happy that they just didn't get chosen as red shashes and would be able to help the kingdom.

"Humans have always been like this, it's nothing new," I said.

Just then a knight came through one of the doors. He had short blonde hair and a beard. he looked to be a few years older than us. he also wore a blue sash but he had a single golden ribbon on it. The blue knight walked towards us.

"Hi there, I'm the black Squier master Joesph, you can just call me Joe. I will be taking you to your tempory rooms for the night here. Tomorrow we will start training bright and early. Usually, you will stay in your normal accommodation but for today you'll spend the night here.

Joe took us to the upper floors of the mansion. While we walking Gary couldn't help but ask Joe about the black sashes.

"Is it true, that the black sashes are assasins?"

"All though it might not be a job to be proud of, it is true. usually, we only get around one new recruit a year. It's amazing that we managed to get four this year. Sir K will explain more details to you when the time is right."

Gary didn't say much either, as he was deep in thought.

We finally reached a door that had a sign saying, blue squire knights. When we entered the room it was even more empty than the last. There were 8 single beds but nothing else. No desk, no chairs just beds with their blankets.

"I know it's a bit empty, but it's only for one night."

Joe closed the door behind him and left us. Suddenly though Sir K had appeared in the room. Kyle fell out of his bed as he was just tucking in for the night, while monk had his blanket covered over his face.

"Sorry for the scare, I had something I needed to deal with urgently."

As soon as Gary had seen sir K he walked up to him to ask the same question as if he couldn't believe anyone else's words.

"Is it true, that the black sashes are assassins."

"You don't seem to be too thrilled by the decision. It is true, you were each picked because of the master knights saw something special in you that would make you a great assassin. Currently, Avrion academy is in the need for them more than ever.

"But I did the best, I should have become a white sash," Gary complained.

"Although you certainly did impress all of us and easily could have become a white sash night, we thought you're skills more suited a black sash."

Gary went over to his bed defeated.

"You guy's should get some rest, tomorrow everyone in the academy will receive the appropriate training for their colour rank. after we will do group basic training with all the students."

Sir k then turned towards me.

"Ray, you will need to stay behind for additional training after the colour training."

After saying those words Sir K quickly vanished into thin air again, not giving me any time to ask what exactly I needed to do.

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