
Lavender Brown

Despite the Dark Lord falling in the final Battle of Hogwarts, despite the 'good guys' ostensibly winning, not everyone who fought on the right side came out on top. Many died, but for those who lived, Lavender Brown liked to think she'd gotten a rather raw deal. Ugh, probably best not to use the word raw, it sort of made her salivate.

Grimacing, Lavender gets back to bussing the table she's currently working over. As a Barmaid at the Three Broomsticks, her work was never done, no matter how exhausting it got.

"Oi! Lavender! Another round of Butterbeer and Firewhisky!"

Straightening up, the blonde throws a faux smile in the direction of the voice, along with a nod to show that she's heard them. Finishing up with the table, the blonde barmaid makes her way into the back, swaying her hips this way and that. Not to truly entice anyone, but she got better tips if she put in the extra effort, and better tips meant more savings.

There was a time when Lavender would have been happy to seduce some of the more handsome wizards that frequented the Three Broomsticks. But… she hadn't been able to hold down a relationship since all those years ago, at the Battle of Hogwarts. Put bluntly, while men enjoyed her beauty and were happy to chat her up, they didn't stick around once they learned that she was a werewolf.

Greyback's attack had very nearly killed her. She'd survived in the end, but Lavender couldn't help but ask herself what cost at times. Was it worth it? Living this existence, struggling to find acceptance among the world she'd grown up in, solely because of an affliction completely outside of her control. Not that she was dangerous or anything like that, even on the Full Moons. Ministry Reforms had seen the price of wolfsbane falling dramatically, to the point that any werewolf who cared could get their hands on it.

She kept a ready supply in her room, and she always made sure to take her dose on time. On top of that, there had been other reforms that saw her and those like her gaining more rights than they'd ever had in the history of the wizarding world. Unfortunately, even if she had more rights, the stigma was still there. The Three Broomsticks was the only job Lavender had been able to get and keep, thanks to Rosmerta.

On top of that, despite the push to give werewolves equal rights, there was still a bit of give and take in the political process. There would always be someone to appease. That was why it was still necessary for her to inform all potential partners of her affliction before things progressed. Needless to say, in all these years, Lavender had never found a man who was willing to touch her after she informed him of her status as a werewolf.

They loved to flirt with her, the newcomers that came into the Three Broomsticks. They liked to give her smiles and try and cop feels. She'd long since stopped reciprocating their feelings, mostly because she'd learned after the tenth or so wizard that they would simply treat her like a plague carrier once they found out the truth.

Even now, as she balances a tray of butterbeers and shots of firewhisky over to the crowded table that requested it, Lavender knows what to expect. She places the drinks down and gets a few murmured thanks in response, but there's no leering, no groping, no smacks across her ass. Not because these wizards respect all witches or anything like that.

No, it's simply because these men know who she is, more importantly they know what she is. It'll take another couple rounds before any of them are drunk enough to feel her up. And ultimately, Lavender is feeling lonely enough that she just might not shy away from them. What's a grope here and there, compared to the vast lack of human contact that she'd been subjected to for nearly two decades?

Though, it's not all bad. Her life might be hard, it might be lonely… but she has aspirations. She has plans. Specifically, she hopes to own the Three Broomsticks one day, once Rosmerta retires. The other witch was buxom and beautiful and voluptuous when Lavender was but a young girl at Hogwarts, however these days Rosmerta's beauty was beginning to fail her. Her hair had gone grey and she seemed happier behind the counter then moving her old bones about the establishment.

All in all, Lavender liked to think she was the best choice to take over once Rosmerta was gone. She liked to think Rosmerta thought so too. But she also knew the aging witch wouldn't just hand over the place for free, and that was why she saved up every possible galleon, sickle, and knut that she could for when the day finally arrived where she would become the Three Broomsticks' owner.

For now though, Lavender simply had to focus on her job. Noting that the light over one of the privacy booths was on, the blonde barmaid blinks, realizing that someone or a group of someone's has managed to slip in while she was busy with the table that wanted the butterbeers and firewhisky. Considering privacy booths usually drank the most and gave the best tips, Lavender is quick to hurry over, licking her lips and wiping her hands down on her apron in anticipation.

