
Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty-Six

Ella POV

Preparing for a wedding can be too scary and tiring, Sarah and Mummy Laura made me realise that today, I was walking from one shop to another and Sarah don't look like she is getting tired at any moment. I don't know what possessed her that made her so energetic, even at a point Mummy Laura started getting tired and like Sarah, she is not a fan of shopping but Sarah is different, she seems ready to buy the whole shop and if you try to stop her she will throw a fit. Is like watching a two-year-old kid throwing a tantrum, from time to time I will look at her mother silently asking her what is going on and each time she asked me to bear with her. I don't know what is happening but she should get her attitude together. I did the fitting and Sarah did hers, since she will be the bridesmaid and Claire is yet to arrive for her fitting cause she is also the bridesmaid.

We did the fitting and Sarah have thousands of complaints to make, I moved closer to her mother and nudged her side. Mum, what is going on? I asked her. I think her hormones are acting up that is why she is behaving like this, Mummy Laura answered while smiling. I wonder why she is smiling and what she means by hormones acting up, that word hormone sounded family and am wondering why it is sounding like something very important. Mum, what do you mean by hormone? I asked her and that is when it clicked. I looked at Sarah still complaining while frowning deeply and I looked at her mother who is smiling as every proud mother should.

No way, don't tell me that I am going to be an aunt? I asked her in amazement. Yeah, you are not far from the truth, am going to be a grandmother, she said proudly. This is the best news of the century, am on the cloud now but why did Sarah not tell me about this great news I thought we are best friends. That's great news and a good thing but Sarah did not tell me anything about this, I complained. Don't blame your best friend cause I don't think that she is aware of it yet, cause if she is, she would have told you and me, Her mother answered trying to calm me down from getting unnecessary angry.

Okay, that is good then, I will wait until she finds out and tell me then I can congratulate her, I said. Yeah, that is what we are going to do, we wait until she figures it out, Her mother said. Now, that I understand why she is acting up, I find the whole situation funny and at the same time scared and feel pity for certain someone. Scared in the sense that I will be like her somebody and maybe I will do worst than what she is doing now cause I heard that individuals react differently to their hormones and I felt pity for George cause he will be experiencing worst than any of us.