
Multiverse Diving

Our beloved MC gets ROB’ed and is desperately trying to make the most out of it

Candy_Flip · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

1.Where am I?

In a blank space with purely white space spanning for miles you can see the silhouette of a body on the ground this is our MC his name?

Pouya Cráneo a recently graduated middle schooler in his first year of Highschool born and raised on the great tropical island of Oahu but if you asked him what he thought of it he would say "The only reason people think it's nice is because they don't live on this piece of shit floating in the ocean"

For as long as he was alive he was quite the pessimistic person he never believed in the whole "FRIENDSHIP AND DETERMINATION IS MY TRUE POWER" anime crap or the whole "I can't kill you bro because thats what a VILLAIN does" he was strange is what others would say to describe him as he would come to school everyday with dark bags under his eyes and this sort of half resting bitch face

One of the more extravagant things about him is he gaged his earlobes (A/N:I really do have these and a bunch of old white women like to nag me about it and I really wanna punch their throat when they do) if you don't know what it means to gage your earlobe it means to basically make a hole in your earlobes by pushing spikes that get gradually larger stretching it out or when they have reached a certain size they put a ring instead

He has shoulder length thick black hair he ties into a man bun with narrow eyebrows and black eyes standing at 5"10 with tan skin coming from Filipino heritage he always considered himself blessed when it came to his height because on both sides of his family they were all fairly tall he enjoyed anime a-lot wow how surprising

His favorite anime was Tokyo ghoul not Re: though he thought that sucked he enjoyed it primarily because he enjoyed the animation and imagining himself with a Kagune and how it would look how he would use it oh and the mask he would pick he was an avid fan of anime he owned tons of merch and other things related to anime

One day after thanksgiving he woke up but wanted to go back to sleep so without opening his eyes he tried moving around to get more comfortable and fall back to asleep but fell off his bed thinking he had more space but was in reality closer to the edge then he thoughts one he fell of he hit his neck on the way down because of the small table next to his bed effectively ending his life


His body snapped up with sweat gleaming on his forehead while he was breathing heavily mostly because of the fact he was thinking about how he probably just died and mostly because it was a terrifying experience for the fact he didn't open his eyes and just rolled off felt himself falling hit something heard something snap and the worst part was he felt it the slight drop the pressure on his neck everything and how quickly it all happened

(POV Pouya)

"DID I JUST FUCKING DIE!??!" I all but roared out

quickly getting up and looking around all he saw was the white expanse he knew for sure didn't end for a while

I rubbed my eye because whenever staring at white or something to bright it makes my eyes sore and also causes me to sneeze looking around some more I just decide to start walking

[2 Hours Later]

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I!!!" I was seething with anger at this point walking for who knows how long and I feel like I haven't even moved the slightest inch because it's all FUCKING WHITE LIKE WHY OF ALL COLORS AT LEAST PICK SOMETHING PLEASING I sigh heavily and just look around some more before seeing a silhouette in the distance my heart starts racing and I unknowingly start smiling while shivering slightly and run towards it

"HEY HEY HEY" I yell out while waving my arms when I get there I see something I was NOT expecting a table two chairs and someone sitting on one side with an empty chair next to me and when I good look at them I notice something.....

"Micheal Jackson.....?" Micheal motherfucking Jackson just sitting there I quickly come to a realization and groan out "I just got ROB'ed didn't I" I say while throwing my head back slightly before I grab the chair next to me and sit down

(3rd person)

The Micheal Jackson look alike just smirks at Pouya's reaction seemingly finding humor in it

"I can bet this is not the form you were expecting to see were you" he says calmly

Pouya just gives MJ or do i say ROB? let's go with MJ he gives MJ a deadpan look before saying "Ah yes because when I imagine god I imagine a black man turned white who walks backwards and is alleged to touch children" saying in the blandest tone that is humanly possible

MJ just gives a simple chuckle "Apologies but when I was watching you keep walking in place I was deciding what form to take and just thought let's go with this one" he explains

Pouya immediately asks "What do you mean I was WALKING IN PLACE" barely maintaining his temper but still growling out the last words

MJ just raises an eyebrow "The entire time you were "Moving" I was just teleporting you back to the same spot without you noticing" he explains