When she steps past the curtain however, she's stunned for a moment to see the booth's occupants. It's not every day that Harry James Potter and Hermione Granger frequent the Three Broomsticks, after all. Hell, Lavender can't think of the last time she's seen either of the two. Certainly not here. And yet, there they are. The Head Auror and a Ministry Official meeting in Hogsmeade over booze? It was a prime bit of gossip, and Lavender couldn't help but notice how Hermione was dressed, the scanty robe she was wearing doing nothing to hide the fact that she was bra-less, at least from Lavender's trained eyes.

In the end though, it's anger that she feels as she lays eyes on Granger for the first time and who knew how long. She still blamed the brunette bookworm for stealing Ron from her, all that time ago. Would her life have gone differently if she and Ron had stayed together? Would she even be a werewolf if he'd been there for her when she needed someone, ANYONE to help her against the monstrous Greyback?

Such thoughts only led to depression and despair, as Lavender well knew by this point. But that didn't mean she disliked Hermione any less. Harry on the other hand… Harry was the only reason she was still alive. He'd healed her and seen that she got help after Greyback savaged her during the battle. And then, he'd gone on to win the entire war by taking down Voldemort. To say Lavender held a bit of hero worship in her heart for the Head Auror, just like half the wizarding world did, would not be an overstatement.

Directing a smile filled with warmth towards Harry, and a smile filled with daggers towards Hermione, the blonde barmaid clasps her hands together, all business within moments of entering the booth.

"Good evening you two. It's nice to see you both again. Can I get you anything?"

Harry's eyes drift up and down Lavender in a way that has her preening under his gaze. After all, HE knows exactly what she is. To have someone like the Man-Who-Won checking her out anyways… well, it would never go anywhere considering he was married, but a girl could dream, couldn't she? Hermione on the other hand seems fidgety, flushed red as she shakes her head.

"N-No, I think we're fine. R-Right Harry?"

Lifting an eyebrow at his companion, Harry shrugs.

"I don't know, perhaps a drink does sound nice… though I'm more interested in you right now, Lavender."

Even the blonde is taken aback by that, as Hermione grows more and more uncomfortable.


Chuckling, Harry shrugs.

"It's been a while since we last saw each other, hasn't it? How have you been of late? I knew you were working under dear Rosmerta, but it seems she's giving you more and more of a run of this place, isn't she? I suppose she IS getting on in the years now…"

The praise has Lavender floating on cloud nine, and before she even realizes it, she finds herself spilling her heart out to Harry. The two of them fall into a bit of nostalgia as they catch up, while Hermione fails to interject herself into the conversation again and again from the sidelines. Lavender finds herself explaining her plan to eventually 'inherit' the Three Broomsticks from Rosmerta, and some of her ideas for the place.

For the first time in longer than Lavender can remember, a handsome man gives her the time of day. She can't help but feel that Harry is mostly doing it to humor her, or to upset Hermione, but in the end, Lavender just doesn't care about the why. Having him pay her attention, having him actually listen to what she has to say… it leaves Lavender feeling incredibly light-hearted by the time she eventually takes her leave of the booth after Harry ultimately decides he doesn't need a drink, much to Hermione's out-of-place relief.

Flicking off the light with her wand as she goes, Lavender turns back one last time and smiles at the pair, though mostly at Harry.

"Well, if you change your mind, just flick on the light and I'll be by quickly!"

Harry just smiles back at her.

"Will do."

And then Lavender is back to the same old grind. Hustling and bustling around the Three Broomsticks, the blonde barmaid catches up on the work she's let lapse in record time. But all the while, her eyes continue to dart back over to Harry and Hermione's booth, hoping to see the light turn back on any moment. In the end, she just can't shake the thought that she's missing out on something. There's a chance here, and she finds herself wanting to take it, even if she doesn't fully understand what 'IT' is.

In the end, Lavender puts her all into a special on the house pair of drinks for Harry and Hermione. She puts the most effort into Harry's drink. She spits in Hermione's. And once they're done, she heads back over to the privacy booth with a wide smile on her face, despite the fact that the light had never turned back on. Stepping inside, she holds up the drinks.

"Now, I know you said you didn't want anything Harry, but Rosmerta would have my hide if I didn't make sure a bona fide hero was treated properly while in our establishment. I-…"

Lavender stops short as she takes in the state of the booth. Namely, the fact that Harry is looking at her with a lifted eyebrow while he sits alone, a slight smile on his face. Hermione on the other hand, is nowhere to be seen. Stepping forward, Lavender gives Harry his drink and puts the one she spit in far away from him, where Hermione had been sat. Then, she makes a show of glancing around.

