
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Getting Drunk With Sister

She was wearing a red fitting dress. It's off shoulder, she paired it with a white shoes with a touch of red. It's such a huge family event for the Chen's. Their celebrating the 27th year wedding anniversary of the couple. Carlo's sister, Carla Margaret will be coming home from abroad along with her daughter.

Carlo called her and told her that he will not be able to pick her up, instead he will send a driver. He had recovered pretty well after six months of theraphy. He return to work and was busy ever since.

Lynn stayed with him through the entire ordeal. She showed him how much she love him. She never held back ever since the accident. And the same thing for Carlo, he showered her with gifts and attention. Although, after coming to work, he has been busy, he never failed to call her before going to bed. Lynn felt secure about their relationship except Carlo tend to be more possessive when Jeff was around.

Carlo's parents has been nice to her. Margaret did not say anything hurtful to her, not face to face, Lynn thought. Mr. Chen had always been nice to him. Ofcourse, there's Carlo's sister whom she never met before.

Her biggest trouble was Tin. There are times when Tin would make her feel that she owns Carlo. There were even instances that Carlo failed to see her because of Tin. As a woman, she knew that Tin's feelinga for Carlo is more than friends.

As the car, enter the Chen's residence, her hand started to sweat. Why was Carlo a super rich, heart throb. Why can't he be just an ordinary man. She sighed.

The car stop in front of the main entrance. The driver open the car for her. She went out.

"Lynn, is that you?" Jeff ran to her. She looks enticing tonight, too beautiful for every man's peace of mind. Especially his.

"Hi Jeff." Lynn said nervously.

Jeff can sense that she was nervous. "I just arrive. Come let's go in together." Jeff offered his arms.

Lynn smiled and put her hand in his arms. It's nice to have someone she knows like Jeff. It somehow made her feel at ease.

The two enter the garden. There were pictures of the couple flashing in the big monitor infront. Then from time to time, it will show pictures of their kids and friends.

Chen's residence was huge. The party was held in the spacious garden, where there'a a pool with floating flowers and candles. The design was simple but expensive.

As soon as they arrive, someone pulled Lynn's dress. When she looked up, a cute little girl was asking for her attention.

"Where's my mum?" The girl cried.

Lynn stopped and looked around. She wondered where the child's parents were. She knelt down.

"I don't know honey. Common, we'll find her."

The child smiled and open her arms, as if asking to be held up.

Lynn smiled. She took the child and carry her up. She must be around 2 or 3 years old she thought.

Jeff smiled. This woman was not afraid to mess up her dress nor hair, nor her make up. She simply focus on the child.

"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere." A beautiful lady exclaimed.

"Mommy!" The child shouted.

"Thank you! Jeff, is that you?" Carla embraced Jeff. "Wow, you look so handsome." She looked at Lynn's way. "Is this beautiful and kind lady your girlfriend?"

"No, she's Lynn." Jeff said.

"Lynn!" Carla hugged her. "I heard so much about you. I'm Carlo's sister and this is CJ my daughter."

Lynn smiled sweetly. "Nice to meet you. You're daughter is adorable!"

Carla smiled. She liked her already. She likes children even up to the point of carrying them without worrying about her looks. Unlike Tin who she finds a hyprocrite.

"Where's Carlo by the way?" Jeff asked.

"Well, working, he and Tin are with a client." Carla said.

Lynn nodded.

"Why don't you two eat something. I'll join you later. I'll just put the baby to sleep." Carla went inside the house carrying her daughter.

"Common, let's eat. I'm hungry." Jeff said.

Lynn nodded.

The two opted to take some finger food. Lynn doesn't want to eat much, her stomach felt like hundreds of butterfly flying in it.

Not far she can see Carlo and Tin with bunch of old guys. They seems to be businessman. He looked so handsome she thought. Then the two went to the dance floor and started dancing.

"That's Tin's favorite song. Each time she hears it, she would ask either me or Carlo to dance with her." Jeff was explaining, he didn't want Lynn to have the wrong idea.

"Nice song. Let's dance too." Lynn said. She knows that Carlo wasn't able to say no to Tin. But he's dancing with her, yet did not even welcome her.

Jeff thought for a moment." How can I refuse such an invitation." He held out his hand for Lynn.

