
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Planting Doubts

Smells good, she was sorrounded by beautiful blooming flowers. Lynn smiled, it felt good being centered by all these fragrant flowers. Something hurt her, she saw the nearest rose prickling her flesh, then another one, then the rest started moving towards here, she tried backing away but she got no where to go, she is sorrounded. How can something as pretty as these flowers hurt her.

"No, Ouch!" Lynn woke up suddenly. She saw white walls around her. She remembered that she was at the hospital. She remembered why she was there. She got up from the sofa she was sleeping in. She checked Carlo, he was still asleep. She sighed.

The door opened. A smart looking man came in. "Hi, I'm Paul, secretary of the CEO. I'm here to bring in the things you need for training. I will set it up here. "

Lynn just nodded.

Paul set up the laptop on the the table by the sofa. "All training materials has been send to your email. You need to do a self-study. Mr. And Mrs. Chen will be here during lunch time. You can go home to shower and change. A driver will be sending you back and forth. And I've ordered breakfast for you."

"Okay, thank you." Lynn whispered.

Paul nodded and left.

Lynn went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she went out, she was surprised to see Carlo wide awake.

"You're awake? I'll call the doctor." Lynn buzz and thr nurse came in.

"The patient is awake." Lynn exclaimed.

"I'll notify the doctor." The nurse said and left.

"How are you feeling?" Lynn didn't know how to touch Carlo, he has bruise all over and his body is covered with bandage.

Carlo smiled. "I'm okay now that you're here."

Lynn tears fell. "Don't do that again, don't scare me."

Carlo smiled and nodded.

The doctor came in, he started examining Carlo.

"He can eat now, but only soft diet first." The doctor instructed.

"Okay doctor, thanks." Lynn smiled, she was happy that Carlo was doing great.

Lynn fed Carlo with oatmeal. The food tasted bland but Carlo obeyed and ate it. Lynn was feeding him, and for him he can eat whatever she feeds him.

"I really missed you!" Carlo whispered.

Lynn smiled and give Carlo a smack on his lips. "I missed you too."

Carlo was surprised. " Wait, do that again." He giggled.

"Next time when you are able to walk. I'll give you tons of that." Lynn teased.

"You have a way to make a man inspired woman!" Carlo shooked his head.

"Whatever!" Lynn laughed.

The door opened. It was Jeff and Tin.

"Seriously love birds, get a room." Jeff said.

"This is my room. You get out if you can't handle it." Carlo said.

"How are you feeling?" Tin came beside Carlo's bed held his hand.

"I'm fine. No need to make a fuzz." Carlo smiled. He knew that Tin sincerely cares for him.

"I made a bone soup. It's good for you." Tin started unpacking the food.

"I'll eat it later. Lynn had just fed me. I'm still full." Carlo announced.

Tin nodded.

"Lynn why don't you go home first. Take a shower and rest." Tin said.

"No, she will not leave me." Carlo said firmly.

"Wow men, let her go home and rest. She's been here all night." Jeff said.

"Are you tired?" Carlo asked.

"No, but I do need to go home and get some clothes. And also talk to Janey. I texted her that I will be here but she must be worried. I'll come back after two hours." Lynn explained.

Carlo thought for few seconds. "Alright, but be back as soon as possible."

"You're being a baby. Ofcourse I'll be back." Lynn kissed his forehead.

"I'll take you home!" Jeff said.

"No! Ask the driver to take her back and forth." Carlo rejected Jeff's suggestion.

Jeff raise his hand in surrender position. Apparently Carlo doesn't trust him with Lynn. He can't blame him he is also not confident about his feelings for his bestfriend girl.

"Alright, I'll go ahead." Lynn said.

Carlo nodded. "Come back soon."

Lynn smiled and headed out.

"You're being a baby!" Jeff complains, he seated on the couch and peeled an apple, then started eating it.

"Hey, why are you eating my fruits. I'm the patient here." Carlo said.

"Stop you two. Carlo stop raising your voice, you're still recovering." Tin said. "And Carlo, do you want your girlfriend to loose her job. She needs to attend the training, she can't do that when she's here."