"What happened to Granger?"

She knew Hermione hadn't left the booth. She'd stared at the privacy booth enough over the last thirty minutes to be quite confident of that fact. But then, where was she if not gone? Harry's smile widens into a full-blown grin as he cocks his head to the side.

"Hermione is… currently indisposed. But on her behalf, I'll thank you for our drinks Lavender. I'm sure they'll be delicious."

She's not stupid. She's not dense or gullible or naïve. Lavender stares at Harry for a moment, as she realizes exactly what's happening here. There's a split second where she has the urge to out Hermione as a cheating skanky little whore. The bitch was clearly blowing Harry beneath the table. However, that split second passes, and Lavender finds herself blushing instead as Harry's stare gets more and more intense, his grin more and more knowing.

He can tell. He can tell how turned on she is right now, how much she wants him. And his gaze is only welcoming as he sits back in the booth, waiting patiently. He's not telling her to get out, he's not doing anything. He's giving her a choice to make. And it's up to Lavender to make the right one. Licking her lips and blushing up a storm, the blonde barmaid gives Harry a tentative smile as she takes a step forward.

"W-Well then. It wouldn't do to leave you unattended, Mister Potter. A handsome man such as yourself should never be alone."

Harry just lifts his brow, both of them knowing he's not truly alone in that moment. But Lavender has made her choice, and now she's going to follow it through.

"I… why don't I give you the House Special? It's a treat that we only reserve for our most… honored customers. And I think the Man-Who-Won c-certainly counts."

Harry still doesn't say a word as Lavender climbs up onto the table. There's a reason the privacy booths have exceptionally high ceilings, enchanted that way to be even more spacious in the vertical than the rest of the Three Broomsticks was. With plenty of headspace for herself, Lavender looks down at Harry from atop the table, blushing all the while as she slowly begins to gyrate and sway her hips to music that's just in her head.

Her apron comes off first, flung into a corner of the booth behind her. After that, her dress is hiked up slowly, inch by inch. Eventually though, as Harry watches on intensely, that's gone too. Slowly but surely, Lavender gives Harry a strip-tease right there atop his table, dancing and swaying to her inner music all the while.

When she gets a little closer to him, he reaches out. That's when she slaps his hand away and pulls back, an impish smile on her face as he stares at her, nonplussed.

"No touching, Harry~ That's the policy. I'm not a whore, after all."

Though she would be for him, in a heart-beat. That errant thought worms its way into Lavender's head and she blushes a bit more as she goes back to dancing. Harry watches her, his expression shuttered now, his gaze hooded. Licking her lips salaciously, Lavender unclasps her bra next, allowing her big fat tits to bounce free of their confines.

Flinging her bra onto Harry's face, she just offers him another mischievous grin as he pulls it off and tosses it to the side, his attention solely focused on her and nothing else. Reaching up, Lavender undulates her body as she grips and squeezes her tits tightly.

"Mm, like what you see, Harry?"

One of his hands has disappeared beneath the table now, but Lavender pretends to ignore the choking sounds coming from under it, as she continues her strip-tease and dance. Her shoes and her stockings go next, until she's left in nothing but her panties. Those disappear too in the end, as Lavender turns away from Harry and bends over, slowly pulling the underwear off of her shapely behind and along the curve of her hips before drawing them down her legs.

She kicks her panties off of one foot and then the other, and they hit a wall of the booth as she turns back around to face Harry. He watches her silently, even as Lavender sways her way across the table to right before him, before dropping down into a crouch. Harry doesn't try to touch her again, even as Lavender gently gyrates her hips, her gushing wet pussy inches from his face.

Biting her lower lip, Lavender laces her fingers through Harry's dark locks. When he looks up at her questioning, she just grins.

"No touching for YOU…"

With that clarification, Lavender's other hand closes around the mug of foaming hot butterbeer she'd brought along with Harry and Hermione's cocktails. She hadn't even realized at the time why she was doing it, at least not consciously. But now she supposed she knew. Subconsciously, Lavender had always intended to give Harry the house special.

Positioning the wizard beneath her just right, Lavender lets out a breathless gasp as she begins to pour the butterbeer down her body, right at the top of her chest. The liquid flows over the slopes of her large breasts and across her slightly sweaty body before eventually making its way to her navel and down into the valley created by her thighs.

