
My Demonic Contract

If you could gain power, wealth, or prestige, but at the price of your soul, would you accept the deal? Humanity continues on to day-to-day life, oblivious of the supernatural creatures that lurk in the dark. Being attacked by one of these creatures, Jayce Price was given a choice, sell his soul or die as a human, picking one of the options, multiple messages appeared in front of him. [ You have acquired the System ] [ Current Demonic Synchronization 0.00% ] [ Increasing Demonic Synchronization ] --- Author here, As this is my first ever novel I would appreciate constructive criticism to help improve the quality of the novel. Hoping to improve the quality as I write more so please feel free to state your opinions on the matter. It would be most appreciated if you could support my novel in any way you can, every contribution toward a goal is valuable, regardless of how small it may be. Also, special thanks to J.G. for the artwork! Contact me through Discord or Email for any questions: Ribblood#3222 Ribblood2@gmail.com

Ribblood · แฟนตาซี
261 Chs

Just Another Day

"The time is nigh, and I shall burn this world!" A loud demonic laugh was heard as the world went up in flames.

Large craters of flames broke through the ground and shot out like a volcano. No one was spared as men, women, and children alike were burnt to a crisp.

Those who survived the sudden sea of flames wish they didn't. Hideous beasts of all different sizes crawled out of these pits of fire.

Men would be brutally tortured by these hideous beings and women would become their playthings.

"The time of man is over, the reign of the Demon Race is now."

Jayce jumps out of bed, sweat running down his face, his entire body shaking. Taking a minute to calm himself from the nightmare, he finally stopped shaking. It was not the first time he had seen this nightmare and he knew it wouldn't be the last.

Wiping away the sweat off his face, Jayce looks over at the clock resting on the nightstand. 'It's 6 o'clock, I should start getting ready.'

Heading into the bathroom Jayce looks at the mirror to see his reflection looking back at him. A 17-year-old, standing at 5'11 with a decent-looking face, and glossy black hair that was falling into his black eyes.

His white skin had a hint of tan as he was part of his track team which also resulted in him having a lean body.

After cleaning himself up, he put on his school uniform which included a white button-up shirt, and a blue button-up jacket, and finished it off with a red tie.

Once he was cleaned up he walked out of his room.

"Breakfast is ready, come eat while it's hot." A 16-year-old girl called out to him, looking towards the kitchen he could see her with a school uniform on and an apron.

Her school uniform is similar to Jayce's, the only difference is instead of dress pants she was wearing a short skirt.

Alice was a natural beauty. She had fair white skin with long glossy black hair falling towards her waist. Long eyelashes combined with her pretty black eyes would make a man's heart skip a beat.

Not to mention she had curves in all the right places.

"Thanks, Alice," Jayce said excitedly as he walked towards the table and sat down. Hanging up the apron, Alice joined Jayce as they started to eat breakfast together.

Jayce and his sister Alice have been together for as long as he can remember. Being the older brother he took it upon himself to take care of her, taking odd jobs and such.

As Alice took her seat, a silver ring on her arm fell into Jayce's view. It had the words "Still Worth Fighting For" carved on the inside of it.

Jayce bought this custom-made for her 13th birthday when she was depressed since Jayce started to constantly work, leaving no time for family bonding.

With the nonstop work, he was able to save enough to live on their own.

Of course, he didn't do just this by himself, his sister was able to properly manage the money and looked for an apartment that was within their budget.

"Could I copy your homework? I forgot to do it last night." Jayce pleaded, as soon as he got home last night from track practice, he went straight to his room and passed out on his bed.

"No. You should learn how to organize your time properly." Alice said with an authoritative tone.

"Pretty please, I promise I won't ask again." Jayce practically begged, he already had bad grades and if his grades went any lower he might just be kicked out of the track team.

Alice looked at him with a pouting face, 'She so cute.' Jayce thought internally.

He wanted to pinch her cheeks and pull them but if he did he knew that his only chance at getting his homework done would be gone.

"Fine. Since I'm such a nice sister I'll let you copy my homework, under one condition." Alice said with an innocent smile.

But Jayce knew that under that beautiful innocent smile was a demon lying in wait.

"Um, as long as it's something that I can do I don't see a problem," Jayce said with a nervous tone, he had a bad feeling she was going to ask something outrageous but he didn't have an option.

Alice snickered once she realized that he had fallen for the bait. "Just go shopping with me after your track practice and we can call it even."

Having been caught off guard by the request he started to cough up his food, quickly grabbing the glass of water from the table and gulping it all down.

"If there is something else I cou-"

"Nope, either you help with shopping or no homework. You might even get kicked off your team if you don't improve your grades."

This made Jayce quiet instantly, on one hand, he could just do the shopping but just remembering last time made him shutter.

He had never seen someone buy so many things, thinking about the amount of money that was being spent by his sister was draining him mentally.

To make matters worse he had to carry all of those bags back home, even at practice he never felt so exhausted.

She never gave him a break as she gave him more and more bags. Once he made it home he swore to himself he would never go shopping with her again.

But he couldn't refuse, she even knew that he had no choice but to accept. "I-I-I'll go with you after practice." He said with hesitation, he never knew that women could be so scary.

"Deals a deal, my homework is on the counter. You better copy it fast or you'll be late." Alice said as she finished off her plate and set it in the sink.

'Demon' he thought to himself before he felt his hair stand up. Slowly looking up he could see Alice holding a flip-flop in her hand menacingly.

"You just thought of something disrespectful just now didn't you." Alice said with that same 'innocent' smile she used a few minutes ago.

Feeling the bloodlust Jayce instantly jumped on the floor into a bowing position.

"I'm sorry and I will never do it again." He had said it so fast that he had nearly bit his tongue.

Slowly the bloodlust faded, "I'll forgive you this time, but next time I won't be so lenient." Alice said as she opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind her

Jayce instantly collapsed on the floor with a breath of relief, 'I'm safe.'

After finishing cleaning his plate and putting his homework in his backpack, Jayce got ready to leave.

'Maybe it won't be as bad as I hope.' he thought to himself as he locked the front door, walking towards the school.

Little did he know that the next time he entered the house, it would change the world he once knew.

Author here,

This is my first time writing a novel so bear with me if the quality is a little low. For those who think the novel is moving at a slow pace, you have nothing to worry about. In the next few chapters, it will start ramping up. It would be helpful if you let me know if there were any grammar/spelling errors I missed. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

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