
My Bride is the Villainess

Dale, the only heir of a backwater baron household, has a secret. It was his--and only his, secret he was someone who was originally not of this world, and that he had merely reincarnated in it. And most of all, he knew about his world. This world was the same world--or perhaps similar--to the world of his favorite game. And so, Dale only wanted to live his new life in peace and live a happy life after he marries a beautiful woman he fancies. However, that simple desire was shattered the moment a knock resounded in his doorsteps...

Lievel_Veltrandt · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs



I hate it… 


"I am very disappointed in you, Frederica…"


I hate it all… 


"I-It was not my fault! I-I was merely following orders!"


Each and every one of these liars… I utterly loath them. I'll never forgive them… 


"Rica, a letter from the king had arrived this morning. It states that the engagement between you and the prince will be annulled. I want you to explain this, now."


Why only me? Why am I the only one getting punished? Why are everyone looking at me with those eyes? Was everything I did really that bad…?


"Frederica, I am very disappointed in you. Tell me, where have we gone wrong in raising you, my daughter?"






Why am I the one being blamed?.....




Why is everyone afraid of me?..... Why are they keeping their distance?.....


"Do not, come near us, ever, again."


And why you too, Roland…?


"I'm afraid I cannot help you, Rica…"




"Th-That isn't my child! My Rica is… My Rica would never…"


Mother? What are you saying? And why are you crying…?






"Murderer… Murderer…"


Stop it, please. Just stop!


"But Chrissy! You murdered someone!"


Lenny… not you too…


"I do not talk to murderers, Frederica. And I've warned you. Leave us alone. Guards! Take her away!"


Your Highness… 


Fine, I get it! I was my fault! Forgive me already!


"I'm… I… I'm sorry. I cannot forgive you, Lady Frederica."


Huh? Why not? I have already apologized… so why not?


"Hey, look at her. Isn't she the Duke's daughter?"


"It really is her!... wow…"


"How unsightly…"




"To even beg to a commoner for forgiveness, how low she's fallen…"



I see…

So that's what is was…

So this is what it means to lose…