
My Beasting System

Ever since the beginning of the war between the humans and the notorious Mages, humanity has been forced nearly to the brick of extinction. Old technology was destroyed. New technology humanity was unfair with took over, all thanks to a well renounced scientist named Madeline Cane. Thanks to the advancement in technology, the humans were able to tip the scale of the war against the Mages, but only in the slightest. Being creatures that deal in elemental abilities, highly advanced technology posed little to no harm against them. The world was ending, and all hope was almost lost...untill they came from the shadows. Somewhere deep in Old China lived a family no one has ever known before. Till this day, no one even knows their family name. They assisted the military in fighting The Mages. They displayed great skill in the battle field, showcasing martial arts no one has ever seen before. The military always begged them to teach them their techniques, but they always refused, saying it was their family secret. Things seemed to be going well for the humans, until the family was mysterious wiped out the day before the humans were supposed to fully wipe out the Mages. They had lessened their numbers, leaving them at a dangerously low ten. It was assumed that the Mages were responsible for the death of the Family. Who else had power that could rival such a family? Perhaps among the ten remaining were the strongest of their kind which had invaded earth. Never the less, for going out of their way to assist the military for the greater good of the Earth, the family name was forever went down in history as 'The Beasts.' However, The Beasts didn't leave Earth without leaving humanity something it can use to win the war. On the day before the family was attacked, Li Shen, the patriarch of the family, handed over a blue coloured flask with ancient engraving to the Head World Leader saying that one day he would be gone and someone needed to be around to keep fighting. He then went on to tell him that in the flask was every technique and ability his bloodline had developed since the start of their dynesty, and that it should never fall into the wrong hands, else the world would have something much worse to worry about. However, despite the solemn promise the Head World Leader made to him, due to the unstable market forces brought about because of the remaining powerful mages attacking the earth, the system was stolen, and later fell into the hands of Zhao Ling, a rich business man who decides to use it to make a butt load of money by making it a price in a tournament he calls the Tournament For Power by making people pay to watch or see the tournament in person as well as hosting a betting platform where people can bet on who they want to win. But despite all the measures he put in place, as well as the incompetence of his staff, the system still ended up in the hands of a nobody who wasn't even a part of the damn tournament. Heck, he was too young to participate anyway. Of all the things in the world, Leo never expected he would have to sacrifice his mother...just so he could live. [ Ashley Tseab selected ] [ Your wounds are healing. ] ... From here on out, Leo sets out to grow stronger. Completing quests day by day, his dream slowly turns into a reality. However, things take an unexpected turn when he is key with a quest he isn't sure he can complete. [ 10 days till next Beating Cycle. ] [ 10 days till you turn. ] Follow the story of Leo Tseab, a boy who sets on a journey to prove to the world that he is worth it, that he is a somebody, but most importantly, to get stronger than his older broth so he can shove it in his devilishly handsome face.

Darz · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Beasting System (Part 1)

Twenty-four hours ago, twenty horny boys were sent to accomplish mission impossible. Due to their inability to control their sex drive, nineteen of them broke the rules and were hereby eliminated from the tournament. However, for the sake of stiring drama and tension, the nineteen were asked to stay until the very end.

Standing on a raised platform as usual, the announcer held a piece of crumpled paper in his hand as he began his speech.

"Good Afternoon, everyone. As usual I thank you all for making time to be here to witness the end of The Tournament For Power. I assure you, the time you put into this will not be wasted."

The announcer said this because during the course of the trial, there had been people who were attending the trials, but later on stopped attending. Thinking it was due to the tournaments being boring, they decided to seek opinions from the younger generation on how to make it interesting. And so, they came up with the idea of testing the younger generation on a sexual level. The reason for this was to know how loyal they would be when faced with the biggest temptation known to man.

"Due to nineteen of the contestants being eliminated, there is no need for a final trial, making the last man standing the winner." He narrated on. Truth be told, no one at this point cared about the pot bellied announcer or what he had to say. All they cared about was the freaking winner of the Tournament For Power.

Taking a brief pause, the announcer paced himself for revealing the identity of the winner.

"And the winner...of the 32nd Century Tournament For Power is...Milo Tseab!!!"

The audience roared in cheers. People who had been supporting Milo from the very beginning broke down in tears, happy that their prayers for Milo's victory were answered. Some of his unknown girlfriends in the audience were even seen blowing an air kiss towards Milo.

Did I say 'girlfriends'? I meant 'wives'. Milo has wives he doesn't even know about.

"Milo Tseab, you have perservered. You stood strong through thick and thin. You triumpted over multiple life and death senerios." The announcer went on.

Honestly, even Milo was finding the fat man's rambling annoying. No one cared about his long boring speeches.

"Just get on with it!!!" Said the collective voice of the crowd. As if they read his mind, Milo couldn't help but grin at how much so many people loved him. He's really become a celebrity.

"Alright alright. No need to be so pushy about it." The announcer motioned for one of the mesons to go bring Milo's reward from the storage room.

Noticing what the announcer wanted him to do, the Meson ran off to the storage room, to get the Beasting System. He was quite new, so he had to ask others for directions to the storage room.

Once arriving there, Leo was met by another huge door blocking his entry. However, this one seemed more military based that the door to the arena.

Keying in the code to the door, it slowly slide open, discharging steam as it did so. Where Leo found himself in was some sort of freezer compartment. Not wanting anyone to see what he was doing, Leo made sure he closed the door behind him.

Focusing on the task at hand, Leo quickly went and grabbed the only thing he could see in the room, a blue coloured flask with unknown engravings all over it. However, Leo didn't have any intention of bring the flask to the arena.

