
Chapter 6

|Name: Lucas Anderson|

|Race: Youkai/Mink|

|Level: 30|

|HP: 2010/2010|

|MP: 1120/1120|

|STR: 140|

|DEX: 145|

|VIT: 201|

|INT: 108|

|WIS: 112|

|SP: 290|

I finally reached level thirty. That takes a little bit longer than I like. I should get deeper and fight the higher-level opponent. Unfortunately, I had already spent all of my Dawn Rune spell to clear the zombie in the outer ring of the dungeon.

I have also already increased my skills to an acceptable level for my trip to Kyoto. While I know that Kyoto is relatively safe from wild creatures, it was the most dangerous place in my opinion. It was the central power of Japan, and I knew there would be a large number of people gathering there, from a pacifist to a well-known murderer.

Because of that, I need to prepare, and I must say I'm proud of my progress.


|Dawn Rune| |Level: 25|

|Dawn Rune is one of the two children of the Sun Rune, one of the twenty-seven true runes in the Suikoden universe. If the Twilight Rune takes the destruction aspect of the Sun Rune, the Dawn Rune takes the nurturing aspect of the Sun Rune.|

{Passive: The user can use the Nurturing Aspect of the Sun Rune.}

{Active: Every spell does not use mana and is more powerful the higher the level.}


{Time of Awakening: Remove all debuffs from you and all allies two hundred meters around you and grant immunity from all debuffs for three hours (Can be used four times a day)}

From today's hunt, my Dawn Rune managed to level up to level over twenty, and the number of spells I can use increased by one. Now I can go and hunt for twelve hours straight or maybe even longer because I can control my Sulong Form for a few hours now.

|Electro| |Passive| |Level: 57|

|Sulong Form| |Passive| |Level: 71|

|Swordsmanship (Novice)| |Passive| |Level: 45| |AN* Beginner -> Novice -> Intermediate -> Advanced -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Legendary -> Otherworld|

Other than my Dawn rune, the other skills also grow at a fast speed, especially my swordsmanship. With the help of Kiba, I can cut my enemy with ease. I'm lucky to get that sword.

"Lucas? Are you there? The bus will arrive in five minutes."

"Ah! I'm coming, Kuchiki! Just give me a few seconds."

I just learned the other day that Kuchiki is the daughter of the inn owner, and after I rescued her from the goblins, her father decided to let me stay here for free. Sadly, I still need to pay for my food. But, lucky for me, I'm rich from hunting the monster in the dungeon.

After spending the rest of the day in the dungeon, I get out of there early in the morning and decide to take a bath before going to Kyoto. After putting my clothes on, I walk out of my room and smile at Kuchiki, who is waiting for me behind the door.

"Good morning, Kuchiki."

"Morning, Lucas! Come on. You need to eat before the bus arrives."

"Sure. I will miss your mother's food when I'm in Kyoto."

"You can still visit us, you know? You will always be welcomed here. Come on! We need to hurry. Father also wants to talk to you."

"Hmmm? What kind of talk?"

"Dunno. Anyway, come on."

I let myself be dragged by Kuchiki and sat down on the chair near the kitchen's entrance. After waiting for a minute, Kuchiki came back from the kitchen with a tray of food in her hands.

"Here you go! A deer stew and some bread."

"Really? Not rice and grilled fish?"

"Mother wants to cook something new and decided to try to cook some western-style food. However, this is her first time trying to cook this kind of food, so she can only make something simple."

Does meat stew even a western food? Isn't it a universal food? Meh, I'm not a chef or something; I don't know if that's true or not. I took a bite of the food, and just like any other food Kuchiki's mother made, it was delicious.

After eating for a few minutes, I drink the water and release a content sigh.

"Kuchiki, how much for all of these?"

"They are free! This is your last day, and mother wants to cook something for you."

"Then please tell her that it was delicious and also deliver my thanks to her."

"I will!"

"Anyway, you said that your father wants to talk to me?"

"Ah, sadly, he needs to go back to the smithing room because something is coming up. However, he leaves something for you."

I look at her and look at the item she places on the table. It was a black ring.

"And this is?"

"It was a disguise ring! It will let you blend in with the human world. You said that you never learned about illusion magic, right? So father decided to make this ring as a gift. While the bus stop at the town is filled with Youkai and a magical creature, it is good to have this if you want to visit a place that is full of humans."

"I see. Thank you. How is this work?"

"Just put it on your finger and imagine your tail and ear disappear. Then, just take off the ring if you want them back, and your tail and ear will come back."

"I see. Once again, thank you."

"Nah, don't think about it. You save me, and this is the least we can do for your help."

I nod my head, and after saying goodbye to Kuchiki and her mother, I walk toward the bus station at the edge of the town. I already bought the ticket to Kyoto yesterday and only need to wait. Finally, after waiting for a few minutes, the bus arrived, and I was ready to go.

I hope that my stay in Kyoto is not too chaotic.

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