
Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-nine

Third Person POV

Steve can no longer bear how secretive Anna is with him, even though the two of them are working together to achieve one goal. Okay, that's it, I have had enough of you keeping me in the dark, it's either you tell me what is going on or you forget about this partnership, Steve said to Anna, giving her the look of "am not here for this shit". Am sorry Steve but I can't risk it, Anna told him. And what the hell do you mean by that? Do I look like a snitch to you? I want this revenge as much as you want it, Steve asked her in a calm voice not wanting to attract attention to the room, but you can still detect the anger in his voice. It's not about you, you are not the problem Steve, Anna said, she decided to tread carefully knowing that the man before her is very angry at the moment.

The problem is your son, I don't want to tell you about my plan cause I don't want to risk your son telling George everything, Anna explained to him. Steve was taken aback by her explanation, he heard her the last time she complained about his son but he never got around to asking her, how she knew about that, more reason he should be weary of her but unfortunately he is blinded by greed and his so-called revenge. How do you know about that? I mean how do you learn that my son is supporting George? Steve asked her. I don't think that is the question you are supposed to ask, what I am expecting you to say or ask is, what are we going to do about him, Anna said looking at him dead in the eyes.

What do you mean by that? Steve asked trying to show that he is not afraid at the moment, but deep down he is afraid of the woman before him and the length she can go to achieve what she wants and he doesn't want his son to be at the crossfire. What I mean is that you should talk to your son to stop being a snitch or get him to stop selling you out, do it in whichever way you think that will work cause I don't want to view him as an obstacle, Anna said still keeping that blank look. You can't even tell what exactly is going on in her head at the moment. Are you threatening me? Steve asked her, showing her that he is really mad at her now. No, am not threatening you, am just advising you on how to tackle the little problem we have now, Anna told him.

Listen, I know we are partners in this quest to have our revenge on George, but what I will not tolerate is you threatening me or forming the thought to harm my son, I will not condone that from anybody, do I make myself clear, Steve warned. Anna is not fazed by his warning, instead, she leaned forward to Steve. If you care so much about your son, control his wagging tongues and just as you said, this is important to you as it is to me so I won't sit back and watch someone mess it up for me, Anna told him, and stood up and walked out of the room without sparing a glance at the man sitting down, wallowing in anger.