
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

He who has sinned, dies!

Five weeks had passed since I found Ray in the forest. In order for him to survive against the dangers of the forest, I started training him the ways of the demonic sect which uses demonic energy rather than pure energy. The sword style of the Blood Demon, the [Blood Moon Sword Style] that I completely stole from the Blood Demon is now being used to enhance this boy's strength and talent. 

"You can rest for now Ray.", I say

"No, I can still do few more swings.", Ray says while sweating and panting

This stubborn kid, he's already tired yet he still plan on swinging the wooden sword. Ray told me that his friends could still be inside the demon cult's church and the other thing is, I can feel ten presences with the demonic aura similar to Ray, they could be the demon cult who was after Ray. To think that they'd come this far just to capture Ray, I can't leave Ray yet so I'll just summon one of the elders of my sect.

I raised up my hand and shouted its name "Ghost Amaterasu!", a ring of fire appeared on the ground shooting fire from the sky, and he came out. One of the generals of Yama, a being made out of bones and skull with no flesh nor skin, he wears the armor made of out of the stones of nether and holds the whip of hell, one of my loyal devout followers Ghost Amaterasu

"I have been summoned my lord, Angel.", he says while kneeling.

His presence scared Ray as he emits both death and demonic powerful aura. The demon cult members saw the flames that contained demonic energy and started to move to its direction and saw us. As they got closer, the pressure of Ghost's presence put them to their knees, they saw his enormous demonic and death aura, and they bowed.

"We greet the king of hell!", they say.

"My lord, may I ask who these people are?", Ghost asks

"They are people who greatly offended me, you should know what to do right?", I say.

"Understood, I shall throw them to the deepest depths of hell for offending my lord", he says as he stands up.

"Just leave one alive, I only need one alive.", I say to him

"Understood", he says

As both of them saw me commanded Ghost, they immediately started their chants. Ghost took out his whip and whipped it on nine of them, as the whip touches them, their bodies lit on fire, the flame's color was black, the very flame that can only be seen in hell.

I ordered Ghost to read the spared member's memories to find their church and burn it to the ground with flames of hell. As soon as he found out, Ghost immediately went to the demon cult's church and entered. He killed the members with his whip as he goes to the center of the church where the priest is and the baptism is held.

"Who are you!? Who let this bone vermin inside the church of the demon god!?", the demon cult's priest angrily shouts.

"No need to ask as all of you shall die here! No mercy to he who offends the lord.", he says as he walks towards the priest.

The members inside including the priest took out their pendants with the symbol of the demon cult containing demonic energy. The priest knew that the being infront of him is somebody they can't beat so they'll use their ultimate demon summon.

The ground started shaking and it opened, the gates to this world's hell opened and out came a demon, Earl Class Demon Barmoth. The priest and the other members inside laughed as they thought its their win but they didn't know as who Ghost is. It doesn't matter if this isn't the same hell in <Martial Road>, Ghost Amaterasu is still a general of hell in a different world, no matter who they summon from hell, they will still be bound to his ability [Hell's Commander], an ability that grants him power to command any demon except another demon general or the king of the underworld from <Martial Road's> hell.

"Hahahahaha! Amazing effort but a foolish attempt.", he laughs

"O great demon earl from hell, Barmoth, we the devoted followers of the demon king, humbly asks your aid in taking this vermin away from the church.", the priests says

"Do not worry, a mere skeleton cannot harm me, be sure to prepare an adequate amount of offerings later.", Barmoth confidently says

"Yes, w-we shall!", the priest says

"Be honored skeleton, that I Barmoth is to put your soul to hell!", Barmoth says

Barmoth drawed out his sword and charged at Ghost but in just a single word


Barmoth kneeled, not knowing what happened, he stood back up and attacked again but...


That single word kept making him kneel to the ground like a mere peasant kneeling to its superior. Barmoth clad its body with demonic energy so that no such mental spell affects him, but... [Hell's Commander] is an authority that Yama gave to its loyal subjects, an ability that no demon lower than the demon king or general can resist.

"Kill the demon cultists except for the priest."

Barmoth's eyes turned black and red as a sign that he is under the command of a demon general. He slaughtered every single one and left only the priest, brought the church down and burnt it into nothing but ash. 

Barmoth returned back to hell and Ghost returned to Angel with the priest.

"My lord, I have returned with the priest.", Ghost says.

The priest was startled as he saw the great powerful being kneeled to a human. Ray was struck by his fear that was engraved onto him by the priest, he held my hand and hid behind me.

"So this is the man that gave you that pain.", I say with hatred

"S-spare me! I'll do anything so please don't kill me.", the priest begs.

"Hey Ray, why are you afraid? Don't be scared, I'm here and Ghost with you, that mere priest can't harm you no more.", I say in a comforting tone

Ray's strength in himself returned, and asked a question.

"Tell me, where are my friends!"