
Multiverse Internet Cafe: The Game Maker

Cryd got reincarnated without knowledge of how he died. And found himself in a parallel world with advanced technology and a new family. But he found many things has changed in this world and became disappointed with this parallel world progress. And so he decided to pursue his dreams to become a Game developer and spread the culture from his past life. but is that all there is to it? ------ This will be a slow paced story but sometimes go fast. Updates 1 chappy a day, and no Patreon Yet, but will give notice If made one. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Heya everyone, Happy new year, LazyTanaka here has rested long enough and finally got my will to write stories once again. This year I decided to write a fanfiction book and an original book for this year, I want to earn some money too you know... Anyway, this is a remake of my last year book? or probably last last year? I forgot but I have improved my writing but not my grammar, hope you guys enjoy the story.

LazyTanaka · วิดีโอเกม
27 Chs

Chapter 12- 2 Types of Chef

To implement the game, Cryd has to pause the world and slowly started assimilating the gameplay, unlike the world background creation, he has to input the gameplay manually and also code it on his own.

If it was that easy then the VR knowledge he received would have been useless if that really happens, anyway, with the knowledge he received from the system the implementation of the gameplay is actually not that hard, just write hundreds to thousands of codes then to find out there was something wrong on the code and he has to look for it.

Then if something didn't work out, he just changed just somethings, not the code he was wishing for but it worked! So why not? Hey, what can he do? He can't possibly memorize thousands of codes, even with the system knowledge, he still has a little bit of difficulty implementing the gameplay.

After all, his ideas were simply too big and just the coding for each of the physics engineering of the game took a lot of time, but Cryd didn't give up as this was a game he planned and he was determined to finish what he started.

Thankfully, the Black Tech Game Engine has some functions to help the game developer whenever it sees something that can be improved on and needs some changes, this lessens the time needed to improve or change something to his code.

In the blink of an eye, a total 18 days have passed since the start of Real Steel VR creation, and yes, it took that much days even when he spent almost all of his day with 4 hours of sleep to finally finish the full code of the game.

With panda-like eyes and a hair that looks like he has been blasted away, Cryd got out of the VR pod.

"Uhh.. I'm so tired, I want to rest"

He was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to try out the game,  right now, all he wanted to do was go home and rest for the day, but it seems he was too tired to even get out of his VR Pod.

Just as Cryd was about to fall asleep, someone knocked at the door of his office before it was opened.

"Onii-chan! We are here"

Nagi entered the room along with 2 girls and his grandpa, since his VR pod was in the open, they easily spotted him.

"Cryd! Onii-chan!" Nagi, Alice and Erina immediately ran towards him.

The 3 girls immediately became extremely worried the moment they saw his pale complexion and panda like eyes, while his grandfather just smiled helplessly.

"Let's go to the hospital immediately! You don't look good!"

Erina said with some concern.

"I am fine, you don't have to worry, look even Alice is pale"

Cryd joked.

"What do you mean by that! I have been like this since birth!"

Alice pouted and punched Cryd on the shoulder lightly, even Nagi joined in since they were very concerned about him but look at this guy! He even has the nerve to joke about someone's beauty!

Cryd just laughed tiredly, he might be tired but there is no such thing as tired when you are with your family.

"Well, girls, that is enough, let's carry him to the house to let him rest, you can nurse him after he wakes up"

His grandpa finally stepped forward to stop the girls, Cryd chuckled lightly before being carried by his grandfather, despite being old, his grandpa has a healthy body that is on par with Nakiri Senzaemon, it's no wonder they are friends.

Cryd soon got home and with the help of the butlers to take a bath, he was able to go to sleep clean, the girls was still very worried with Cryd so they slept beside him, also wanting to have revenge in the morning.

His grandpa took a rocking chair and sat beside them, he looked at the kids in front of him with a smile on his face, he then closed his eyes and leaned back to his chair as it swayed then said in a low voice..

