
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Heroes 1

(Andrew POV)

I was feeling frustrated, not with the world, but with myself for not realizing something sooner. It took me this long to discover that quests on lower-tiered worlds offer fewer WP compared to those on higher-tiered ones. While the Limiter system could boost quest rewards, it would also limit our abilities within the world, so it wasn't the perfect option. Although this was off-putting, it did change a few things for the future.

Despite this setback, I was able to easily complete the task of returning Voyager to Earth with Olivia's assistance. By utilizing her senses, I created a Gate and directed the mind-controlled crew to fly through it. Manipulating space was a breeze in this particular world, perhaps due to its Tier or weaker spatial laws not reinforced with mana. However, the mana requirements were still astronomical, even with my doubled stats, overshadowing my regeneration by twice the amount. Despite this challenge, I managed to complete the quest.

After leaving the chaotic scene, we quickly moved to a secluded area using [Blink]. I handed over the hair I had collected to Olivia, who used it to form her race cards. We then paid 1,101 WP for extraction and left the world, two points less than for having the hair in my inventory, leaving us with a total of 81 WP. Our next destination was the Library.

Once in our apartment, I proudly showed off my latest invention - the Magical Replicator - while scanning all the magical equipment and materials I had. With its latest upgrade, it could now work with Orichalcum, Mithril, Adamantium, and all other mundane or biological matter not from its original world. After explaining its functionality, I even replicated a replicator for Olivia to use.

Since the machines could communicate via subspace signals, much like a highly advanced version of WIFI, there was no need to upload the material and pattern data as they could share information with each other.

After leaving Olive to enjoy her endless supply of snacks, I began working on my next project - a small watch that would use nanotechnology (or, as they called it in the Star Trek world, programmable matter) to create clothes for us. With the replicator's capabilities, I could enchant the nanites with microscopic durability enchantments and etch mana channels to allow them to bundle up and form different runes.

The nanite designs were already in the replicator, so it only took a few minutes to implement my changes. However, the reprogramming process took much longer. By the end of the day, I had two seemingly ordinary watches, but with Harry Potter-style enchantments to make them wearable only by us. They would never be lost and were invisible to anyone else.

The watches were incredibly versatile, with the ability to scan any material around us and replicate it later. They also allowed us to scan clothing and change our outfits on the go. Equipped with hard light displays, the watches allowed users to choose or redesign clothes, and add or remove runes from their outfits. The watches were incredibly intuitive to use, with mental command enchantments similar to those found in my replicator design and the Room of Requirements. I also created a registry of rune combinations and completed enchantments, then added it to the watches database. With that in place, all the user had to do was think about being cold, and the temperature regulation enchantments would be etched into their current outfit.

The watches were also highly durable, estimated to survive a direct nuclear strike, with self-replicating nanites housed inside. Yes, you heard that right, I had managed to shrink down a replicator and incorporate it into the watches using Wizarding enchantments and spatial expansions. Although the replicator had been stripped of most of its functionality and was limited to replicating nanites when their numbers went low.

In situations where atmospheric mana was unavailable or minimal, the enchantments and replication processes would rely on the user's mana regeneration. Making the watches one of our most versatile tools for future explorations, and even combat.

Excited about the final design, I eagerly presented it to Olivia and allowed her to try it on. As soon as she activated the watch, millions of nanobots covered her body, making her shiver and done a priceless expression. Though I was scolded for not mentioning the feeling beforehand, I couldn't help but laugh.

The outfit itself was a black, featureless full-bodysuit in its base form. However, I instructed Olivia to focus on the watch and imagine a dress she would want to wear, and with a visible wave, the bodysuit transformed into a yellow sundress with a white ribbon around the midriff. She spun around and enjoyed the experience, trying out a few more outfits before turning to me with a mischievous grin.

She transformed her clothes once again, this time into a nearly transparent red lingerie with minimal material. With a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows, I couldn't hold back anymore and sprang into action. I teleported in front of her and dropped her over my shoulder and entered our bedroom. That night I showed her no mercy.

I awoke earlier than my usual time, but my movement was restricted by the tight embrace of my sleeping beauty. Nevertheless, I was content to stay put, enjoying the tranquility of her breathing and toying with her hair. After our workout session last night, I felt reinvigorated and at peace, and judging from the serene expression on her sleeping face, she did too. I wasn't an idiot, I knew she was depressed after that DanMachi incident, but there was not a lot I could do, not yet at least.

Letting out a sigh, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, rousing the slumbering princess from her sleep.

"Shouldn't a true love's kiss be on the lips?" she quipped, pursing her lips while keeping her eyes closed as if still pretending to be asleep.

I chuckled and was tempted to ask, "Which ones?" But knowing her mood, I went along with the game. After giving her a light peck on the lips, her eyes shot open and her arms enveloped my neck. "Thank you for always being here," she said, beaming with a smile.

"Where else would I be?" I replied, relishing the moment.

