
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Loosing Everything

Margaret was disturbed by the fact that he's only son was marrying a simple girl like Lynn. She doesn't have anything personal against her, in fact she finds her proper and adequate. But they are talking about her son and not any other man. She knows she loves Carlo, she witnessed her sticking with her son when he got into an accident. She did not leave him thru the entire ordeal. And she was thankful to her.

"Ma'am, Ms. Tin is here." The servant said interrupting her thoughts.

"Tell her, I'll be down." She sighed, she knew Tin will make it difficult for this wedding to happen. She's not really sure what she wants with her but it might be because of the wedding.

"Tin, what a pleasant surprise." Mrs. Chen hugged Tin.

Tin hugged her back.

"Sit down!" Mrs. Chen also sat, opposite her.

"Margaret, I can't just sit and watch this wedding heppening. I love Carlo too much!" Tin said.

There it goes, Mrs. Chen thought, she knew Tin will not let this wedding go without a fight. "I know honey, but Carlo has made his decision."

"Margaret, help me please!" Tin pleaded.

Mrs. Chen sighed. "What can I do?"

Tin smiled. "I have a plan."

Lynn was busy, it has been a week since they got engage. Carlo has been bugging her to set an appointment to meet her parents. But she didn't even told them about him yet. She knew she was wrong not to tell them, it's not that she doesn't want to, she wanted to tell them face to face but she didn't get the chance to go home yet. She was busy for the past year, she took care of Carlo during the recovery, she just got promoted. Now, she couldn't tell Carlo that her parents didn't knew about him.

"Hey Lynn!" Tin showed up out of nowhere.

Lynn was taken a back. "Hey Tin."

"You're marrying my closest friend, we need to celebrate. Let's go out tonight." Tin said.

Lynn hesitated.

"I will take no for an answer." Tin insisted.

"Alright!" Lynn murmured.

"Great! I'll text you the time and location." Tin left with a sweet smile in her lips.

Lynn found the bar that Tin texted her. When she entered the place, she saw few women dressed in sexy clothes drinking. As soon as Tin saw her, she smiled and stood to get her. "Lynn, you're finally here!"

Lynn smiled, she felt out of place, the ladies looked sophisticated, she on the other hand was wearing a simple black slack and blouse that she wore from work. As soon as they approached the rest of the ladies, stared at her from head to toe.

"Ladies, this is Lynn. Carlo's fiancee." Tin said, with a mocking smile in her face.

"Ow, she's his fiancee? She looks rather ordinary." One of the lady said then laughed.

Lynn wrinkled her nose.

"Hey, be nice, we're here to celebrate hee engagement." Tin said.

"Yeah right, sure!" The other lady said with a mocking smile in her face.

Lynn was feeling uncomfortable, but she was thinking that since Tin was Carlo's friend, she owed it to him to try to please her.

"Here Lynn, drink this." Tin handed her a ladies drink.

"Where did you graduate from?" One of the ladies asked while they were seated.

"UNC!" Lynn answered.

"Where is that?" One of the ladies asked.

Lynn was wondering who these women were. Why are they asking her questions. They didn't even introduced themselves.

"It's in a province. You see Lynn came from the province." Tin answered for her.

The ladies expression showed distaste. How can Carlo, a high class man marry this low class woman.

"Really, where do you work? One of the ladies asked.

"In Carlo's company." Lynn smiled but she was loosing patience. She don't think she will last for another minute with this people. They were obviously asking her questions with the goal of belittling her.

"Really, Tin is also working there, are you a director?"

"No, I'm not, I'm just a level 2 employee." She said on purpose, she's sure that it's what they want to hear.

She heard them say "Ahh!" In unison.

" Well ladies, I have to go. Sorry, though I know you came all the way here to see how undeserving I am for Carlo. But I really can't stay for your entertainment. I'd rather go home and sleep than to satisfy you ladies. She stood up. But she felt dizzy. The world started spinning and she fainted.

Lynn woke up with all the banging. She got confused, she have a terrible headache. She opened her eyes and saw Carlo beating up someone. She looked around, she was in an unfamiliar place. Then she saw Mrs. Chen. "What's happening?" She asked.

Carlo stopped what he was doing and looked at her. She can see the pain in his eyes. He approached her, then grabbed her engagement ring. You don't deserve this. Then he left.

Lynn then realized that she was naked. The last thing she remebered was that she fainted. She looked at the guy on the floor, it was Jeff. Then she saw her clothes scattered on the floor. She took them and went to the bathroom and change.

She approached Jeff as soon as she got out from the bathroom. "Jeff? What happened? Why are we here?"

Jeff's head throbbed, also his face was swollen from Carlo's beating. He remembered Tin asking him to picked her up. Then she asked her to drink a shot of brandy. That's all he can remember, but why is he in that room. He woke up with the banging on the door, he saw Lynn sleeping besides him, she seems to be naked. When he opened the door. Carlo attacked him. "I really don't know."

Let's go to the hospital. Lynn helped him to get up. They went to the hospital to have his wounds checked. But Jeff decided to have a drug test and also asked Lynn to have it.

As soon as Lynn brought Jeff to his house. She rushed to go home, to change. She's late for work. She couldn't find her phone.

As soon as she arrives at work. She notice people murmuring. When she saw M and Jackie, the two pulled her inside the bathroom.

"What happened?" M asked.

"What do you mean?" She needed to talk with Carlo. She can't call him, she can't find her phone.

"You don't know right, seriously." Jackie showed her pictures on her phone. It was her naked on the bed with Jeff also naked.

"How?" Lynn massage her temple. "Tin asked me out last night. The last thing I remember, I fainted, then I woke up Carlo beating someone."

"Oh no, you trusted her. You were set up." M said.

"I need to talk to Carlo, I need to explain." Lynn said feeling her head exploiding from all of these.

The two shook their head. They are worried that Carlo might have been brainwashed by Ms. Tin already. Poor Lynn.

Lynn went to the director's office. The secretary stared at her, but said "I'll tell Mr. Chen that you're here."

Lynn nodded.

"I'm sorry Ms. Lynn but he's busy right now. "

Lynn smiled weakly. She just nodded. While on the way to her station, she receive a text from HR asking her to report to them.

Lynn took a deep breath. She headed to the HR, and she was asked to report to the HR manager.

"Ms. Lynn sit down." The HR manager instructed.

Lynn sat down.

"You knew about this right?" He showed her the pictures shown to her by Jackie a while ago.

"No sir, that's a misunderstanding." Lynn explained.

"Ms. Lynn, as a company, we don't condone this behaviour. Everyone knows that you are Mr. Chen's fiancee. And this scandal had a huge effect on us as a company considering who you're fiancee is." The HR manager explained.

"But sir, the picture is not what it seems." Lynn tried to rebut.

"I'm sorry Ms. Lynn, but on the basis of this scandal. We are terminating your employment immediately. We are asking you to leave the company premises as soon as possible."

Two guards showed up and guided Lynn out the company, with employees watching and murmuring.

Lynn was feeling numb right now. In a span of one day, she seems to lost her life. And worst Carlo seems to have abandon her. He didn't trust her.

She headed home. And there she made way to tears.

After a day of crying, she felt like, she no longer have tears to shed. Someone knocked on her door. It was the guard. "Miss, your cousin is on the phone, in the lobby, she said that she can't contact you."

"Okay, I'll be right down."

"Hello!" Lynn answered.

"Lynn where have you been? You're mum, she had a heart attack." Janey said in panicked.

"How is she?" Lynn asked.

Janey paused.

"Hey, how is she?" Lynn repeated.

"She's gone. I'm sorry." Janey answered in a sad voice.