"Rion, Hajime, you both have given birth to a hard working and intelligent kid, be proud of him and always look over him"

Rion was the name of his daughter in law while Hajime is the name of his son, they both died very young which filled him with sadness but thankfully, Cryd and Nagi were there to keep him going.

Then his eyes landed on Cryd.

'He has that unwavering obsession on creating his game which I can't tell if its good or not, but I know that obsession beats talent every time, even geniuses will have to bow down to a person obsessed in something'

He couldn't help but remember his days with Senzaemon when they were young, they had this unhealthy obsession of having a rich life to provide for their children. This unhealthy obsession drove them to do anything just to reach their goal.

And somehow, he was seeing this to his grandchild, as someone who went down that path, he knew just how much an obsession can break a person, just like love, it is painful and pleasurable at the same time.

'Well, whatever the path they go, I will be their pillar that they can hold on whenever they need help'

He sighed before finally falling asleep.

The next day, Cryd woke up already late in the morning, immediately when he woke up, he was jumped by the girls who said they torture him in the form of nursing him to health, unable to escape, he relented to his fate and became a patient for these girls.

Thankfully, Alice and Erina were already training to be chefs, so the clinch of eating a deadly poisonous food doesn't exist but he did suffer after they treated him like a disabled person wrapping him in cloth and making him ride a wheelchair.

But still, they seemed to be enjoying their time with him and just let them do whatever they wanted. It wasn't until afternoon that their play finally ended and Alice and Erina needed to go home.

Cryd volunteered to take them home, though, he wasn't the one driving but he will come with them. On their journey, the girls talked about their time in learning how to be chefs, they talked about their skills and how they are praised by everyone around them.

As they are talking, Cryd couldn't help but remember a quote he had read in his past life and he unknowingly said the quote out loud.

"There are two types of people in the world, those who eat for life and the ones who eat just to survive, then there are chefs who cook for these people, the chef who cooks for everyone, and the other is the chef that cooks for those who want to survive."

Cryd stopped as he noticed he was talking out loud, he looked up and saw the girls were staring at him, seemingly interested in what he was saying.

"Hey, what is the difference between a chef who cooks for everyone and the chef who cooks for those who want to survive?"

Alice asked curiously, since Cryd has already said it out loud, he needed to reply for them.

"This is only my own deduction but the chef who cooks for everyone is just a chef who just knows how to cook, they are the ones who just feed people without thinking much about it"

Cryd replied.

"That sounds like every chef though?"

Erina said curiously.

"Yes, they are just like every chefs"

Cryd replied with a smile.

The girls didn't understand what he meant, but they asked for the other chef.

"What about the other chef?"

Erina asked.

"The other chef who cooks for those who wanted to survive has a different goal from the chef who cooks for everyone, this chef just doesn't cook, but everything he cooks is made with love, with passion, with everything he has to serve it to people who wanted to survive"

"That's just like every chef too right?"

"No, they are not like every chef, because the chef in this side isn't only limited to a chef"

"Eh? I don't understand, what about the goal you said that was different from others?"

"Its very easy to understand, if they are chef, then they are just people who cooks, sure they have no skills, they have no training, or anything that makes them on par with chefs, but the goal of their cooking is to let that person who just wanted to survive to live, to enjoy life"

The two girls were still confused, but Cryd just smiled.

"Then let me ask you a question, Are you living to live or are you living to survive?"

The girls didn't reply immediately, they were already mature for their age so they didn't answer the question but asked themselves first.

"I thinking living to live, I didn't have to survive because everything is already provided to me"

Erina replied, Alice also had the same answer so she agreed with Erina.

"Then you won't know the answer until you know both sides"

Cryd said before opening the door of the car since they had already arrived.

The two girls still didn't understand what he meant but they still wanted to know what it was trying to portray, but since Cryd didn't seem to intend to tell them the answer, they went home feeling complicated.

Once they have left, Cryd looked at the time and saw it was still early, he still have time to try out the game.

"Konoe, let's go to my office first"

Cryd commanded.


His butler, whose name is Subaru Konoe, replied before driving off.