She didn't answer but instead pulled me into a heartfelt hug, and we remained like that for a while.


[Skill: [Mind Meld] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Mind Discipline] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Vulcan Telepathy] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Battle Lust] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Intimidation] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Klingon Honor] unlocked.]

[Mind Meld LVL:1/100]

- Enables the user to establish an intimate mental connection with any sentient being within a limited range.

- Allows the user to share thoughts, emotions, and memories with the target, creating a deep understanding of one another.

- Increases empathy and understanding towards the other being.

[Mind Discipline LVL:1/100]

- Provides the user with the ability to block out mental distractions and focus on a specific task, even in high-pressure situations.

- Reduces the impact of negative emotions on the user's mental state, making them less susceptible to emotional manipulation.

- Allows the user to resist telepathic attacks and mind control attempts.

- Enhances mental clarity and focus, increasing intelligence and wisdom by 1/LVL.

[Vulcan Telepathy LVL:1/100]

- Enhances the user's telepathic abilities, allowing them to read surface thoughts of nearby beings.

- Grants the user the ability to establish a mental connection with other sentient beings, allowing for the sharing of thoughts.

[Battle Lust LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to enter a state of heightened aggression and focus, increasing their damage output but reducing their defense and accuracy.

- Causes the user to become more reckless and impulsive, while simultaneously increasing their tolerance towards pain.

[Intimidation LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to intimidate their foes and reduce their accuracy and damage output.

- Increases the effects of the user's Charisma, making them more imposing and threatening.

- Reduces the Willpower of affected targets by 0.1%/LVL, while weakening their resolve and demoralizing them.

[Klingon Honor LVL:1/100]

- Grants a bonus to damage when fighting one-on-one, or against enemies who have previously damaged the user or their allies.

- Increases Strength and Vitality stats by 0.1%/LVL, while fighting in an honorable battle.

I transformed into both of my newly acquired races simultaneously, resulting in an awkward amalgamation somewhere in between. Initially, my body grew leaner, but soon my muscles swelled, and my face became more chiseled with ridges forming on my forehead. My ears elongated and sharpened, while my eyebrows thickened. Although I was aware of my comical appearance, Olivia's uncontrollable laughter confirmed it even further, making me shift out of this form and get ready for the day.

Olivia asks over breakfast, "Are you still planning to visit that other world you wanted to go to?"

"Yeah, it'll be a quick visit. I just need to grab a few abilities and then I'm out," I reply.

"Do you need me to come with you?" she asks.

"I don't think so. It's probably just a tier 1 or 2 worlds," I tell her.

"Okay, I'll start making some meals, and store them inside of my inventory. The replicator is cool and all, but our [Cooking] enchanted food is way better," Olivia says.

"I have to agree. Your cooking has always been amazing, even before you gained it as a skill," I compliment Olivia making her flash a small smile. Then, I ask the question that has been on my mind. "So, not to rush you, but have you chosen a world yet?"

She sighs and shakes her head. "I've narrowed it down to two. I promise I'll choose by the time you get back."

"Don't sweat it, we have time." Finishing the breakfast, I say stand up and head towards the door. "If you have time, make cookies too. I'll be back in a few hours. Love you!" I say before leaving the apartment.

I walk over to Index, who is floating in the same spot as yesterday. "Hey Index," I greet the magical book.

{Hello Andrew, how's your day going?} Index responds.

"It's going well, thank you for asking. How is your day going?" I ask, not expecting much from the sentient book, but I genuinely get surprised by his reply.

{It's going wonderfully! A new world was added recently, and I have been exploring all of its connected worlds. Even you might find a few of them alluring! Want me to suggest a few?} Index eagerly suggests.

"Not right now, I already have a target in mind, but the idea of exploring a world without knowing its story does sound interesting. Is there a list I can look at to see what I can gain in those worlds, such as magic, abilities, and knowledge?" I inquire.

{I can compile a list for you. Also, if you want to explore a world without knowing its story, there are a few background upgrades that could make things more interesting for you, like the Mix-up and Amnesia systems,} Index informs me.

"I'm familiar with those systems, but I'm mostly just going for the skills and experience, I wouldn't want to use them in those situations," I reply.

{You do you.} The book shrugs. {So how may I help you on this wonderful day?} Asks Index with a lot of enthusiasm.

"You really are in a good mood today, aren't you." I can't help but chuckle. "Could you get me the Heroes world?"

{Don't ruin my mood, we rarely add new worlds. At most, it's once or twice a year.} He answers and I couldn't help imagining him pouting.

"Sorry, sorry. If you make me a list I promise I'll check them out in the future, alright?" I ask and the book bobs up and down, as if nodding. "Great, now could you get me the world I requested?"

{Any specific alternate universe, that you want? There are a few where everyone is ginger, or even where everyone on the planet has superpowers.}

"Nah, give me the one closest to the original you can find."

{You're no fun.} Index grumbles, just before teleporting a book before me.

