
My Delivery System

Being reincarnated in Chainsaw Man isn't as easy as it seems, and even more so that he's apparently reincarnated as the older brother of the second protagonist of the story Asa Mitaka. But with the [ Delivery System] he will survive and protect what's important to him in this shitty world he's living in. A/N : A fair warning this is a crossover fanfic, while there isn't any additional crossover yet, there will be in the future. Current Crossover Series : Chainsaw Man Kenichi The Strongest Disciple

Charlottes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Rules And Conditions

[ As the system name suggested, you are to deliver things to someone or something, that is a customer. ]

Alright, that was easy to understand, but he had a feeling that it wasn't all, so he continued to listen.

[ We provide the things you delivery, and it is your responsibility to sent them from the selected customer that ordered it. ]

'Okay, that makes sense. I mean it wouldn't if I'm the one who provides the things that they need and deliver it to them.' Hiru thought.

[ And also, you must know that our delivery service isn't just limited to your own universe but also to the other universes that existed, the multiverse. ]

He definitely heard about this, so he wasn't exactly surprised by that claim, which was a bit exciting for him, going to another dimension other than this one? Isn't that cool?

Although he feared for his safety though, what if he stumbled upon a dangerous universe where anyone could snap him into half with ease?

However, the next thing she said is exactly what he needed.

[ But of course, we won't neglect our employee safety, that's why you have absolute immunity for most physical attack, supernatural attack and mental attack, as long as you're in a delivery service. ]

That made him sigh in relief honestly, unlike before he actually valued his life as dying meant leaving his sister alone in this cruel world, he had grown to love her, like a brother to his younger sister.

He didn't want to make her sad that she already is, since she's still guilty about what happened to our parents, she blamed herself for it.

[ While you may be immune to most attacks, your scooter isn't so be careful because some customers are aggressive, as we are not responsible for the destruction of your ride, I just want you to know. ]

'W-well…I suppose that's understandable..' He forced a smile after hearing that, after all he just bought that thing and losing it means he wouldn't be able to buy another one, because their budget wouldn't allow it, unless they are willing to starve for a day, which he won't do.

[ Lastly, the rewards. ]

All of his attention was focused into this one, why wouldn't he? The reward is the best part of the job, who would do such a dangerous job without getting a reward? Certainly not him!

Nothing is free in every world, that's why he's so keen on the rewards because it's important to him.

[ The rewards you get is coin based, and to use them, you seen to put it inside this Gacha machine and spin it, depending on your luck, you might get a good items or power. ]

An image of a digital gacha machine appeared in front of him, and looking at this gacha machine, he cursed inside his mind. 'Shit, I'm bad with this kind of thing! Will I be alright?'

His concern is understandable since in his previous life, he wasn't lucky with this kind of thing, while his luck may not be the same as his younger sister ( bless you ), his luck is still below average.

He wonders if he's going to be alright with this one, if there's an item or power that increases one's luck, he wanted it badly!

[ As you can see in the Gacha machine, there's 5 different coins, each is a different rank, the higher is the rank the better items or powers you get from the machine, now let's start with Bronze Coin, the lowest and the most common coin that you'll get from you delivery service, because getting this means your delivery service is 'easy' a peaceful world devoid with war and violence, meaning you'll delivery into a world that doesn't have supernatural side. ]

Hiru nodded, and thought. 'Meaning, the greater the risk the better the rewards.'

[ Now, as for the Silver Coin, it's the second lowest coin in the machine, like Bronze Coin, you'll also get this often, although not as often as Bronze Coin, since you'll be delivering into a world similar to yours, but less dangerous and had a bit of supernatural side. ]

He didn't say anything and continued to listen to the girl behind the delivery system.

[ Then here's the Gold Coin, this one uncommon within your delivery as, the world you would deliver in is guaranteed dangerous when you're not careful. ]

Hiru can only imagine those worlds are similar to AOT or Naruto.

[ Next is the Platinum Coin, you will rarely get this on in your delivery service as, there's two conditions that must be met to obtain this Coin. It's delivering into a dangerous world and the customer should be a powerful character. ]

Delivering to someone like Gilgamesh, now that is a terrifying thought, while the girl behind the system claimed that he's going to be immune to 'most' physical and mental attacks, meaning he isn't nigh invincible, he could still be killed on one of his delivery service if he's not careful.

