
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

My jungle!

'What a pleasant exercise!' The man thought, as he sprinted up the stairs taking five steps at once. The stairs were spot free as if somebody had licked them clean a mere two minutes ago. They continued up a straight line, climbing up a hill. A few times he'd have to stop and salute sergeants, or generals that passed him, but he had no breath to do it with. He'd fall on his arms breathing forcefully, before pushing himself up and saluting the higher ranked. Then he would continue his sprint. When he reached the top, he was above the clouds. He hunched over and finally took a breath. But, he forced himself to continue walking, and walked into a large japanese fortress.

He walked into a large room, far in the back sat a man. The room was chilled. Behind the man, there was a painting depicting an ugly demon, to the left there was ten katanas. And if objects could have authority, these ones were their own generals. On the roof there was a painting of a giant dragon flying left and right.

The man sat with his legs on the table, reading a pocket novel and didn't seem to notice the man who had entered his office.

"Sir! One of our Training ships have been shot down. What do we do?" There was a long pause, almost as if the man finished the paragraph in his novel before responding.

"That's expected. I guess." He said very slowly, wasting a lot of time.

"Sir, the ship crashed on planet A312! Do we send a recovery ship? The man urged.

"A recovery ship…" the man muttered to himself slowly. "No, do none of that."

His face shot up red, and he looked towards the general. "But why sir"

"If they die, then they wouldn't last long on the battlefield either way. If they survive, they have learnt crucial skills. We'll send a recovery ship in a few days."


You could say that the water droplets lapped on the dirt floor, but then you'd be completely and utterly lying. Trees rustled, and fell madly. Birds twitter turned to shrieks. The wind howled mad, and the rain beat the ground into submission as if it was a rat who's cheese had been taken. Describing the storm outside of their enclosure as anything but pure havoc would be ludicrousy.

Inside of the small makeshift base the fire rustled, with the occasional break of wood. It was warm, and if anything cozy. Zach was awake, his back against the wall. His eyes stared at the wildmans, whose chest was bouncing as he took heavy breaths.

Zach was thankful for being allowed to sleep here, but he didn't trust the wildman. But his eyelids kept becoming heavier, until he couldn't manage and his eyes closed. He forced them open, but it only lasted for a few seconds as theys stung, wet. He fell asleep.

More than 40% of the school population had died. Mostly it was beasts attacking them, and falling into naturally crafted traps. But there were a few deaths caused by betrayal. The students needed a home that was critical, especially during a storm like this.

The previous day the stronger students banded together and took the first home they could get their hands on. A lot of them settled with caves, some of them found trees so large that the space under their roots became their homes. Others found large bird nests, which they took after killing the large bird living there. There were few that picked a fight with the wrong monsters, and quickly got killed. But nonetheless, a lot of them had food, and they had shelter.

The middle tiered students were either slaving away for a higher tiered once, or having it a lot worse. They would go to a leaf dense area and sleep there, or they would find small holes in the ground and choose to sleep there. They were wet, cold, and really scared. However, the real shame came in the low tiers who were completely helpless.

A lot of them had died already, succumbing to small birds and tiny reptiles. The ones who survived were the ones who slaved for mid tiered souls. The few who didn't do this would have to be geniuses in their own right to survive. But there was a single exception.

That exception was Moby Dick. A low tiered individual who ended up having an entire large cave to himself, and he had made a bunch of mid tiered students slave away for him.

Resources proved rare to most. The spots with abundant foods would be contested over. Groups would dissolve, resolve, new ones would appear, old ones one disappear. Everyone was greedy, and everyone wanted more than they already had.

Zach was still clueless, as he awoke, seemingly safe. In front of his the prideful demon floated, and Zach asked. 'Do you need to sleep?' in his mind, to which the demon sent him to hell for a minute. When he got out, the demon asked "When will you be getting me, my human flesh?" His voice was angry and deep.

Zach recalled now. This would be the best opportunity for him to kill and butcher another human being. He also had another target he had to take care of, the female demon. He played yo-yo with his ability once again.

He had never felt contempt with killing. He would feel terrible, sometimes cry, sometimes puke. He felt awful for days, in his mind, he relived the moment over and over. That feeling had slowly faded away, it might even disappear soon. He pondered whether this was good or bad.

Jim and Marvin had already awoke and they leaned against the wall. In front of him there was a giant carcass. The large creature had been eaten until there was only bone.

Zach stood up, he shook himself and then told the others that they would be going on an expedition. They groggily stood up, and they were about to walk out when the wildman stuck out his arm in their way, blocking them from the entrance. "Wait."

His hands grabbed the rock floor beneath them, countless pulsing veils showed on his hand as he cupped the stone as if it was butter. He threw it, outside. And three jaguars, the size of elephants pounced at it.

The wildman roared.

And the three giant jaguars ran away with the wildman chasing after them. The wildman had smelled out their ambush. Jim couldn't believe his eyes,, he crouched down and tried the same thing.

His fingers hurt when he exerted too much pressure on them, he couldn't bring himself to pick up the stone. His fingers would break before the stone did. They decided to head out towards the forest.

The place was a wreck. Blue trees on the floor, twisted and broken. Leaves and branches everywhere.

Then a boy with his face painted green came swinging down from one tree screaming "aaaaaaa!"

His clothes, there were practically none. His eyes shone of madness, and he held a staff in his hand. The number 5 stood on the watch. "This is my jungle!" he said.