
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

Xeviouzzz · Anime & Comics
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Mall and Dragon's Wrath

( Vanze POV )

After we finished dinner, the girls assisted Yamato in settling into one of the rooms, while Azel and I returned to our nearby houses. I immediately went back to my own room to check the rewards from today's quest.

'Hehe, let's see what we've got, Seele.'

[ Alright, I'll show you the mall and explain it later, so don't interrupt me. ]

[ Mall:


An ordinary sword *10 ¢

How to flirt for a beginner book *50 ¢

1kg sea king meat *100 ¢

Ichigo hollow mask *100 ¢

10× remote control BIM *1000 ¢

Satou Kazuma steal skill *5000 ¢

..... (More+)


Breathing technique book *10,000 ¢

A blue ticket *20,000 ¢

A power card *20,000 ¢

A random summoning crystal *30,000 ¢

Iron man suit mark III *50,000 ¢

Flying thunder god jutsu Minato ver *100,000 ¢

..... (More+)


A red ticket *200,000 ¢

A power card *200,000 ¢

A random summoning crystal *300,000 ¢

Astral Express *800,000 ¢

DenLiner *1,000,000 ¢

An unawakened zanpakutō *2,000,000 ¢

..... (More+)


A purple ticket *10,000,000 ¢

A power card *10,000,000 ¢

A random summoning crystal *20,000,000 ¢

Avalon *50,000,000 ¢

Ōtsutsuki bloodline *50,000,000 ¢

..... (More+)


A gold ticket *100,000,000 ¢

A power card *100,000,000 ¢

A random summoning crystal *200,000,000 ¢

Saitama limit breaker complete ver *750,000,000 ¢

Mystic eyes of death perception *1,000,000,000 ¢

..... (More+)

¢ coins: 50,000 ¢ ]

[ As you can see, the mall rarity is still divided into the same colors as the gacha but without the black one. ¢ coins can be obtained from missions, and you can buy gacha tickets here or sell them for more ¢ coins. You can also sell the trash collected from the random gacha, but don't expect to get rich from it.

Now let's talk about power card, it is an item capable to enhance your skill limit. For example, you can use it on Robin devil fruit to cleanse the curse in it while also make the limitation for the fruit to go even higher. Just imagine if Robin devil fruit capable of making a wooden golem like Hashirama. But you can't use the blue power card to enhance the skill from a red section, so you need to buy it from the red one.

Lastly, it is a summoning crystal. Just thinking it is the same as FGO summoning servant but the different is you can randomly summon everything from other multiverses. Their loyalty is not guaranteed though so you need to work hard for it, but at least they will not kill you the moment they are summon. Oh, and the 50.000 ¢ you got is a gift for opening the mall. ]


I listened and stared at the mall in silence for a full minute... It's a lot to take in. I'm relieved that it somehow provides what our group needs, but the prices as they go into the gold section are hurting my eyes and soul. Ugh...

'Sigh... Let just sell the trashed that have been sitting on my inventory first, Seele.' I only left something that I think it is useful and cool for me, like mp3 or Vegito outfit.

[ Ding!

You've got 94.900 ¢ for all of the item you sell. Your total coins is 144.900 ¢ now. ]

'That's not so bad, I'll take it. So what about the rainbow ticket now, Seele?' Yep, this rainbow ticket is definitely much more precious compared to the mall. I'm so fucking hype right now, hehe.

[ Now, this is a surprise even for me. The rainbow ticket is only available from the courting death type of quest for now. It is somehow similar as the random ticket, but the rarity is much higher, and it will definitely pull the most suitable thing for you. It only includes purple, gold, and black rarities, so the rewards are definitely not bad. ]

'So, if I use the rainbow ticket for the gacha, it will give me the most suitable thing for me, either a skill or an item, right?' That's a really good one. The other gachas are always random, and maybe there is something I'm not suited for within them, but this one...

[ Yes, so do you want to use it now? ]

'Why did you even need to ask, Seele? Let's roll it right fucking now!!!' After I choose to use it, I keep staring at my system with a gaze similar to an addicted gambler and keep rubbing my hands together. Suddenly, a bright rainbow light blinds my eyes. 'This is it!!!'

[ Ding!

Congrats, You've got:


A black sword (???) ]

'Another black one? It's a sword. Seele, please show me the description about it.' Hmm... Suspicious.

[ Ehm... Okay. ]

'Why does she sound unsure there?'

[ Ding!

A black sword (???)

It is a sword born from void energy, a piece of the owner's soul, and €°§•~|×∆

Skill: ??? ]

'Nani the fuck...!? What does the description mean?' This feels like the time I got Blackie for the first time all over again.

[ Um... I'm also not sure, Vanze. But, I can confirm it is indeed made from the rest of the void energy inside the system and a piece of your soul that the system also took a long time ago. ]

'And what about the capabilities of this sword?' So, this thing is also a leftover from the system then...? I'm confused. Why not give me a zanpakutō instead...