There, it mixes with her dripping pussy juices before finally leaving her flesh to fall into Harry's waiting mouth below her. Lavender watches, panting heavily and blushing up a storm as Harry drinks the butterbeer down, his own green eyes staring up into hers the entire time. Of course, he's not at all content with just that. His hands suddenly close around her buttocks, gripping at her round cheeks as his pinkies tease at her back door.

He pulls her in close and begins to suckle at her quim. Lavender moans, even as she shakes her head and weakly protests his actions.

"Oooh, Harry… you're breaking Madam Rosmerta's n-no touching policy. She… she always says she's not running a whorehouse. I c-can't… we have to stop."

Even though she says that, Lavender doesn't try to pull away. In fact, if anything she's gyrating her hips INTO Harry's mouth, rather than the other way around. Harry doesn't bother with stopping what he's doing either, instead he suddenly pulls a shiny gold coin from seemingly nowhere and flicks it across Lavender's clit. The blonde barmaid's breath hitches as the galleon comes to rest on her mound, right above Harry's nose as he licks at her wet pussy lips.

Without breaking eye contact, Harry continues this trend, and Lavender's eyes widen dramatically as he places galleon after galleon atop her shivering, quivering cunt. She shouldn't… she shouldn't be enjoying this so much. She's practically selling her body now, after all. He's BUYING her services… like she is some sort of whore or something. And yet, there's something so undeniably hot about the whole scenario. As he continues to flick her clit with each galleon before stacking them higher and higher atop one another, Lavender shudders in near-orgasmic bliss.

She tries to hold it back, she really does… but when the tenth galleon comes up and she watches it approach her clit in anticipation, she knows she's lost. Harry flicks her clit once more, even as his tongue darts deeper still into her cunt. Lavender's eyes roll back in her head and she climaxes on the spot, no longer able to contain her orgasm as she bucks into Harry's face.

The galleons spill off of her spasming body and onto the table below, making clinking sounds. Each time one hits the wood surface, Lavender is reminded that she's whoring herself out at this point, and it only makes her hotter for some reason. Harry is clutching her ass now, and Lavender happily locks her legs around his head as he continues to savor the delicious cocktail of juices that her cunt represents now, the butterbeer and sweat and her own pussy juices combining to create something he was happily slurping up as he ate her out.

Lavender wasn't sure if Harry's tongue was longer than it was supposed to be, mostly because she wasn't sure of just about anything in that moment, as she found herself laying back on the table and arching her back in increasing enjoyment of Harry's ministrations. It sure felt like he was reaching places that shouldn't have been possible with a normal tongue though, and it's not long before Lavender cums again from his efforts.

Then, she climaxes again and again and again as he digs his fingers into her shapely ass cheeks, squeezing and gripping them so he can pull her up more into his questing mouth and tongue. Harry doesn't stop until she can no longer control her legs, until they're unwrapped from around his head and hanging limply on either of his shoulders as she shakes and spasms from orgasm after orgasm at the end of his tongue.

By the time he pulls away from her, Lavender is half out of it. Even still, when Harry drops her unceremoniously onto his lap, she finds herself startled by the fact that there's not long, large meat rod like she's half expecting. Only belatedly does she remember her earlier realization through the haze of pleasure and bliss that's settled over her thoughts. Only as she finds herself landing on a head of hair in Harry's crotch does she remember Hermione.

This entire time, the brunette bookworm's mouth and throat have been used as cocksleeves as she knelt under the table submissively, raising neither protest or concern at Lavender's presence and antics. Now though, now Lavender is forcing Hermione far deeper onto Harry's cock than the brunette is truly comfortable with. And once she realizes what's going on, Lavender isn't one to let such an opportunity pass her by.

A vindictive grin across her fucked silly face, Lavender grins her ass down hard on the back of Hermione's head, robbing the brunette of air as she chokes and gags, struggling for breath all the while.

"There you are, ooh, you slutty little cheating, mm whore! I k-knew you were… ah, u-under there."

As she spits venom at Hermione, despite not knowing if Hermione can even hear her properly due to her current predicament, Harry leans forward and begins to motorboat and knead Lavender's fat tits. Moaning happily at this, the blonde barmaid wraps her arms around his neck, a hand on the back of his head pulling him closer to her breasts.