That's why when delivering to someone like Gilgamesh, he should be very fucking polite while he's doing it.

He didn't want to die a second time!

[ Lastly the Diamond Coin, this one hardly comes by, literally. As the condition is the same as the Platinum Coin, except for a single description. The person you delivered something with must be powerful, not just ordinary powerful but very fucking powerful, a cheat of their own verse, god's of their own rights, a being or a person that could rewrite their own reality with a thought because it's 'fun' or they are 'bored' of something. ]

Hiru suddenly thought who could fit that category, and they were [ One Above All ], [ Featherine ], [ Zeno ].

Those were big names, since they literally can do everything in their own verse as long as they had the mind to do it, why would they need a delivery guy to deliver them something that the system provides?

No wonder it hardly comes by, as someone as powerful as they are rarely needs anything.

Either way, he more or less understands the significance of the coin ranks, the higher they are the harder it is to get them, not to mention the risk.

"Okay, I understand the system's functions, is that all?" Hiru asked as he put both of his hands in his jeans pockets.

[ No, there's one last thing there's a function named 'Rating' and 'Tipping', as it names says, there's a rating system in each of your delivery service, it depends on the satisfaction of your customer with your service, with 5 the highest and 1 the lowest, now you might wondering what's the point of this? Simple, it's because the higher the ratings the better your tips are! ]

Now, that's interesting. Hiru didn't say anything and continued to listen.

[ The tips you would receive in the future wouldn't just because limited to money, but also items, skills, power, servant and many more that your customer wanted you to have. ]

Rather than 'tipping' it's more like rewarding, as why it's called tipping is because it's not the main reward issued by the system.

"I see, is that all of the system function?"

[ Yes, at least for now, there's a chance of upgrade in the future, but for now that's all there is. ]

Hiru nodded along with the girl behind the system. "Say, do you have a name?"

[ That, I do but it's something that a human can comprehend, but for the sake of formalities, I'd like you to call me 'Eve'. ]

"Eve, the name of the first woman, simple enough. Well then it's nice working with you Eve."

[ It is a pleasure, Hiru. ]

"How did you know-"

[ Please, knowing your name is simple compared to creating gateways into a different universe. ]

Hiru couldn't help but smile sheepishly and replied. "Oh right, that was a stupid question."

[ Either, would you like to start now? ]

Hiru blinked a couple times before answering. "Now?"

[ Indeed, there's already a delivery order listed here. ]

"Alright, where's the delivery package?"

Without a warning a 4x4x4 cardboard box fell right into his hands, fortunately he managed to catch it before it fell into the ground, surprised by the unexpected weight of the cardboard. Hiru almost fell his butt into the dirty ground.

He luckily balanced himself, avoiding falling and facing a minor ass injury, probably.

After that he gave the system screen a dirty look. "Was that necessary? Whatever is inside the cardboard might be broken or something!"

[ Oh, no worries because that cardboard is nigh invincible until you deliver it to a customer. ]

Although she was calm and polite, he still could spot her amusement when she did that 'prank'.

As much as he wants to get annoyed, it's a bit pointless to argue with this woman or girl, or whatever this thing is.

Deciding to ignore the 'prank' he said. "So, what now?"

[ Awww, no reaction? You're no fun. ]

He could definitely imagine her pouting as she mentioned that, as much as he wants to react there's no way he'd give her the satisfaction.

Eve finally stopped being unprofessional and opened a portal right in front of him.

Honestly, the way it appeared was a bit cool, while he wasn't expecting the visual to be this cool, a crack appeared in reality and then a gate similar to what you see in a dungeon in games.

Hiru could think about it later, right now he has a delivery service to do, with the portal open, he put the box in the scooter and tied it on the back so that it would drop on his way inside.

[ Good luck on your delivery service. ]

He nodded and started the scooter and went inside the gateway.

A/N: A fair spoiler, I usually don't put spoilers but I need to say this so that there won't be a misunderstanding, like The Shop. I want to focus on the reaction of the customer after Hiru successfully delivers that specific item to a customer.

I mean, most of them, either way that's all for now.

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 4 advanced chapters

there and would increase in the future.