[ I don't know; it's yours. You should learn about it later and discover what it really is. But it should be more powerful compared to any other swords based on the material alone. ]

'Sigh... Yeah, let's just slowly learn about it later. There is also a bunch of loot from Kaido's treasury that I still haven't checked; maybe I should do it tomorrow. I also need to give Robin the poneglyphs.'

'Oh right, I almost forgot. Seele, can you purchase three blue power cards for the girls later? Thank you.' Now they don't need to fear the devil fruit curses, and the upper limit of their power is also increased.

[ Ding!

You've purchased 3× blue power cards! They're in your inventory.

¢ coins: 84,900 ¢ ]

'Nice, let's take a break now.' It's already night anyway. I really need some good sleep after all the chaos today.


( 3rd POV )


In the early morning on a certain island, a multitude of people were cleaning the wreckage of a ruin. The bombing from previous day had caused extensive damage to the dome of the Beast Pirates. Even Sasaki, who was injured, was only discovered shortly after they began cleaning at night.

In an open area not far from the ruins, a colossal figure held his giant kanabo, poised to attack an injured individual kneeling before him.

"I asked you one more time, Ushimaru. Who the fuck is letting you out and bombing Onigashima when I was gone!?" The massive figure inquired with a tone filled with wrath.

"Ptoui!!! I will never give you the answer you bastard. Watching your home burn to the ground is the most happiest moment in my life, especially when your only daughter is also got kidnap by him. It's all retribution, Kaido!!!" The man named Ushimaru who is the leader of the samurai from yesteday said. He is spitting and cursing toward the huge figure named Kaido without fearing about his life at all.

"Then, die!!! Raimei Hakke!!!" Kaido swung his kanabo with great force and speed, imbuing it with both Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki for the attack. A visible trail of dark lightning emanated from the weapon. The strike hit Ushimaru so hard that he was sent flying, making his survival seem unlikely.

"Kaido-san, Sasaki, who is already awake, gave me information about the guy who caused all of this." A tall, black-winged man with a fire in his back arrived beside Kaido, bringing him news.

"Who is it, King!? Who the fuck dares to invade and even kidnap my SON!!!" Kaido demanded answers from the man identified as King. With all of his characteristics, the man called King could be identified as a being from the same race as Azel, a Lunarian. Kaido even let out his Haoshoku Haki running wild, showing how enraged he is at the moment.

"The attacker is only one person wearing a weird mask and a full white outfit. He seems very skilled with the Rokushiki technique; even Sasaki got injured by his attack called Rukougan. Queen also said the remnant of the bomb used to blow up our place is highly advanced; he even suspects Vegapunk made it," King revealed all the information he had gathered after investigating for a whole night. He stared at Kaido with a knowing look.

"White outfit, a mask, Rokushiki technique, even advanced technology... Only one organization fits all of this. The damn CP-0 from the World Government! Do they think I'm dumb and a coward!? They even dared to kidnap my most valuable heir, Yamato. Wororororo, it looks like we need to pay them a friendly visit, King. After we're done reconstructing this place, ready the whole armada. I want to teach those damn bastards a lesson until they give me back my only heir!" Kaido declared the Beast Pirates' next plan with a tone of madness, realizing who was causing them trouble. Remembering his past and the memories of how bad the World Government is making him even angrier.

"Will do, Kaido-san." King prepared to go back and inform the other crew eagerly. He also had some bad blood with the World Government, after all.

"Oh, and also tell Queen to finish his viruses as soon as possible and add more quantity of those things. We'll see how they handle this, wororororo." King took off after hearing the last instruction from Kaido. Kaido planned to unleash the viruses on the nations allied with the World Government and the Navy branches in the New World.

"Wororororo, let's play the hard way now..." Kaido looked toward the horizon with his Haoshoku just blasting the air around him.

The World Government and the Navy would have a lot of trouble in the New World because Kaido would not back down until he had Yamato back from their hands.

Yet, the true instigator of this chaos remained unaware of the consequences of his actions. The way he chose his attire for undercover was just on a whim, and Vanze's little mission in Onigashima led to a long-time misunderstanding between the Beast Pirates and the World Government.



Vanze and his companions gathered on the beach in the morning, the sun casting a golden hue on the sand. In his Vegito outfit, Vanze stood alongside Azel, still bearing the weight in his body, and the other girls wear an outfit similar to the sportswear from Vanze's old world. It looks like they were gearing up for some serious training, especially Yamato, who is so eager from the look on her face. Before commencing their exercises, Vanze took a moment to explain something to the girls.

"Here are three power cards, one for each of you who consumed the Devil Fruit; take it."

Vanze instructed, handing out the blue power cards he had acquired the previous night. The girls received them with curiosity, wondering about their purpose.