"Thanks," I say with a smile as I open it to check the world's information and the available quests.


World Tier: 2 (High)

World Language: English

World Systems: None

Doomed: The physical laws of the universe are slowly being unraveled, and the vacuum of space is losing energy at an unprecedented speed as if something is absorbing it. If not stopped, the universe will cease to exist in a few millennia.

Optional Quests:

[Save the cheerleader| Description: Prevent the destruction of New York. | Reward: 2,000 WP]

[Set in stone? | Description: Prevent Sylar from acquiring time-travel powers. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Formula| Description: Destroy the formula for the superhuman serum. | Reward: 500 WP]

[The Company | Description: Ruin the Company responsible for the creation and imprisonment of Evolved Humans. | Reward: 500 WP]

[Making of a God| Description: Help Sylar acquire every superhuman ability. | Reward: 500 WP]

[Doom| Description: Why wait for the slow death? Make the world go boom. | Reward: 5,000 WP]

[Help| Description: Find what's causing the degradation of the universe and stop it. | Reward: 15,000 WP]

[Domain | Description: Subsume the world. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

"Hmm... Considering most of the quests can be easily done, the rewards are not too bad." I mumble under my breath before saying goodbye to Index then placing my palm on the book and saying "Enter"

The world around me shifts once again, and I feel a bubble of spatial, and temporal mana surround me, before my system screens flash before me, waiting for my input.

{World "Heroes" selected.}

{[Background System] activated}

{Please state your changes.}

"No story changes. Location, Peter Petrelli's location. Time, when his abilities first manifested." I state.

{No changes requested.}

{Placing spatial and temporal coordinates at the requested time and location.}

{Transporting user in. 3...2...1...}

{Good Luck!}

As the world spins around me, I suddenly find myself in a dimly lit bedroom in New York. Next to me is a guy sleeping and levitating. With precision, I activate [Mana's Blessing] at 100%, followed by [Focus] and [Observational Learning]. In no time, a notification pops up on my screen announcing a new skill, and I can't help but grin.

[Skill: [Empathic Mimicry] unlocked.]

[Empathic Mimicry LVL:1/100]

- Enables the user to mimic the abilities and skills of other beings by empathizing with them and thinking about the original owner.

- Mimicked skills are weaker than the original ones and require a greater amount of experience to advance to higher levels.

"Well, that's one down the drain," I whisper to myself as I turn my attention back to the motionless man hovering in front of me. Peter Petrelli, a 29-year-old paramedic with jet-black hair, was one of the most powerful evolved humans in the world. His unique ability allowed him to copy the powers of others after being near them, but mastering those powers proved to be a challenge for him. This struggle eventually led to him inadvertently absorbing the power of someone dangerous and, while battling the series' main antagonist, Sylar, causing a massive explosion that destroyed New York and killed millions.

As I stood there pondering what to do with him, I realized that he held no value for me since I had already acquired his ability. With a casual shrug, I pointed a finger at him and muttered, "Avada Kedavra." A bright green flash illuminated the dark room, followed by the thud of a lifeless body hitting the bed.

[Evolved Human x1 slain 200 XP Received]

[Quest: [Save the cheerleader] Completed 2,000 WP (1/2) Received]

There were numerous ways to prevent the catastrophic destruction of New York, but the method I had just used was by far the simplest and most efficient. As I glanced at the notification confirming Peter's death, I couldn't help but ponder the notion that ability holders were regarded as a different race.

With that thought in mind, I utilized [Telekinesis] to pluck a few strands of Peter's hair. I stashed half of it in my inventory, intending to hand it over to Olivia later. The remaining hair, however, I converted into a race card.

[Evolved Human]

- Gain a 25% increase in the learning speed of skills.

- Gain a random evolutionary ability as a skill the first time equipping the race.

Similar to other human races I had, this one did not offer much in terms of benefits. While the ability to learn quickly was a nice perk, the random nature of their evolutionary abilities was a bit discouraging. However, with the skill management system at my disposal, I could now remove any unwanted skills from my system. With a nonchalant shrug, I decided to take a chance and see what this race had to offer.

[Skill: [Adapt] unlocked.]

[Adapt LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the user to quickly adapt to new situations and environments, allowing them to overcome challenges and obstacles more easily.

- The user can adapt to changes in their surroundings, such as climate, terrain, and gravity, within seconds.

- The user's physical and mental attributes will adjust to their environment, allowing them to function at their full potential.

- The user can also adapt to new skills and abilities by rapidly learning and mastering them through experience.

- The user's proficiency with new skills and abilities is enhanced by 0.01% for every point of Dexterity the user possesses.

With a mixture of shock and delight, I discovered that my newly acquired ability not only allowed me to learn new skills at an accelerated rate but also enhanced my adaptability toward various influences. It took me only a moment to realize that this new skill will become one of the most valuable assets in my repertoire. Grinning from ear to ear, I turned my attention toward the task at hand.