
Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty

Melvin POV

Since I found out what Anna did with her womb, I have always checked on her every hour if I don't see her around me and she did not tell me her whereabouts. It's safe to say that I am scared of the woman I got married to, I don't know what exactly she is capable of that is why I need to know her whereabouts all the time. I know that what I accepted to embark on could be dangerous but I already promised George that I will do anything in my power to stop her, I can't stop her alone and they seem to be the people in the position to stop her. I have been in the office for close to two hours there is no sign of Anna, cause she is always in the office with me sorting the finance and if she were to step out, she will not stay outside for more than thirty minutes. Now she has been outside for two hours and that gives me cause to be worried.

I left my office and walked along the corridor when I saw one of the waiters, I approached him to inquire about Anna's whereabouts. Excuse me, have you seen my wife? I asked him. Yes, sir, she is with Mr Vincent in one of the private rooms, he answered and left to attend to customers. Anna is with Mr Vincent in a private room without me being present, we always discuss with the man together, what could they possibly be talking about? Of course, how can I be so dumb, they are working together, all those speeches he gave me the last time were all bullshit. I hastened my step towards Steve's favourite room cause I know that is where they are. I reached the room, I was about to knock when what I heard stopped my movement. They are talking about a guy Victor and what should be done about him since he is starting to become an obstacle, mostly my wife is the one talking. From the little I heard from their conversation, I was able to gather that Victor is Steve's son and just like me he is not in support of what his father is doing.

I know that Steve is going to protect his son from being harmed by Anna cause there is no doubt that he loves his son, I gathered that from the response he gave to Anna. Still, I need to tell George about this, not on my watch will anybody will be harmed, this Victor guy needs to be alerted that he might be next on my wife's hit list. I turned back and walked back to my office, cause their argument seem to be getting heated and knowing my wife, she will leave the room. I sat down in the office not too long after my wife entered, acting like she did not argue with a man not too long ago. Are you okay? I purposely asked her. Yes, I am okay, why do you ask? She asked back looking self-conscious, maybe she thought that she let her feelings slip. It's just that you have been outside for a long time, that is why I asked, I explained, I can swear I saw her release a sigh of relief. Well, it is hectic out there, we have a full night tonight and two or three tables wanted to start fighting, it's crazy out there, she lied to me.

I have no other choice but to act as if I believed her, it didn't take long for us to hear someone knocking on the door, I asked the person on the other side of the door to come in. Steve walked in while smiling, I wonder why he is there but one thing I know is that I am not going to entertain him right now, I need the privacy to talk to George. Melvin, how are you? It's been a while, Steve greeted cheerfully while exchanging a handshake with me. Steve and Anna acted like it was their first time seeing each other this evening, I would have been deceived if I did not overhear them talking. It's been a while, how was your vacation? I asked him to act along with them. It was okay but I got bored and decided to come back, he answered. I guess you are here to know how things are going. I asked him. Yeah, like I said man has to be close to his money all the time, he answered laughing at his bad attempt at a joke. I won't be with you today cause I have a lot of work to do, you and my wife can go and have the conversation, I told him.

I just want them to give me privacy and this will also be a good opportunity for Steve to finish whatever it is that he has to say to Anna. That's okay I perfectly understand, Mrs Black shall we? Steve turned to Anna and asked her. I can see from the corner of my eye, Anna giving me the look," that she don't want to go but I ignored her, the two left the office afterwards. I took my phone immediately and called George. Hey Melvin, what's up? He asked. I can tell from his tone that he is busy. George who is Victor to you? I mean I know who he is, but is he important to you? I asked him. I know that my question sounds stupid but I want to know how much he cares for Victor. He is my brother, is everything okay? Don't tell me that your wife did something to him cause I swear I will not take it easy on her, George asked and swears at the same time. Okay, this means that she is someone important to him. Well, she has not done anything to him yet, but I believe that she will be her next target, I told him.

Okay man, thanks for the heads up and just like you, Victor is doing everything in his power to stop his father's craziness, George said. I figured that out, please be careful I don't have much time cause your uncle is here and it won't be long for my wife to come inside, I informed him. Okay, thanks for everything Melvin, he thanked me and end the call.