Harry plays with them to his heart's content as he feels the extreme pressure and pleasure of Hermione's spasming throat around his dick. Still, it can't last forever. Hermione does have her limits, and if there's one thing the wizard has learned since he took the brunette witch in hand, it's those. Lavender lets out a surprised yelp as she's suddenly lifted up by powerful hands. Before she knows what's happening, Hermione has been pushed off of Harry's cock completely, falling backwards onto her ass beneath the table.

Lavender's cunt replaces Hermione's throat as Harry slams Lavender down onto his dick again, right as the blonde barmaid is in the middle of a euphoric orgasm, brought on by the sheer ecstasy of finally getting back at Hermione. Of course, that compounded with Harry's massive meat rod suddenly buried deep inside of Lavender's clenching cunt only serves to make her completely lose control again, her eyes rolling back in her head and a howl leaves her throat as her hands slide down from around Harry's neck to his back, clawing at him desperately.

Shaking and spasming and bouncing atop Harry's cock, Lavender can do nothing but go along for the ride as Harry uses her like some sort of oversized pocket pussy, his fingers digging into her flesh all the harsher as he begins to jerk her up and down his cock over and over again. The way he uses and abuses her is rough, savage, and brutal… and Lavender loves every last bit of it.

She's not sure if it's because of the curse she's been afflicted with, or if she's always had this sort of thing lurking inside of her. But the way Harry just takes her, making her his bitch in such a primal manner… it's almost too much for Lavender to withstand. Ultimately, it IS too much for Lavender to withstand. She climaxes along his cock time and time again, unable to do much beyond take his dick deep inside of her over and over and over.

To call what she was doing 'riding' would be ludicrous. The way Harry was controlling the situation, the way he was bouncing her up and down on his cock faster and harder than she ever could have done on her own, it's more akin to hanging on for dear life than anything else. While at the same time making one's way through multiple explosive orgasms.

Lavender does her best, but by the time he's buried himself in her womb and filled her with the first load of his seed, the blonde barmaid is still fucked senseless, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth in quite the silly, humiliating manner. Filling her with his cum, Harry grunts as he enjoys the expression on Lavender's face all the while.

Yet still, he's not quite satisfied. As she comes down from the pleasure high and looks at him, panting heavily and blushing up a storm, Lavender inadvertently manages to give Harry the exact line he's looking for.

"I-I… I hope you're satisfied with o-our service, sir…"

Grinning wickedly, Harry shakes his head back and forth.

"Hm… not quite. There's something else you can do for me."

Blinking, Lavender finds herself pulled off of Harry's dick and flipped over onto the table before her. Her tits smack into the wood and the gold galleons already scattered across the surface of the table, even as Harry pours some of the special drink she made for him onto her sweaty body, specifically right down her ass crack.

Lavender catches onto what he intends immediately, and she mewls in protest, not at all confident about her ability to take the behemoth between Harry's legs up her butt.

"B-But Harry… ooh, w-what about Madam R-Rosmerta's policy…"

It's the only excuse she can come up with, as he kneads her butt cheeks in his hands, squeezing and griping her shapely derriere to his heart's content. Even if she's already broken the no touching policy in a rather massive way, Lavender's fevered mind has hope that invoking it again will somehow get Harry to back off where invoking it before completely failed.

Of course, that doesn't work at all, in the end. Harry just chuckles and responds to her new protests in the same way as he did her previous protests. That is to say, he pressed a galleon into her ass, causing Lavender's eyes to go wide as a lewd, surprised moan leaves her lips from the sudden intrusion.


He pushes another galleon into her butt, eliciting another gasp of shock. Lavender shakes her head as she claws at the table before her, trying to deny what's happening, telling Harry they had to stop. But she never actually tries to truly stop what he's doing to her. Despite how reluctant she seems verbally, Lavender can't help but moan as he loosens her back door up with galleon after galleon, stuffing her to the brim with golden coins, buying her back door just like he had her first.

Was she… was she truly just a whore? H-How much was he willing to spend on her? The thought of getting more money from him, the thought of being paid for her 'services'… it only turns Lavender on even more, to her shame and embarrassment. In the end though, the humiliating way he's treating her only brings Lavender to the edge, where she can't quite get herself over.

