
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Getting Engage

"Wow, there must be some kind of miracle for you to summoned us out. I thought you've forgotten us, you're childhood friends." Jeff mockingly stated.

Carlo sneered. "Don't be a drama king! I summoned you two because I wanted to share my happiness and decision to you, my two childhood friends."

"What's up Carlo, why are you being serious today. It's no as if you will get married?" Tin sip on her drink.

Carlo smiled upon hearing her words.

Tin's eyes widened. "No, you got to be kidding me!"

"You're such a psychic, no I'm not kidding!" Carlo smiled.

Jeff didn't say anything, he drank his scotch in one drinking.

"But you've been just dating for a year. Does your parents knew about this?" Tin asked in panicked.

"Yes, and they didn't say much. My dad had always supported me and mum had always supported dad." Carlo explained.

"But still..." Tin protested.

"Congrarulations!" Jeff said.

Carlo nodded. "Thanks! I'm telling you guys because I know I owe you two. We've been friends since we're ten, and now that I am stepping into the next serious stage of my life. I want you two to know."

"When are you planning to tie the knot?" Jeff asked.

"Well, I need to propose first, then we'll meet her parents. Then arrange everything from there." Carlo felt the excitement already.

Jeff nodded. "You need any help with the proposal?"

"I got it! I'll make it in such a way that she won't say no." Carlo laughed outlining his plans in his mind.

Tin felt sick to her stomach. "I'm leaving first, I'm not feeling well." She stood up and left.

"You know how she felt about you. I'm sure she was not happy." Jeff said.

"I know, but she needs to accept it. Lynn is my heart, no one else can replace her." Carlo said seriously.

Jeff shook his head. "You're hopeless men. Since you will be off the market soon. I'll have all the girls for myself. That's good news for me." Jeff swallowed hard, disregarding the pain he's feeling.

"Go easy on girls. You might regret it one day." Carlo smiled.

Jeff said smiled, he was thinking, he already did.

Tin was driving, the streets were blurry, her eyes were blinded by her tears. She can't believe that he decided to marry her, she did her dirty tricks, didn't she? She made it that Carlo would be extremely busy that he wouldn't have time for Lynn. She made Lynn feel that she was nothing compare to her, she made her felt that her status would not fit Carlo's. But they always end up making up, and even getting married. She stopped and cried. She can't let anyone have him. Not Lynn, not any woman. She will stop the wedding, no matter what.

Carlo texted Lynn that he needed to be in the office really early, so he won't be able to pick her up. He asked her to get coffee for him from the office cafeteria, he specifically asked her to get it there, not somewhere else. She's wondering what's up with him, he doesn't usually like the coffee there.

She entered the cafeteria, it was empty. She checked her phone, it's 7:15 AM, usually this place should be filled with agents by this time. She shrugged and headed to order coffee. There's also no one in the counter. Did anything happen? How come the place was empty. She looked around, now she's nervous. Suddenly, red balloons and red rose petals started falling. She was startled but on second thought, it looks beautiful. Then suddenly a bunch of people with music instruments showed up. Then started singing their song.

"Hey, have you ever tried

Really reaching out for the other side?

I may be climbing on rainbows

But baby, here goes

Dreams, they're for those who sleep

Life is for us to keep

And if you're wondering what this song is leading to

I want to make it with you

I really think that we could make it, girl

No, you don't know me well

And every little thing only time will tell

If you believe the things that I do

And we'll see it through

Life can be short or long

Love can be right or wrong

And if I chose the one I'd like to help me through

I'd like to make it with you

I really think that we could make it, girl

Baby, you know that dreams there for those who sleep

Life is for us to keep

And if I chose the one I'd like to help me through

I'd like to make it with you

I really think that we could make it, girl

I really think that we could make it, girl"

After the song. Carlo showed up, wearing a big smile on his face, holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

Lynn was wondering what Carlo was doing.

"Babe, before I met you, I've seen and experience bunch of good and bad things in life. I went through it all on my own. I don't regret any of them, since it made me who I am right now. But when I met you, I learned that life is beautiful and wonderful. Even an ordinary coffee tasted first class when I drink it with you. I'm too busy to sleep, but I sleep peacefully when you're around. Being hurt sucks, but I find that I can endure any pain as long as you're holding my hand. I count my calories to keep myself fit, but I stop counting when I eat with you. "

Lynn started to sniff. "Are you trying to make me cry?"

Carlo held her hands. "No, I'm trying to tell you that my life is way much better with you. That you make me completely happy and satisfied. I couldn't imagine my life without you. So honey, do me the honor of being my wife, so that I can be a complete man forever." Carlo kneeled down on his knee and opened a red box with a beautiful diamond ring in it.

Lynn gasped. She didn't expect this. She was just planning to buy him coffee, but now he's talking about marriage. She's just 24, was she ready for marriage?

"Babe, say something!" Carlo felt nervous suddenly.

Lynn was hesitant, but her mouth has a different plan. "Okay!" She murmured.

Carlo smiled, removed the ring from the box and put it on Lynn's finger. He stood up, hugged her, then kissed her.

Lynn heard clapping and whistling. Lynn buried her face in Carlo's chest, she felt embarassed. She didn't know that there were people around.

"Were engaged!" Carlo raise Lynn's hand to show their engagement ring.

"Congratulations!" Everyone cheered.

M and Jackie, hugged Lynn. "I hope you're marriage would end differently from mine." M whispered to Lynn.

"Don't mind her Lynn!" Jackie said while elbowing M.

Lynn just smiled, she knew where M was coming from. She had two kids with her ex- husband who left her for another woman.

There were plenty of food, cakes, and non-alcoholic drinks for everyone. Carlo was extremely happy, his heart was jumping in and out his chest. Lynn on the other hand was still in a bliss.

The two had dinner with Carlo's parents that day. Lynn was nervous, she had dined with them several times, usually at their home when Carlo invited her. It's different this time, she's the future daughter in law.

"When are you planning to get married?" Mr. Chen asked.

"Next month." Carlo answered.

"That soon!" Mrs. Chen and Lynn asked at the same time.

Mrs. Chen cleared her throat, she's not really in favor of her daughter-in-law to be. She imagined her to be someone like Tin, sophisticated, from a wealrhy family, someone with the same taste aa hers, same status, high education from reputable school. "That's too soon Carlo, why are you in a hurry."

"I agree with your mum, that's too soon. How about next year?" Lynn protested.

"That's too long, I want to start making babies." Carlo said.

Lynn step on his foot under the table but Carlo did not budge, just smiled instead.

"Grand children sounds great. I want boy this time. " Mr. Chen announced.

"Why are you agreeing with him? Marriage is not a joke." Mrs. Chen contested.

"Let them be. Their adult, they know what their doing. If they want to get married and have kids as soon as possible. Let it be" Mr. Chen said.

Carlo smiled. He knew that he can depend on his dad. Lynn on the other hand was feeling the pressure. She can feel the disapproving look of Mrs. Chen. She took a deep breath, how is she going to deal with this in the future?