
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
200 Chs

Heroes 2

With only a handful of people left to visit this world, I didn't want to waste any time. Using [Furtim] on myself, I swiftly followed up with a global cast of [Celestial Eyes], sifting through 7 billion people in mere seconds. It wasn't as hard as it may look, I knew their general location, and most of their features, so with my augmented cognitive capabilities and [Celestial Eyes] filtering ability I pinpointed the location of the five individuals in barely a few moments.

My first [Blink] transported me right beside the bed of a despised old man who had feigned his own death after his wife's attempt to poison him left him paralyzed from the waist down. In front of me slept the main antagonist of the third season, Arthur Petrelli, who possessed a similar ability to his younger son, but with the added ability to permanently steal the powers of his targets. Without delay, my own power of [Empathic Mimicry] kicked in as soon as I appeared in the room filled with medical equipment, and my system greeted me with a new notification.

[Skill: [Power Absorption] unlocked.]

[Power Absorption LVL:1/100]

- Enables the user to absorb and assimilate the powers, abilities, and skills of other beings.

- The user can absorb any type of power, including magical, elemental, physical, and psychic abilities.

- The user's ability to absorb powers is enhanced by 0.01% for every point of Wisdom the user possesses.

- The user can only absorb powers from beings weaker than themselves. Attempting to absorb powers from a stronger being may result in negative side effects or backlash.

The elderly man had been pouring his fortune into locating individuals with extraordinary abilities. He was determined to find someone who could cure him of his current condition so he could seek his revenge. In fact, in the series, he had achieved this by stealing the [Regenerative Healing Factor] from Adam Monroe, a few hundred-year-old samurai.

The only significant worth that the man had, except for the ability I already copied from him, was that he possessed the knowledge of the whereabouts of one part of the superhuman formula. After sifting through his memories and uncovering this information, I dispatched him without a ceremony.

[Evolved Human x1 slain 200 XP Received]

A [Muffliato] spell enveloped the room, allowing me to use [Telekinesis] to rip through the wall, revealing a safe containing incriminating documents and one-half of the formula. I carefully examined the formula, committing it to memory, and then proceeded to destroy it.

As I swiftly assessed my remaining targets, I caught sight of something particularly intriguing happening with one of them. Maintaining [Furtim] in an active state, I quickly transported myself to an abandoned, dilapidated building's dimly lit basement. There, I witnessed the infamous Gabriel Gray, also known as Sylar the serial killer, examining the brain of his latest victim.

Although I have taken lives with cold-blooded efficiency in the past, the sight of the convulsing man and his blood-curdling screams, was particularly gruesome, even for me. Without hesitation, I cast a stunning spell on both the victim and Sylar before walking up to him and grabbing onto his shoulder while activating [Power Absorption]. It didn't take long for my new skill to render him powerless.

[Intuitive Aptitude LVL:1/100]

- Enables the user to intuitively understand complex systems, technology, and magical phenomena by simply observing them.

- Allows the user to easily analyze and comprehend information and patterns that others might find overwhelming or confusing.

- Provides the user with an instinctive sense of how to interact with and manipulate complex systems and technology, allowing them to make the most efficient use of them.

[Quest: [Set in stone?] Completed 1,000 WP (1/2) Received]

As soon as the ability fell into place, it was as though supernovae went off in my mind. Suddenly, a veil had been lifted from my eyes, and my mental capacity had been fully unlocked. In an instant, I was able to answer questions that had previously been left unanswered, and all my abilities, skills, and magic were suddenly at my fingertips. The ability formed a complex connection with [Archive] and immediately highlighted my past mistakes.

Although I knew that I had gained something significant, I was hesitant to experiment with it at that moment. Sylar's ability was much more complicated than it appeared on the surface. By examining the brain structure of his victims, he could learn how to mimic other abilities. However, in my hands, this ability had the potential to transform me into an unstoppable force within my realm.

In an instant, my mind activated two of my extreme skills. The first transformed me into my fire elemental form, with flames flickering from every inch of my being. The second ability, a dangerous one to use, raised my temperature to match the core of the blazing sun, the heat within me soaring to unimaginable levels.

[Human x1 slain 100 XP Received]

[Evolved Human x1 slain 200 XP Received]

Suddenly, the air around me sizzled with intense energy, and before I knew it, the thermal force I had unleashed had obliterated everything within a hundred-foot radius. The two souls who had been nearby were instantly vaporized and the building we were in was reduced to nothing but smoldering ash.

The wailing of sirens echoed through the streets as fire trucks raced towards the scene of destruction, but I remained unfazed. Dropping [Furtim], my trusty companion, I tore open a portal in the fabric of reality and stepped through, finding myself amid a "wild" high school party.

Without a moment's hesitation, I unleashed the full force of my [Mind Arts] ability, causing everyone nearby to slump to the ground in unconsciousness. As I made my way upstairs, knocking out anyone who dared to stand in my path, I could hear the panicked screams of those still left conscious.

Finally reaching my target, a couple caught in the throes of passion, I grabbed the boy with telekinesis and hurled him into the wall, his body collapsing in a bloody heap. The girl screamed in terror, but I paid her no mind.