Ultimately, the blonde barmaid reaches back and spreads her ass cheeks willingly. Harry finally stops stuffing her full of gold, a grin on his face as she shakes and jiggles her posterior back in his direction, blushing up a storm but willingly offering her stuffed back door for him to fuck. A dark chuckle reaches Lavender's ears, and then the coins are flying out of her as Harry summons them free of her ass.

They end up in neat little stacks before her face, and Lavender finds herself staring at what has to be at least twenty slick galleons, the price she'd inevitably chosen to make Harry pay for her asshole. Not that she truly would have resisted if he'd simply demanded she give it up, but there was something more about being bought and paid for that turned Lavender on more than she cared to admit.

With the galleons having loosened up Lavender's back door immensely, it doesn't take much effort at all for Harry to slam into her asshole with his lubed-up member. Covered in cum and pussy juices, Harry's cock goes DEEP into Lavender's asshole, and it goes there fast. As he starts to pound into her from behind while gripping her ass cheeks harshly, he leans over her and whispers in her ear.

"I suppose the hard-working maid bit was just a cover for who you really are, wasn't it? In the end, Lavender Brown is nothing more than a world-class whore."

Flushing brightly, Lavender tries to shake her head back and forth in denial, but she can't help the warm glow in her breast at Harry calling her 'world-class'. As she tries to outwardly protest, one of Harry's hands fists into her blonde locks, pulling at her and forcing her to arch her back as he snarls in her ear.

"Don't try to deny it, slut. I know a whore when I see one. I know a cum dumpster when I see one. Look at how easily your back door is taking my cock after I fed it some gold. That's all you need to get wet and ready, isn't it? The promise of some coin is more than enough to set you off."

Lavender moans wantonly, not exactly helping her case as Harry continues to rail into her asshole with reckless abandon. The pleasure from him giving her such a rough, savage anal pounding is too much to bear, and even as Lavender tries in vain to protest his accusations, another orgasm rips its way through her body, this time from nothing more than Harry reshaping her formerly tight back door for his use.

He still hears the partial 'no' at the start of the 'nnnngh' sound she ends up making all the same. A sneer is easily heard in his tone as he pulls harder at her hair.

"No? Are you saying I'm wrong? Are you calling me a liar, Lavender?"

A shiver runs down Lavender's spine and she forces herself to respond, even through the cacophony of sensations being forced upon her.

"N-No, Harry…"

"Then you ARE a whore."

With that kind of circular logic, there's not much she can say anymore. Her defense was shattered the moment she accepted his coin, ultimately. Even if she'd never said anything specifically, the fact that she'd not denied the transaction, the fact that she'd not left the booth… really, in the end there was only one way this could go.

"Y-Yes… yes…"

She says it quietly, almost hoping he doesn't hear her finally giving in. Of course, he probably does, but that doesn't stop Harry from pretending he doesn't.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you over your moaning, you whorish little slut."

Whimpering, Lavender speaks louder.

"Yes, Harry! Y-yes, I'm a w-whore!"

Laughing, Harry slides his tongue along her neck, even as he continues to ram into her ass with great force. All this time, he's never paused, never hesitated, never once stopped what he's doing. And what he's doing is railing her back door with all of his strength. The experience is completely ruining Lavender, even more than being bounced up and down on his cock at such great speeds did. She's not sure she'll ever be the same after this. Harry is changing her in ways she never could have expected, revealing things about her that she'd not known existed.

"Well now. It's good for you to finally admit it… but now we know that you were lying to me before, weren't you? A lying whore… how naughty. Tell me Lavender, what should I do with a lying whore?"

Flushing scarlet, the blonde barmaid knows immediately what Harry wants her to say. And if she's being blatantly honest, she wants to say it too.

"P-Punish them… y-you should p-punish naughty l-lying whores…"

Chuckling darkly, Harry grips hard on her ass cheek with the hand he still has down near her posterior, then he pulls it away.

"That's right my dear. I think a spanking is in order. Go on then. Count them off and do it right, or I'll be forced to start over."

His palm comes down on her ass as he continues to fuck her back door as hard as he can. A yelp leaves Lavender's lips, followed hastily by a count.

"Ooh! O-One!"


"A-Ahhh, twoooo!"



Lavender's eyes cross as she climaxes hard from the physical abuse combined with the big fat dick she's receiving. Of course, when she comes down from the pleasure high, Harry is rubbing at her buttocks, still fucking her ass.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to start over, won't we? It's just a small punishment Lavender. I don't intend to give you more then ten smacks in whole. But if you keep losing track of the count like that, we'll be here all night…"


"F-Fuck, ONE!"