"I said that one day I'll over power Milo. This is my chance to do just that. Besides, that devil doesn't deserve more power than he already has."

Leo had had enough. Enough of the abuse and unfair treatment. Enough of the threats.This wasn't Milo's time. This was Leo's. It was his time to prove to the world just how much it underestimated him.

Although Leo had limited knowledge about the system, he knew that it will grant him a super human body and the ability to control beasts.

Leo didn't even know about the consequences about this decision he was about to make, but didn't care. He was freezing to death and had to act fast.

Luckily for him, unlike the door Leo had to input a code, this one required no such thing. All Leo could see was a small black button on the top center if flask.

Readying himself for what he was about to do, Leo took in a deep breath, but regretted it immediately after.

No more waiting. It's time for Leo to change his destiny.

Pushing the round button on top, the flask instantly exploded in front of Leo's eyes. It wasn't a small explosion either. Blue flames engulfed the whole storage room. The temperate took a complete 180 degree turn as it went from freezing cold to scorching hot. If one would look closely, they could see the very walls of the compartment melting from the intense heat.

"Am I dead?" Leo asked himself. That explosion would have killed anything within a ten mile radius. It should have been virtually impossible for anything to survive such a powerful blast.

[ Congratulations, Host. You have been granted the Beasting System ]

__ __

It had been twenty minutes since the announcer had sent Leo to go retrieve the Beasting System, but he still hadn't returned.

'That brat! I hope he didn't get any idea when I sent him to go get the system.' Was the announcer's thought as he gritted his teeth. He could've sent one of the other mesons or staff, but was too afraid they might take the System for themselves. He didn't want to go get it himself because it would just seem unprofessional in the public eye.

Ultimately, he decided to go check it out himself, regardless of what people would think. The storage room was considerably far, so it would take a couple of minutes before he would be back to entertain the audience.

__ __

Meanwhile, lying unconsciousness on the floor, Leo's fingers began to twitch. Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a a weird notification screen hanging in front of him.

[ Congratulations, Host. You have been granted the Beasting System ]

Out of nowhere, a smile crept on to his lips. But almost immediately, the innocent smile turned into a devilish grin. His plan had worked.

"Hahahaha! My plan actually worked! I actually now have something the whole world is literally fighting over!" Leo couldn't help but say out loud.

Not wasting any time, Leo asked the system to show him his stats. The reason Leo knew to do this was because he had read many System books during his holidays at home. The system having stats was something Leo knew naturally.

[ Welcome, host ]

[ Host, I cannot show you your stats until I am designated a name ]

Reading through the messages, Leo couldn't help but snarl at the system. Was this really necessary? Couldn't he just call the system system?

Knowing this was a formality that needed to be met, Leo decided to just do as the system says.

Not wanting to waste much time in thinking of a name, Leo chose to give her the first name that popped into his head.

"How does Sera sound?"

[ New designation accepted. Sera ]

[ I will now show Host his stats ]


After waiting for less than a minute, a list of tabs instantly come pouring down, almost blocking Leo's view completely.

[ Name: Leo Tseab ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Strength: 5 ]

[ Speed: 4 ]

[ Endurance: 5 ]

[ Stamina: 3 ]

[ HP: 100 ]

[ Exp: 0/100 ]

[ Human Energy: 100 ]

[ Skills Available ]

[ Active Charge: A skill that allows you to run as fast as light ]

[ 10 Human Energy per minute ]

Reading through the notifications one by one, Leo couldn't help but smile brightly. It wasn't one of happiness, but a creepy one, stretching from ear to ear on his face.

The sound of violent footsteps could be heard approaching the containment unit, getting louder and louder with each step. Remembering the man who sent him to retrieve the Beasting System, Leo couldn't help but chuckle silently.

'These people are damn retarded. Why the heck would they send someone they don't even know to retrieve something so precious. Was it because of their overconfidence, thinking no one would dare go behind their back? Or were they trying to make the public think they had full trust in their Masons, so much so that they can ask them to do such an important task?'

The sound of ravaging footsteps didn't allow Leo to figure out the reason. Heck, as long as he didn't get hurt, he didn't care about what their reason could be.

'Sera, can you help me get outta this mess?' After cracking his brain for a while, Leo was able to come up with no way to get out of this situation. He considered fighting the fatso, but quickly threw those thoughts out the window. He wasn't the announcer of such a profound event for nothing.

But to his utmost surprise, Sera didn't reply.

'Answer me, you sick A.I.!!!' Leo wasn't fond of being violent, but being in a situation as nerve wracking as this, left Leo with no other choice. He could always apologies once all this is over, but now he had to figure a way out of this mess.

Again Sera didn't reply. Leo wanted to face palm himself for thinking he could rely on someone...or something he just met. However, he stopped midway, a brilliant idea coming to mind.

It wasn't a genius idea or something deserving of a Grammy, but being left with no other choice, Leo had to do it.

Looking around the partly deformed room, Leo could notice pieces of metal sticking out in weird directions. Quickly looking for a short piece and breaking it out, Leo decided to wait on the wall where the door was for the announcer to come in.

[ Quest Received ]

[ Your life is in danger. ]

[ As a young Beast Tamer, your life is your number one priority. ]

[ Escape from this foolish tournament and live to fight another day. ]

[ Quest Rewards: 10 Exp and 2 stats ]

Hey guys. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Things may seem kinda plain and revealing at the beginning but it's all for the sake of the story in the future. Hope you stick around.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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