
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Village Abandoned by god

Ray asked the priest where his friends are but he did not answer. In the priest's eyes, Ray is still a mere demon who was recently baptized to become a vessel for the demon god's coming.

"Why should I tell you? You think that just because you two have some power, you can command me as you want!?", the priest confidently shouts.

"So are you saying that you won't answer him? If that's what you want, then I'll extract that information from you by force.", I say with anger

I don't want to just read his memories and kill him that easily, not with all the things that he has done to those poor children. I have a power that can be used to people like this, I'll torture him with the very pain that he gave to Ray. 

"I will never tell you where those kids are! Just kill me since its useless, I will never tell even if you torture me!", the priest says

"Is that so? Then I'll be direct, [Eternal Pain and Death].", I say

A skill that will make the enemy feel all the ways of torture known to mankind, this will break him if he doesn't put any resistance. The priest then cried and wailed, the pain was too great for the priest to bear. As soon as he said he would speak...

"I"ll tell, I'll tell! Please stop this madness!", the priest cries.

I cancelled the technique and stomped on his chest.

"Tell me now where they are and I'll spare you.", I say while looking down on him

"Y-yes, I sold them to an slave auction at the Charlotte County! Please stop.", the priest says while crying.

"Spare you? After doing those nasty things to the children, you don't deserve to be in this world. I don't care if that god of yours comes at me or not, your sins are enough for you to be tortured in hell for eternity.", I say

I tapped the priest's head and his body was then trapped in a large emerald stone. It was my first time killing a human yet I didn't feel anything, was it because of my hatred for him?

"Ray, should we go and save your friends now?", I say with a smile.

"No, I plan on saving them alone, I have already gotten stronger from your training god-sama.", Ray confidently says.

"Are you sure about this Ray? I haven't fully imparted to you my teachings yet.", I say

"I plan on advancing my sword skills on my god-sama, and once I save them, we shall build a statue of you god-sama, so that we can send our prayers of thanks.", Ray says.

"Sure, then I'll be readying some supplies for you and I'll give you this sword as your weapon.", I say.

The sword that I gave to him was a katana that was one of my first weapons used in <Martial Road>. Ray then said his goodbyes to us, I ordered Ghost to return since I won't be needing him for some time. The next morning then came, I planned to exit the forest and go to one of the villages that was abandoned by the gods, I plan to establish my name there as that village's god. After taking some time to read the information inside the system panel, one of the god's sources of their strength is by faith of believers. My initial plan is to gain new powers and knowledge of this world that isn't found inside the system panel.

As I exited the forest, I found a village being attacked by demon beasts. There were warriors fending it off but their skills are crude and the beast's numbers give them an disadvantage. 

"Oh god, if there really is a god out there, please grant us protection against these beasts, we will give offerings as payment.", the old chief of the village prays.

This is my chance! I immediately flew to the sky and my halo as bright as the sun to be seen by everyone and made my yin and yang aura even thicker to be felt by everyone.

The villagers then saw me above, the village chief told the villagers to bow down as he thought that I was an actual god that has descended to aid the village.

"Your presence that spreads to the skies and your mighty aura that shows life and death. Unknown god, please give our village protection and we shall forever be thankful and worship you eternally!", the chief and the villagers beg.

"Be afraid no more, if you promise to continue to remember me and worship me throughout your generations to come, then I shall be this village's god!", I shout

"We promise!", the village shouts.

As I looked at the demonic beasts, it cowered in fear and returned inside the forest. The village was astonished to see the demonic beasts run away and gathered their food resources to celebrate their new god.

"Oh great god may we ask for your name?", the village chief.

"My name is Angel, I am the Martial God that reigns the stars!", I shout

While Angel was greatly voicing out his greatness, a dragon felt its power and immediately flew to the dragon kingdom to report. The Luminos kingdom's citizens saw the dragon flew over and felt fear as dragons were said to rival the demons and angels.

Dragons are a prideful race with no king that worships no king or god and are said rulers of nature. When a dragons sleep, it would take hundreds of years for it to wake up but if it wakes up, then it means that something out of their race could threaten their existence.

Inside the palace of the Luminos Kingdom

"My lord, I come to report!", the chief of the first battalion, Clovis Von Decken

"Calm down Clovis, take a breath and speak.", King of the Luminos Kingdom, Joseph Bryton the third

"The dragon that resides in the west of the kingdom has been seen to fly to the east.", the chief says with a stern face.

"Are you stating that the dragon has woken up?", the king asks

"Yes your highness, just as you think, it has seem that something powerful enough to awake it is residing in the east therefore that's the reason why it has flew to that direction.", the chief says with a worried face.

"A demon or an angel must have been summoned there or it could be other one..", the king says as he looks at the bright outside through the window.

"Your highness, do you mean...", the chief says in a worried face

"Yes, second possibility, the descent of a god. We must confirm the situation, send your trusted men at once to the location of the dragon is heading!", the king says seriously

Back at the village

The village was struck by fear as they saw the dragon heading towards us, they then prayed again for protection.

"O great lord Angel, please guard us once again with your divine protection!", the village prays.

'Heaven's Dragon Shenpan, hear your master's order and erase that dragon.', I say

Shenpan then appeared, a chinese dragon with white scales and golden fur on top. It is a three star beast that is easy to capture and its size and length is the same as a skyscraper.

The village startled to see another dragon appear from the sky but I told them to fear not as it is on our side. Both dragon's breath clashed but Shenpan's breath of yang was more powerful than the dragon's normal fire breath. The dragon was turned to ashes and Shenpan returned after accomplishing its master's wishes.

The knights arrived and has seen everything, they were mesmerized by Shenpan's heaven-like appearance. As they come to our village, I summoned all my loyal devout elders of my sect. 

"All of you appear before your lord at once!"

I made an invisible formation so that we won't be seen. The elders descended in a cool manner with all those effects.

"I, Allocer appear before my lord.", Allocer

"I, Chronos is ready uphold my lord.", Chronos

"I, Azazel is ready to uphold my lord.", Azazel

"I, Baal has come per my lord's will.", Baal

"I, Ganesha is ready to do my lord's orders.", Ganesha

"I, Manasa appear before my lord.", Manasa

"Ares is ready to do my lord's orders!", Ares

"Okami greets his almighty!", Okami

"Raijin greets his almighty.", Storm

"Thor greets his almighty.", Thor

"Odin, greets his almighty.", Odin

"Ryujin, greets his almighty.", Ryujin

"I, Boreas greets the king.", Boreas

"Silvanus! Greets his almighty!", Silvanus

"Marionette greets milord.", Marionette

"Hephaestus answers his lord's call.", Hephaestus

"Susanoo greets the lord.", Susanoo

"Ghost Amaterasu answers my lord's call.", Ghost Amaterasu

"Akuma meets the overlord.", Akuma

"Guan Yu greets the almighty.", Guan Yu

"Fujin greets the almighty.", Fujin

"Savitr of the greets the almighty.", Savitr

"Abaddon, one of the celestials greets his almighty.", Abaddon

"Indra, one of the celestials greets his almighty.", Indra

"Apollyon, of the Demon Clan, the strongest celestial greets milord."

The new religion's deities has appeared!