And once again, she climaxes and loses track of the count before she can get to ten. This continues for the entirety of the encounter, as Harry spanks Lavender's bottom red, one cheek and then the other, all while fucking her silly. Eventually, the blonde barmaid turned whore can't do anything but simply lay there, eyes rolled back in her head and tongue hanging out of her mouth. At that point, there's not much she can do to stop him from fucking her and spanking her, she's not even trying to count off anymore.

Harry grunts and then finally cums again, his seed pumping into the whorish barmaid's back door with abandon, a deluge of spunk filling her to the brim. It's enough to send Lavender into oblivion, leaving her unconscious as she shakes and spasms along his cock one last time, her back arching before she then slumps forward, completely and utterly passed out, but with a smile on her face.

As the blonde barmaid finally loses consciousness, she's never truly been happier. Not in all her childhood at Hogwarts, and certainly not at any time during her adulthood as a werewolf. Fucked absolutely silly by Harry's cock, Lavender Brown is lost to a sea of pleasure, a white endless expanse of bliss and ecstasy as she lays passed out on the table before her.


When Lavender finally regains consciousness, she has no idea how long it's been. But Harry and Hermione are still there, so probably not too long. Of course, they're also fucking so at least some time has passed her by. Lavender slowly lifts herself off the table as she takes in the pair. They're on the floor right before the closed entrance to the privacy booth, and Hermione is bouncing up and down on Harry's cock as he thrusts up into her with as much force as he used to fuck Lavender when SHE was in his lap.

The expression on Hermione's face can only be called an expression of pure insensate bliss. The brunette bookworm looks completely out of her mind with pleasure. Lavender stares for a moment, both in envy and jealousy, but also a bit fascinated. She's never seen Hermione so far out of control. The thought of revealing her and Harry's affair is the farthest thing from Lavender's mind at this point, but even if she had wanted to, this alone probably would have changed her mind.

Because Hermione isn't having some sort of equal relationship with Harry, that much Lavender can now tell. She couldn't say how it all started, but it's clear that Hermione is nothing but Harry's fuck toy, his whore, his slutty little cum dump… just as he made Lavender into a little while ago. Reminded of her payday, the blonde barmaid happily begins to collect the galleons scattered across the table. Thirty-three in total get tucked away into her discarded robes, even as Harry notices her movement.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Lavender."

Blinking, the blonde barmaid finds herself drawn into the wizard's gorgeous green eyes, even as he continues to fuck Hermione silly.


Grinning wickedly, Harry looks at her knowingly, even as she stands there, unsure what to say. He's turned her entire world on it's head after all, completely changed how she views… just about everything. It's hard not to blush as he gazes upon her.

"I'll be returning soon for another House Special. I certainly enjoyed the first one well enough."

Lavender blushes deeply as another burst of warmth grows in her breast. She finds herself giving Harry a raunchy smile as she presses her breasts together and licks her lips salaciously.

"Mm, well, I'll make sure that all of your future 'drinks' are on the house again… though I wouldn't mind some generous tips, every now and then~"

Harry chuckles at that and just nods his head amicably, causing Lavender's vision to be filled with images of galleon piles for a moment. But then Hermione cries out and ruins it, pulling Lavender from her day dream as the brunette witch cums along Harry's big fat cock. Scowling down at Hermione, Lavender can't help but still dislike the know-it-all. Even if losing Ron to her is the farthest thing from the blonde barmaid's mind now, Hermione was still always such a stuck-up bitch during their school days. She slept in the same dorm as the rest of the female Gryffindors from her year, but she spent all her time with Ron and Harry, or in the library studying, or working on homework that wouldn't be due for months.

She was, in essence, the worst kind of bitch back at Hogwarts. Seeing her brought low like this was certainly appetizing, but Lavender found herself wanting more. After a moment, she has an idea, and an impish grin spreads across her face as she climbs back onto the table. Harry watches her do so with a raised eyebrow, but Hermione isn't truly cognizant of anything but Harry's cock until Lavender grabs a fistful of the brunette witch's hair and drags her hair closer.

Crouching on the edge of the privacy booth's table, inches from Hermione's face, Lavender holds the bookworm's head steady with one hand while flicking at her clit with the other.

"You look, mm, parched Hermione! Let me, mm help you with that!"