Robin, guessing their origin, asked, "Is this something you got from the so-called mall?"

"Yes, I've got it from the mall. It can lift the Devil Fruit curse from you and break the limitations for your Devil Fruit while also enhance your Devil Fruit's potential. You just need to slap it on your body while thinking about the Devil Fruit itself, and it's done." Vanze tells them about the function and how to use it to the girls. The girls widen their eyes after learning the true purpose of the power cards.

Suddenly, without hesitation Yamato slaps it directly toward her body after listening to his explanation. Yamato's whole body is surrounded by the thin blue light for a second before it disappears. She looks at her body and moves her arms to test if she is feeling different. Robin and Hancock watch this curiously and also hope it will work.

"I don't feel anything after following your instructions, Vanze. Is it failed or broken?" She looks at Vanze with a puzzled look.

"Why don't you try touching the seawater there, Yamato." Vanze suggests while pointing to the seawater on the shore. Yamato runs directly to it with an eager expression after hearing him.

Hancock voiced a hint of doubt, asking, "Are you sure it's working? What if it's a fraud?"

"No way, just wait and see." Vanze rolls his eyes after hearing Hancock's doubt. All of them keep staring at Yamato's direction, not far away from their position, wondering if it is a success or not. Yamato can be seen touching the ocean with her bare foot and has a surprised look on her face. She keeps walking around the shore, submerging her foot in the water, and finally shouts the result to the others.

"It works! You are amazing, Vanze! Now, I can even swim after the curse is gone, hahahaha." Yamato runs around while laughing after seeing the result. The others just watch her with a smile on their faces. Who can resist such a cute and innocent girl like her.

"Now both of you can use it as well," Hancock and Robin followed suit, applying the power card to their bodies. Like Yamato, they were enveloped in the same blue light, and the process was swift.

"I didn't really feel anything." Hancock checks her body after using the card.

"Well, at least it is already proven to be a success, and I need to tell you guys something before we start the training. Yamato! Come here; I need to tell you something!" Vanze calls Yamato, who is playing with water, to come back. She stops playing and heads toward them with a happy smile on her face.

"Now, I also found a lot of things when I looted Kaido's treasury yesterday. I found two poneglyphs and I will give them to you after we're done with the training later, Robin. As for Azel, I also found a lot of Devil Fruits, but I don't know what type they are. So, I'm gonna wait until my KG can identify the origin of the fruit before I give it to you; I don't want to give you a mediocre fruit after all."

"Ara~ thank you so much for the gift, Vanze-chan. It looks like I need to give you a reward later, fufufu."

"It's fine, Vanze-san. I can wait; I want to focus on building my foundation first."

"And lastly, because all of you already agreed to join my guild, you can access your own status in your mind provided by my management system. It will help you to monitor your current strength and progress; only a member of our guild can see their own status. You can just focus your mind while thinking about status, and it will appear." Seele tells this piece of information after he wakes up. Vanze is surprised by the function because it can help the others to see their progress when they're training. As expected, when they try to see their status, it appears on their minds, and each of them has an astonished look on their faces.

"Woah... It is so cool! I can see my strength and skill in my mind, hahaha." Yamato says while closing her eyes to focus on seeing her status. Vanze also could see her status, and it turns out she is the most powerful beside him in this group.

Robin had already opened her eyes and is contemplating her status after seeing it. "My strength and speed are at C, but just like I expected, my endurance is bad. I need to focus on training my stamina later."

"What!? You already reached C in your status? How can I lose...!?" Hancock seems frustrated after hearing Robin say her status. She doesn't like how weak she is compared to Robin; her pride as the owner of Haoshoku Haki won't let it be easy.

"Ara~ Ara~ are you jealous, Hancock? I already trained with Vanze three years earlier than you after all, so it makes sense for me to be stronger than you, fufufu." Robin teases Hancock when she looks at Hancock's expression. She even mentions her time with Vanze just to further irk Hancock.

"I will definitely get stronger than you later, hmph...!!!" She flicks her black silky hair to the side when declaring those words to Robin. She radiates an aura of a queen for a second there, but it immediately vanishes, and only Vanze senses it. He watches the two women bickering with a smile.

Meanwhile, Azel just closes his eyes in silence until he opens them, and we can see a fire of determination burning in them. He looks more eager to start the hellish training now. "Vanze-san, let's start the training."

"Hahaha, of course. Let's start; first, the girls need to....."

The others stop what they are doing and start listening carefully to his instruction. Despite one of the reasons for them joining is also for hoping to get stronger for their purposes, they also don't want to become a burden to him after hearing how hard his fight in Onigashima is. They want to share his burden, so that's why they will train harder until they're ready to set sail in the future.



(Note: Hey, could you guys suggest who Vanze should invite to his guild later, and which other waifus should join his harem. My boi Azel will also get a girl no need to worry.)