"Shut up," I muttered, the disdain in my voice palpable as I unleashed the full might of [Allure]. The girl's eyes widened, and I could practically see the pink hearts forming in them, as her breathing became ragged and her mind turned to mush. I shook my head in disgust as she started to leak heavily between her legs, completely under my charm.

I couldn't help but grumble at the absurdity of this skill. It was so powerful, yet so manipulative and wrong.

Using my telekinetic abilities, I lifted the girl off the bed and placed my hand on her head. She shuddered visibly, a smile spreading across her face as she welcomed my touch. [Power Absorption] activated, and within moments, the girl slumped to the ground, unconscious. Simultaneously, a system notification appears on my screen.

[Regenerative Healing Factor LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to heal wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate, recovering from minor injuries within seconds and major injuries within minutes or hours.

- Increases the user's overall Vitality and Stamina by 1%/LVL, allowing them to withstand more physical strain and exertion without tiring.

- The speed and efficiency of the user's healing factor are enhanced by 0.1% for every point of Vitality the user possesses.

- The user's regenerative abilities will slow down their aging process, allowing them to live longer and maintain a more youthful appearance and physical condition.

- The user's regenerative abilities may be slowed or even temporarily halted by certain affinities of damage, such as Rot, Ruin, Curse, Necrotic, Blood, or Poison.

Claire Bennet, the daughter of Peter Petrelli's older brother Nathan, was undeniably stunning with her blonde locks and alluring figure. I couldn't help but admire her natural beauty, but after quickly remembering that she was a sixteen-year-old, pulled my mind out of the gutter.

Levitating her unconscious body, I carefully carried her back to the bed and gently laid her down. With a wave of my hand, the bedsheet she was resting on transformed into a set of clothes, completely covering her from head to toe. It was the least I could do for her, given that I had taken her ability and probably left her with a lifelong trauma.

I couldn't help but snort at the thought and with a flick of my wrist, I recast [Furtim] and focused my attention on the task ahead.

In an instant, the world shifted around me, and I found myself in the bedroom of an eleven-year-old boy named Micah Sanders. Despite his age, the room was far from mundane. The walls were a bright shade of blue, and in the center of the room, there was a child's bed. But that's where the similarities with a child's room ended.

As I looked around, I couldn't help but be impressed by the boy's intellect. His toys were all tech-related, and many of them were either taken apart or modified. Electronic components littered his tabletop, as he feverishly worked on creating something new.

I couldn't resist inspecting a few of his inventions, and I found them to be nothing short of ingenious. Especially for a child with no prior knowledge of electro-technics. It was clear that Micah had a lot of untapped potentials, and I couldn't wait to see what he was capable of achieving in the future, even without his ability.

[Technopathy LVL:1/100]

- Enables the user to communicate with and manipulate electronic devices, machinery, and computer systems using their mind.

- Enhances the user's analytical and problem-solving skills, allowing them to quickly process and analyze large amounts of data.

- The user can hack into and control computer systems, bypass security measures, and retrieve information or access restricted areas.

- The user can detect and analyze electronic signals and transmissions, including tracking the location of electronic devices or intercepting electronic communications.

- The range of the user's technopathy abilities is enhanced by 0.1% for every point of Intelligence the user possesses.

My next and final destination was to obtain what many considered to be the most powerful ability of them all. Hiro Nakamura, a Japanese ex-CEO, programmer, and otaku, believed himself to be a superhero capable of manipulating the future and past events with his powers. His ability could control both space and time, and he used it extensively to not only change his own past but also to influence future events.

Using [Furtim] to mask my presence, I appeared in a bustling Japanese restaurant. As expected, Hiro immediately noticed the spatial disturbance caused by my arrival. But before he could react, I unleashed a stunning spell that hit him on his side, causing him to flop back into his seat unconscious.

As I absorbed his power, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. With Hiro's ability now mine, I had the power to manipulate time and space to my will. It was a power that, if I wanted, I could use to reshape any world in my own image.

[Space-Time Manipulation LVL:1/100]

- Enables the user to manipulate space and time to their will.

- The user can warp, bend, and fold space, creating portals or wormholes to travel through.

- The user can slow down or speed up time, or even stop it altogether within a limited area.

- The user can manipulate gravity and create gravitational fields that can attract or repel objects.

- The user can create and control black holes or white holes.

- The user must be careful not to create paradoxes or disrupt the natural flow of time and space, as it may have unpredictable consequences.

As I examined the description of my new power, my excitement grew. But before testing it out, I focused my mind and delved into the thoughts of Hiro Nakamura, searching for his father's office and the safe inside of it.

A memory appears before me of a seven-year-old Hiro, running into his father's office, just as he is closing a large painting just behind his desk. With the location found, I transported myself into the room, and with a telekinetic tug, I rip a massive chunk from the wall, revealing a sturdy safe hidden behind it.

I summoned my power and yanked the safe door off its hinges, unleashing a flurry of papers upon the room. I speed up my perception of time, gave a glance at each floating document, and found the final piece of the formula I had been seeking. I skimmed over the contents, and with a smile, I committed them to memory before obliterating the document entirely. A rush of satisfaction washed over me as I had completed everything I wanted to do in this world.

