
My Bride is the Villainess

Dale, the only heir of a backwater baron household, has a secret. It was his--and only his, secret he was someone who was originally not of this world, and that he had merely reincarnated in it. And most of all, he knew about his world. This world was the same world--or perhaps similar--to the world of his favorite game. And so, Dale only wanted to live his new life in peace and live a happy life after he marries a beautiful woman he fancies. However, that simple desire was shattered the moment a knock resounded in his doorsteps...

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Dale Arthas von Evangell


The very moment Dale woke up, the bright golden hues of the light spilling from his window entered his eyes. The sweet chirping of birds from the tree the was just outside his window reached his ears. It was morning, and a new wonderful day in his life.


Just like always, Dale sat up and stretched his stiff-from-sleep body, loosening it from tension. Tension was good. It proved that one indeed had good sleep.


He glanced at the clockwork in the corner of his room; a large pendulum clock that rhythmically ticked and tocked all day long.


'Hm… About 6:40, huh? I better start getting changed before Ellie comes in.'


It was very well known in the household that Dale was a very messy sleeper. Not to mention he wears very little clothes(and if he does, it mysteriously leaves his body by the next morning) so Ellie was the maid assigned on helping him get dressed.


'Not that I don't appreciate her efforts, but a grown man having a maid's help in getting dressed?! Oh please spare me the shame.'


Dale was already 15, and he was also quite rather tall than his other male peers. He also had a more mature vibe than most of them, so he looked even more like an adult.


'Maybe it's because I'm an actual adult? Not that anyone knew though…'


Indeed, it was a secret. A secret that no one other than Dale himself knew.


Dale stood, and began to prepare his clothes. He then went into the shower in his room, and took a warm bath that awakened him fully from his groggy state of having just awakened. Warm water was the best during the mildly cold mornings.


'Even so, I still don't know where exactly is the warm water coming from… I wonder why they won't tell me?'


It was one of the curious things that Dale often wondered, but most of the time, he didn't really put much thought into it. In the entire household, everyone was family. And everyone was close and familiar with each other--Dale included.


'And what they want me to stay away from, is undoubtedly dangerous. I've already experienced the terror of imminent death, and trust me, it's far from pleasant.'


Indeed, the notion of death was terrifying…


Dale put on his went out of the shower and began to put on his clothes, but right when he'd only worn his underwear…


"Young Master, please let me do my… job… this....time…."


Ellie, the maid who was assigned on helping him get dressed, suddenly barged into his room. She was a maid, and it was indeed her job to help him.




However, the fact that she was only a 14-year old young girl bothered Dale very, very greatly. Not to mention his body that was nearing its peak in sexual interest, his morals he'd gotten from 'that place' would definitely give him a gigantic "X". And a red buzzer to boot.


"Ah…" she uttered, and gradually turned red from her cheeks. The redness crept into her ears, and it even dyed her neck with a blush.


She took in a breath, and as Dale expected, it was coming…




And she screamed.




"I'm really sorry, Young Master Dale! I promise I will not such thing again!" Ellie pleaded as she lowered her head in bow.


"Like I said, you do not have to worry about helping me get dressed every morning. Just do anything that a maid would do--ah, on second thoughts, you can just help Selena on her work in the kitchen." Dale corrected. Her doing any maid jobs would mean they would be cleaning their household of furniture, not dust.


"I tried, but she began driving me out ever since last week!" she reasoned.


"Did you mess with her cooking again…?"


"Well…" she averted her gaze, "I think I might have added a tiny bit of salt in her porridge…"


"A tiny bit?"


"About three teacups."


"Teacups?!" Dale exclaimed, "Y-You don't mean teaspoons, right?"


"Teacups." she stated, "I couldn't read the recipe very well, but when I saw the word 'tea' it meant to say teacups, no?"


"…" Dale was dumbfounded.


'Why?' he thought, 'Why did the heavens have to be so cruel; to take away all dexterity in her? Just why?'


He was lamenting at the fact that a person could be so clumsy, in both body and mind.


'And she just had to be a maid!'


