
Multiverse: Journey to salvation

He was just a murderer seeking a death sentence, after three trials, he was finally sentenced to death. Alex, diagnosed as mentally ill and psychologically disturbed, gets a second chance, a second chance in a world that can bear its darkness. How will things unfold? ------------------------------------------- "Disclaimer: This content is for adults. If you are under the legal age, consult your parents before reading. LOL. Other tags: #Crazy #Sadistic #Manipulative #Psychopath #Mentally disturbed" ------------------------------------------- Worlds: - Classroom of the elite - One piece - Naruto - AOT - MHA - Fairy tail ------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: If this isn't your cup of tea, don't read it. So, in other words, no need to inform me of your departure; I don't have an airport here.

Decadent0 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
5 Chs


"How long has it been in this state? Nobody knows.

A month? A year? A decade? A century?

I've lost sense of time, I can't see anything, I feel like I don't have eyes.

I can't move or speak, and I'm in an unbearable tight place.

I've been in this state for an unknown period, and during this time, I started reflecting on my life.

I discovered it wasn't interesting at all; a killer addicted to novels, felt bored once and decided to surrender to justice after committing a massacre.

There's nothing special.

Talking about my current situation, I feel this is familiar.

It's like a prelude to a rebirth in another world.

Another world huh...

An idea struck me, if only I could move, I'd already be dancing with joy.

Can I frolic as I please? Hahaha.

But first, I must ensure I've truly been reborn and gain knowledge of the world, if it's Earth, that would be disappointing.

[After an unknown period]

"Alex, have you done your homework?" I looked at the beautiful woman in front of me with a friendly expression.

"Yes, Mom," I replied, suppressing the disgust within me.

I was reborn into a wealthy family in Japan. Yes, my assumption was wrong, and it turns out this world is Earth just like in my previous life.

And I didn't gain any system or anything like those who are reborn.

I'm now 7 years old. I lived 7 years with a sample family. I once thought about killing them, but no, I must be patient. Haste won't help.


Days turned into months, then one day, there was a turning point. "Mom" told me I had to study hard to be able to enter the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced High School.

"Take care of your sister when you're there, okay?" My mom said with a gentle smile.

That name was very familiar. Yes, it turns out the world I reincarnated into was also an anime world. Although there are no superpowers, there are plenty of things I can do here...

Killing and raping students there would be fun, right? Hahaha.

"I understand," I replied coldly. My new family was used to my solitary behavior; they thought they could make me behave like other children. They took me to several hospitals and doctors, but nothing changed. It just annoyed me, so I decided I would kill them in the future, my family.

As for my sister, whom my mom talked about, she's a girl my age, we're twins. Her name is Maria, and she's cheerful and active unlike me.

My parents thought Maria might have taken all the fun from me when we were in our mothers' wombs. It was obviously a joke from them, but it didn't amuse me.

I don't consider them my family anyway.

Talking about this family, they were better off than my previous family, materially speaking. We were rich and lived in a palace in the upscale neighborhoods of Tokyo. My mom, Rose, is a woman who still maintains her beauty despite her age; she seems to be in her late twenties. And my dad, Max, is a strict businessman.

That's my family in short.


I'm now 12 years old. My body experienced a growth spurt, and I was much taller than children my age, and physically stronger too, because I didn't neglect physical training. I'll need it when I'm there after all.

I've already decided that I'll visit my results and go to class D. It'll be interesting to kill the novel's hero Park. Hahaha.

"Unnie-chan, what are you thinking about?" I heard a voice beside me. It was my sister Maria, who was younger than me by a few minutes, sitting at the table having breakfast.

"Nothing," I replied shortly, not interested in continuing the conversation with her.

"You're so cold, Unnie-chan." Maria complained, but I remained silent and didn't say anything.

[Do you want power?]


I heard a voice piercing my head directly; it was a cold mechanical voice. As a fan of fanfiction novels, I knew what it was!

I quickly finished my breakfast and ran to my room, looking at my dad, mom, and Maria strangely, but I didn't care. I reached the room and locked the door with the key to make sure no one would enter.

"Yes," I answered the mechanical voice's question. I didn't waste time asking questions like "Who are you?" "Are you my system?" or "You finally showed up, my cheat."

That would be stupid, and I'm not someone who likes to waste time; I got straight to the point.

[Congratulations, you've been chosen as the new heir of the "Dark System."]

[With this system, you'll be able to spread the darkness of your heart onto weak beings, rule with an iron fist, kill whoever you want, and rape whoever you want. You'll become a god among gods.]

"Tell me how the system works and cut the crap."

I didn't care about the system's introduction, which called itself the "Dark System," and instead, I wanted to know how I could benefit from it.

[The Dark System is simple; the host must perform evil deeds, such as killing, bullying, deceiving, lying, and raping, and they will earn evil points that enable them to benefit from the system.]

[The host currently possesses 5,000 evil points due to all the wicked deeds they have done in their previous life.]

I read the messages and began to understand how this thing works. It was simple and appealing to me. Performing evil deeds and gaining evil points make you stronger. This system was perfect for someone like me.

"What can I do with five thousand evil points?" I asked, my voice carrying a touch of excitement.

[The host can purchase items from the system store as long as they have enough evil points, and they can also spin the wheel of fortune.]

"If I spin the wheel of fortune, how many spins do I have?"

I was going to test my luck; I wouldn't use all the points as a precaution.

[The host can spin the wheel of fortune 50 times if they spend five thousand evil points.]

"Then a thousand points for ten spins? Spin the wheel of fortune ten times!"

I said with a wicked smile on my face.


-[Congratulations on acquiring the skill "Mind Reading."]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the "Cloak of Illusion."]

-[Congratulations on increasing your penis size by five centimeters.]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the magic of fire.]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the superbrain.]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the sinful body of the Seven Deadly Sins.]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the immortal body of the Seven Deadly Sins.]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the Akino underwear.]

-[Congratulations on acquiring the tranquil mind.]

"Fantastic!" I smiled wickedly as I looked at my rewards, quickly asking for explanations for the skills and items I didn't understand.

Hahaha, when I read what I got, I couldn't help but smile.

Exciting days await me in the future.