[Quest: [Formula] Completed 500 WP (1/2) Received]

The only thing left to do was to say a single word, and I did it with a wide smile on my face. "Eject."

{Total Extraction Price: 1 WP} [Accept?]

{Items extracted 1 WP deduced from your account.}

{No other foreign items detected}

{Ejection commencing.}









Upon arriving home, Olive was already in the kitchen, preparing for our departure. The aroma gave away that she was baking my favorite cookies. My grin widened when I saw the finished baked goods, but my attempt to sneak a bite was met with a tap of a wooden spoon on my wrist.

"No dessert before lunch," she scolded while pouting. I chuckled at her cute expression and raised my hands in surrender as I saw the seriousness on her face. Though strict and motherly at times, that was also part of her charm.

"How was your... 'hunt'?" she asked, using air quotes.

"It was surprisingly successful. I acquired two incredible abilities and one from their race itself. Speaking of which," I retrieved a hair from my inventory and handed it to her. "Here, create a race card from this and equip it."

"Evolved Human?" she questioned as the hair dissolved in her hands.

"Yes, they referred to themselves as EVOs. Well, they would have, but now that the main villain is gone, I may have messed with the timeline a bit," I admitted with a shrug.

She rolled her eyes dramatically before mumbling, "Huh...", while equipping the race card. She stood still, reading her new skill description on her status screen.

I could have glanced at her screen, but instead, I asked impatiently, "So? What did you get?"

She shook her head and blinked rapidly, seemingly just realizing I was still there, before sharing her status screen with me.

[Accelerated Perception LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to perceive their surroundings at an accelerated rate, making everything appear in slow motion.

- The user's reflexes are enhanced, allowing them to react quickly to any situation.

- The user can anticipate their opponent's moves and act accordingly, making them almost impossible to hit in combat.

- The user's movement speed is also enhanced, allowing them to move faster than the eye can see.

- The effects of this ability can be triggered at will and last as long as the user can maintain their focus and concentration.

- Utilizing this skill for a prolonged period can result in mental fatigue and physical stress. Furthermore, the user remains vulnerable to external forces while performing rapid movements.

Repeating her words, I mumble, "Huh..." before asking her, "How good is it?"

She responds with a shrug, but then takes a step and with wobbly feet reappears on the other side of the room. I can't help but burst out laughing as I see all of her clothes burned away from the friction. Despite her shy smile, she quickly reforms her clothes using her watch.

"Set the table," I instruct her, "I'll make a few runes and add them to the watch registry. They will cancel out air resistance and inertia, so make sure to apply them to your suits at all times. However, be careful not to impact anything while moving fast, as that won't help against that."

As I ponder ways to further enhance her abilities, I devise a plan. "I'll teach you [Focus] and [Multitasking]," I say. "But I won't use [Teaching] to level them up, so as not to influence their evolution. If you use these skills while moving at high speeds, they may evolve in ways that assist you in that endeavor."

By the time the food was ready and the table was set, I had devised a flawless runic sequence that would enable Olivia to override inertia and overcome air resistance, thereby protecting her organs from the effects of acceleration and preventing her clothes from catching fire. These intricate sequences were seamlessly integrated into the replicator network and assigned specific thought patterns.

Whenever Olivia entertained the thought of moving at high speeds, the nanites that comprised her suit would immediately spring into action, morphing and forming the runic inscriptions on her suit. This ensured that she was always equipped with the necessary protection to maintain her safety and well-being during moments of high-speed movement.

After a light meal, we head to the training grounds. She activates her [Training Addict] title and shifts her race to both [Human] and [Evolved Human], granting her a total of 65% increase in learning speed. Despite this, it still takes me 30 minutes to teach her [Focus], and even under of effects of [Focus], another 40 minutes to teach her [Multitasking].

To teach her [Focus], I assigned her various mentally challenging tasks while attempting to distract her with noises or different actions, like tickling and petting, nothing too extreme. However, teaching her [Multitasking] was more difficult, as she was already accustomed to doing multiple tasks simultaneously while fighting, but for some reason, the skill did not unlock for her.

Therefore, we replicated the way I acquired the skill, proceeding with caution and taking things slowly. She did not need to create 500 magical circles to unlock the skill and was pleasantly surprised to find [Multicasting] had also appeared on her status screen.

After teaching her the new skills, I left her to train on her own while I worked on an experiment I had planned beforehand. I assumed the lotus position and shifted my race to [Human], then added the [Human Wizard] and [Evolved Human] races to the mix. Despite my appearance and stats remain the same, I gained a whopping 70% increase in learning speed.

Not content with that, I also equipped [Training Addict] in one of my empty title slots, providing an additional 20% increase in learning speed. Finally, I activated [Focus] at its full power, resulting in an impressive 505% increase in skill learning speeds, bringing my total increase to 595%.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and began to slip into a state of serene being. The world around me fell away, replaced by a haze that washed over my mind. It was as if I was falling, being dragged through the water, but I pushed those sensations aside with all my might and continued to delve deeper.