"I'm more important than her work." Carlo exclaimed.

"No need to worry about that. I've arrange the online training for Lynn, he can stay with you son." Mr. Chen said as soon as he arrives with his wife.

"Son, how are you feeling?" Margaret checked her son.

"I'm fine mum." Carlo said.

"You will have a driver next time. You can't drive on your own." Margaret demanded.

"Okay, okay mum, stop worrying."

"Where's that girl we ask to take care of you?" Margaret asked when she did not see Lynn around.

"Mum, she's my girlfriend, she has a name." Carlo protested.

"Whatever, why are getting girlfriend everywhere. Why don't you just look nearby. Somone who fits your status and lifestyle." Margaret was thinking about Tin.

Jeff laugh, everyone stared at him.

"Sorry!" He said.

"She's the perfect girl for me!" Carlo announced.

"And what makes her perfect for you? I heard that she's just an ordinary employee." Margaret protested.

"I love her and I can't live without her. That makes her perfect for me." Carlo said bluntly.

"That sounds reasonable. It's the same way I felt for your mum. I love her but I'm not sure about the can't live part, sometimes I prefer living without her." Mr. Chen jokingly said.

Margaret eyes widened.

"I'm joking!" Mr. Chen grin.

"Seriously guys, can you spare us the detail of your relationship. You're embarassing me." Carlo said.

Jeff laugh loud, he could no longer control himself.

The rest of them started laughing.

Lynn tried to come back to the hospital as soon as possible. She just took a shower, took some clothes with her. Janey was not home so she left immediately.

When she was about to enter Carlo's room, she heard them laughing, they look like a happy family, and she is an outsider. She decided to back-out, she went out and sat on the bench.

Jeff was about to go to his car when he saw Lynn.

"Lynn your back, why didn't you come in?" Jeff sat beside him.

"Jeff, I was just resting a bit." She smiled.

"Are you alright?" Jeff asked.

Lynn smiled. "Yes, I am."

"Carlo really loves you. It might be difficult for you in some ways to be his girlfriend. But I'm sure that he will take care of all of the obstacles just to be with you. You see I've never seen him this serious before. He never introduce any woman to his parents. You're the first one." Jeff said seriously.

Lynn laughed. "Well, he didn't actually introduce me to them. I guess his accident introduced me to them."

"Right, but I heard, he was planning too, except you two fought." Jeff said.

"Yeah, right." Lynn nodded.

Tin took a snap shot of the two talking sitting side by the side on the bench outside the hospital. She was at the balcony making a call. Carlo's room was just on the 2nd floor. It wasn't hard to recognized people downstairs.

"Jeff and Lynn seems to be closed. Look how sweet they are." Tin stated as she entered Carlo's room. Then, she showed her the picture of the two talking, while Lynn was laughing.

She's back, why didn't she went straight to his room, instead was speaking with Jeff.

"Oh well, it's good thing she's close to him since he is your bestfriend." Tin said, trying to stir things up with her statements.

"Why don't you leave. I want to rest." Carlo said, he suddenly felt upset.

"But.. Fine, I'll visit you again." Tin smiled and went out. It's enought to plant doubts for now. Eventually she will be able to separate the two.

Carlo's eyes were closed when Lynn entered his room. She quietly organize the food she bought in the fridge.

"What took you so long?" Carlo's eyes snapped open.

"I thought you were asleep? I met Jeff downstairs, we talked a bit." Lynn explained.

Carlo nodded. "How do you feel about Jeff?"

Lynn thought for a moment. "I think he's handsome, kind, superb and wonderful."

Carlo's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm serious." Lynn smiled.

"I'm going to kill him." Carlo tried to move. "Aw!"

Lynn ran to his side. "Stop moving, you just had an operarion."

"Do you like Jeff?" Carlo asked.

"Ofcourse, he's nice and I'm his hero."

Carlo was about to react.

"But he's nothing compare to you. I like him because he' s your friend. But this big jealous guy infront of me is the love of my life." Lynn smiled and kiss Carlo on the lips for few seconds.

"You wait until I get well and you will get a lot of revenge kiss from me " Carlo teased.