Maybe the heavens was fair indeed. It might have given her the job of a maid in order to console her that she would someday grow out of clumsiness.


After a while of silence, Dale placed a hand on Ellie's shoulder.


"It'll be alright, Ellie. One day, you will find the perfect job for you. I'm sure of it." he reassured with a thumbs up.


Hearing Dale's words, Ellie began to tear up. "Young Master Dale…"


Dale grinned inwardly. 'Simpleton…'


And just as they were getting ready to wrap up the argument(or was it even one?) a voice called in to Dale.


"Young Master Dale, breakfast is ready. Will you eat downstairs?"


Dale's eyes lit up and answered, "Yes, please. I'll be right there Grenda!"


He then turned to Ellie, "Well, you heard your aunt, let's go."


"Yes!" Ellie beamed.




"Young Master, I heard Ellie scream earlier. Did something happen?" Minerva, Ellie's mother suddenly asked as Dale was drinking his juice. Her expression was one of mischief.


Dale almost spat out the juice he was drinking, but he managed to stop himself at the last moment. He somehow praised himself for it.


"W-Well, it wasn't anything bad, really. And I've already settled it." Dale stuttered.


"Really? You don't need anymore help?"


"Ahem… Please spare me this talk, Minerva. I said it's already over."


Minerva put a hand over her lips, "I see. That's unfortunate then."


'Just what exactly?!' Dale screamed inwardly. He didn't say it out loud. He was sure he'd get demolished in a war of words with Minerva. He had never won against her, not even once.


Dale sighed and shifted the topic, "Anyway, is there any news from Father?"


Minerva pursed her lips and smiled, but still answered.


"Ah, now that you mention it, I believe the Master had said that we'll be having a visitor in about three days. Other than that, he wishes to express his well-being." she said it all in one breath.


"I see," Dale spoke as a small smile formed on his face, "How very much like him."


After he said that, no conversation followed as Dale ate his breakfast in silence. Dale was alone in the table, and the other maids were eating somewhere else; at the kitchen. It was wide enough to fit all of them with extra space to spare.


Kitchens, after all, needed to be wide in order to accommodate a lot of dishes when being prepared during banquets.


After Dale finished his meal, Minerva began to clean up the table and his plate. She then asked, "Will you be leaving today too, Young Master?"


"Yes," Dale nodded, "I intend to get my new sword that I asked Meld to get forged. It was three days ago."


"Then please have Timothy guard you, Young Master. I would be in trouble if the Master finds out you've been leaving the house without guards."


"I'll be fine," Dale said as he waved his hand, "This town is barely even known out there since the Great River of Malazan separates us from the mainland. I doubt I'd find any bandit here even if I try."


Indeed. This town where Dale resided and governed by his parents were nothing but a backwater place which outsiders rarely visited. Something he was very thankful of.


'Yeah. I definitely don't wanna go to the capital. 'That' Frederica is sure to be there. Who knows, she might suddenly appear out of nowhere and have me killed for no reason.' Dale thought. If there was one word he'd describe the girl-in-question, it would be the word 'crazy'.


"Young Master," Minerva called out with a frown. A worried frown, "I think it would be best if we exercise caution. We do not know what might happen, after all."


Dale raised a brow in surprise. 'We don't know what might happen' those words rang hardest in Dale's mind.


'W-Well… She's right. Who knows? Maybe a truck could come falling out of nowhere and reincarnate you directly into another world.' Dale suddenly felt dread from the power of infinite possibilities.


"Fine," Dale finally agreed, "I'll bring your son along."


"You make it sound like you're no childhood friends," Minerva said with a light chuckle, "Did something happen?"


"Well, we had a bit of a fight." Dale said while scratching his head.


"I see. I'll talk to him later. Knowing you, it must have been his fault again, right? Thank you for always keeping an eye on Tim."


"It's fine, " Dale shrugged, "What are friends for? Isn't it to keep an eye out and keep each other's company?"


Minerva only gave him a warm smile.


"Well then, I'm going now. The breakfast was delicious as always. Thanks Minerva!"


And so, Dale went out.