
Chapter 7

Man, it's been a while since I used the internet. After getting to Kyoto, I decided to search for information about my mission. After I know that the magical side of the world has its own internet, I immediately go to the local Internet Cafe or Moonnet Cafe, as the internet that connects the magical side is called Moonnet.

After asking the owner about the place for live news, he recommended one forum called Starlight Online Forum.

So here I'm in front of a computer and signing up for a forum account. After getting inside, I quickly selected Japan and got into the Kyoto Public Forum.

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♦ Topic: Tamamo-No-Mae Cult!

In: Boards ► Places ► Japan ► Kyoto Discussion (Public Board)

Acree (Original Poster) (Verified Youkai) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Feb 7th, 2009:

Some of you might already know about this, but a group of twelve Tamamo-No-Mae cultists was sighted in Downtown Kyoto last night.

For those of you who come from outside Japan, Tamamo-No-Mae Cult is a group of people that worship Tamamo-No-Mae, one of the greatest Youkai in the world. They want to resurrect her and let her purge the other youkai for not following her will.

They want to create a genocide on a large scale so they can use the life force of all Youkai to resurrect their Goddess.

Anyway, last night, a group of cultists was sighted in Downtown Kyoto, and they were getting ready to start a ritual to summon something.

From my source, they managed to kidnap Thirty Seven kids to be sacrificed, and I even managed to get some photos. However, I must warn you that it was graphic.


As you can see, they tortured the children they kidnapped before they sacrificed them. From the footage I got from my source, they want them to suffer, so Tamamo-No-Mae eats their agony.

You can watch it here: [LINK]

Be warned, however, that it was disturbing.

Anyway, that is all I know at the moment. Please do not walk around Downtown Kyoto alone if you are a Youkai and do not get out of your home at night.

(Showing page 1 of 4)

►Flying_Crow (Verified Youkai) (Verified Youkai Defense Force)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

I don't know how you get that information, Acree, but sadly what he is saying is correct. All of us are investigating the area and managing to get a few more cultists planning something that we don't know.

While we are patrolling the area, we still recommend any Youkai not get out at night. The cultist is well known for their stealth spell. We have a hard time locating them in broad light; can you imagine what will happen at night? First, you will not know what happens, and the next you know, you will be in a cage and tortured.

►Answer Key (Verified Magician)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

Geez, tone it down a bit, buddy. You can scare some child with that post.

►Flying_Crow (Verified Youkai) (Verified Youkai Defense Force)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

I'm. I don't want other children to experience what the cultists do to others.

The cultist [REDACTED]

►Antigone (Moderator)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

Woah! Calm down, sir. I know you are angry, but please do not say something that is disturbing. This thread is already on a fine line because of OP's link to a disturbing image and video.

►Flying_Crow (Verified Youkai) (Verified Youkai Defense Force)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

I'm sorry. It is just a very stressful night for me. I'm a father, you see.

►Mr_Night_Floo (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Hacker)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

Don't worry about it. We understand.

Anyway, I want to give another piece of information about the whereabouts of the cultist.


That is the live footage of where the cultist is located. Their current location is in the description. Please hurry, they get another child.

►Flying_Crow (Verified Youkai) (Verified Youkai Defense Force)

Replied On Feb 7th, 2009:

I have already informed the other. Thank you for this information. We will rescue them.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4

I look at the forum with widened eyes. Bloody hell that escalated really quick. What should I do? Should I go there? The location is very detailed, and there are even coordinates I can use for my map.

It was not too far away from here.

|Cultist!| |Chain quest|

|A Cultist has been spotted in the area. Investigate and help the police officer in taking care of the problem|

{Reward: +10 to all stats}

|You cannot decline the quest.|

Bloody hell, chain quest? Those that mean this quest involves the main quest? I still have a couple of weeks, god dammit!


I take a deep breath, get out of the internet cafe I'm currently in and go to the location where the cultists are.

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