Lynn took it and Jeff guided her into the dancing floor. Lynn learned the basic of dancing from her parents. They like dancing in their home town, she'd seen them dance from time to time when she was just a child. Although, she was not as good as her mother.

"You're a good dancer." Jeff whispered.

"You're not too bad yourself." Lynn murmured.

"Lynn and Jeff looks good together." Tin said.

Carlo raised his eye brows, he followed Tin's stare and he saw Lynn and Jeff dancing. Lynn was smiling while Jeff was whispering something in her ears. His one hand on her waist, other one holding her hand. Lynn hand was on his shoulder. Lynn seems to be enjoying her conversation with Jeff since she was giving him short laugh from time to time. Carlo let go of Tin and headed to where Lynn and Jeff were dancing.

Carlo pulled Lynn from Jeff.

"Aw!" Lynn exclaimed as the force of Carlo's hand seems to want to dig into her arms.

"Carlo, your hurting Lynn!" Jeff said, looking at Carlo's hand gripping Lynn's arms.

Carlo became aware of his anger directed to Lynn's arms, he let go of it and Lynn breath in pain. A bruise can be seen on her arms.

"I'm sorry babe." Carlo touched the bruise.

Lynn remove Carlo's hand. "I'm fine."

Carlo stared at his girlfriend. It's very seldom that he sees her dress up. She looks elegant, attractive and seductive. No wonder Jeff was not able to control himself. Carlo remove his jacket and put into Lynn's.

"Wear this, it's cold." Carlo demanded.

"No it's not!" Lynn whispered.

Carlo hugged her. "I don't want men staring at you. I don't share my personal property. And you're not allowed to dance with anyone but me." Carlo whispered in her ears.

"I can't but you can!" Lynn answered back.

"She's my friend." He defended.

"He's my friend too." Lynn answered.

"Carlo, the clients are looking for you." Tin announced, then put her arms around Carlo's.

"Hi Lynn, you look pretty." She continued.

Lynn just smiled.

"I'll be back!" Carlo told Lynn.

Lynn nodded.

Jeff and Lynn returned to their seats.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you?" Carla asked.

"We danced!" Jeff answered.

"If my husband we're here I would have a partner." Carla lamented.

"Where is he anyways?" Jeff asked.

"Business! he can't leave." Carla answered.

"Lynn, let's drink." Carla said.

Lynn looked at Carlo and Tin. "Sure." She felt like drinking too.

"Great, let's go upstairs. Jeff, will you join us?" Carla asked.

"I'm in!" Jeff answered, he just wanted to spend time with Lynn, that's all he asked for. Nothing more.

"Great!" Carla exclaimed.

Carlo asked the driver to send the clients to their hotel. He looked for Lynn and Jeff but he couldn't fine them. The party has been ongoing for three hours now. Speech has been done, and people were now eating and drinking. He was getting worried.

He called Lynn. She finally answered. "Where are you?"

"Who are you?" Lynn asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Carlo answered.

"No mister, I'm not kidding. A pervert is calling me!" Lynn said, then laugh, Carlo also heard her hicup.

"Are you drunk?" Carlo asked.

"Am I drunk? Sister am I drunk?" She said gibberishly.

"No, no, I'm drunk, Jeff is drunk, but not you." Carla laugh.

Carlo hang up the phone. Carla is indeed a bad influence.

He went inside the house, he went on the second floor, in their mini bar, he found the three drinking. Jeff was dancing like a lunatic. While the two were cheering him.

Carlo made a call. After five minutes, the driver took Jeff and send him home. Then he asked a maid to bring his sister to her room. What's left was Lynn. He scooped her up.

"Let's drink!" She murmured in her sleep.

Carlo opened his room, laid Lynn in his bed. Her dress is a little revealing. He looked up. He wanted to changed her but how? The maids were busy downstairs. He look at the window, guest were starting to bid their goodbyes.

He took a deep breath. The party turned out to be a business party for him and a drinking session for his girlfriend, sister and friend. He laughed.

He looked back at the sleeping woman on his bed. He is exhausted, he took off his clothes, headed to the shower. When he came out, he brought a wet towel and started wiping Lynn's face and arms. He is finding it hard not to look. The dress is a little seductive, with her upper chest showing because the dress was pulled down a bit, he swallowed hard. This woman is killing him in her sleep.