Glaring down at the brunette, Lavender finally cries out and cums from her own vigorous frigging. Her pussy juices squirt out of her cunt, and Harry's cum flows out with them, covering Hermione's face and hair and body in the cocktail of fluids. Harry watches on with a smile on his face and amusement in his eyes, and Hermione? Hermione actively climaxes from the degradation, much to Lavender's wide-eyed surprise.

The brunette witch lets out a shuddering cry and explodes along Harry's shaft yet again, this time milking his release from him if the grunt he gives off is any indication. As his seed fills her womb, Hermione pants breathlessly, and Lavender finds herself grinding the slutty bookworm's face up against her slit.

To her amazement, Hermione slobbers and licks and slurps noisily against Lavender's messy cunt, even as the blonde barmaid groans in enjoyment. Sneering down at what her school age rival has become, Lavender adopts a simpering tone as she gives Hermione a venomously sweet smile.

"Please DO come again, slut."

Harry chuckles darkly at that, even as he ultimately goes right back to fucking the brunette bookworm. Stuck between the two of them, Hermione is forced to service both, her tongue diving deep into Lavender's cunt all while she moans and screams against the blonde barmaid's pussy lips from the pleasure of Harry fucking her from below.

Eventually, Lavender feels like she's fed as much of Harry's seed from her cunt as she can to the brunette. That's when she pulls Hermione back and then hops down off of the table, turning and bending over it so she can drag Hermione's face into her ass cheeks. There's another source of the wizard's delicious seed there after all, and Hermione's tongue attacks Lavender's cream-stuffed butthole with the same ferocity that she went after Lavender's quim.

That alone is enough to send Lavender over the edge yet again, as she squeals in pleasure and clings to the table edge for support. There's nothing quite like having Hermione motherfucking Granger giving you an enthusiastic rim job, after all. The only thing better than humiliating and degrading Hermione by forcing the blissed-out-of-her-mind bookworm to eat out her ass was being fucked up the ass by Harry.

Lavender was beginning to find her calling, as she grinded back against Hermione's nose and tongue. All this time, she'd been planning on inheriting the Three Broomsticks from Rosmerta when the other witch retired. But now… now she had another idea. Rosmerta always had gone by Madam… but she'd never allowed things to truly get to where they could be in the Three Broomsticks.

After all, in the wizarding world, prostitution was legal… if it was in a brothel. The Three Broomsticks certainly wasn't a brothel, but somehow Lavender suspected Harry wasn't about to arrest her for a crime he'd taken part in committing. All the same, the longer she enjoyed Hermione's tongue in her asshole, the more Lavender realized what her lifelong dream SHOULD have been all this time.

Perhaps she'd still buy the Three Broomsticks from Rosmerta. But only if she could turn it into a brothel once she was done. Madam Lavender Brown had a nice ring to it. Only as the owner of a brothel would she be able to indulge in her new fetishes, after all. Her desire to be humiliated, degraded, and used by men… combined with the enjoyment she got from humiliating, degrading, and abusing women.

She would get to show uppity, stuck-up witches like Hermione where they belonged in the pecking order, as well as provide a service to wizards… for a price. As her mind whirls with such thoughts, Lavender enjoys Hermione's tongue through orgasm after orgasm. She shakes and shudders and moans lewdly as the brunette whore eats out her asshole.

Hours later, after both Harry and his bookworm cum dump are gone, Lavender finds herself laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The galleons that Harry had given her for her 'services' are laid out all over her naked body, covering her from chest to navel, spaced out haphazardly. The cool feel of the metal… it only made Lavender surer of her path. It felt RIGHT. Licking her lips, the blonde barmaid takes one of the galleons and flicks at her clit with it.

She moans and gasps and mewls as she does this again and again. It's not quite the same as Harry doing it, but the action reminds her of him nonetheless. Smiling up at the ceiling of her private room, Lavender begins to make plans for the future. One way or another, she WILL own a brothel. Perhaps… perhaps Harry would be willing to help her with that.

It wasn't something the Head Auror could be tied to publicly of course, but then as Lavender had found out tonight, Harry had plenty of secrets that weren't public. She had no intentions to blackmail him or anything like that, but there was potential in the idea that he might invest in her venture as a secret partner. Shuddering and shivering, Lavender licks her lips as she continues to tease herself with the galleon.

The future was suddenly looking so much brighter…


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