
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Break Up

Lynn stretched and yawned. She didn't sleep well last night, probably because yesterday was a chaos. It was a roller coaster, down, up. She isn't sure how it will end, up or down. She yawned, she checked her phone, it's 9:00 AM. She took a shower and decided to wear a short and sleeveless shirt. She was about to make coffee when someone knocked on their door. Janey is definitely still asleep. She checked who it was. It's a delivery, three mocha coffee. After accepting it, when she was about to close the door, another delivery arrive. This time it's breakfast. She laid the delivery on the table. There's note that said "good morning babe". So it was from Carlo. Another knocked on the door, this time it was flowers, not just a boquet but lots of different flowers. It came with different shape, colors and sizes. After the delivery, the apartment was filled with different scents of flowers.

Each cards says, "to my darling Lynn, I love you! Love Carlo."

Lynn smiled. Carlo is being over the top but she can't helped but be touched.

Janey came out from her room. "What's up with the flowers? Let me guess, you two made up?"

Lynn thought for a moment. "I'm not sure! I really want out of this relationship but he keep pushing me back."

"And you're letting him change your mind." Janey unpacked the breakfast and started eating.

"All I want is a peaceful life, a simple one. I don't think I will have it with him. I'm scared Janey." Lynn said honestly.

"Are you scared because despite you knowing what you want, you are having difficulty going against your own feelings? Janey asked while chewing.

"I'm not sure!" Lynn sighed.

Another knocked on the door. "I'll get it." Janey ran towards the door.

"Lynn its for you." Janey shouted.

"Hi babe!", Carlo greeted. He looks fresh and handsome.

"I'll bring my breakfast to my room. By the way thanks for this." Janey thanked Carlo.

Carlo nodded.

"And this!" Janey continued as she took one cup of coffee then headed to her room.

"Sit down!" Lynn signalled him to sit.

Carlo sat down. "Did you sleep well?.

"Nope, I've thought about our situation all night." Lynn said.

Carlo got nervous, he thought that Lynn has forgiven her last night, but maybe he was wrong. "You don't have to think about anything. I'll handle everthing."

"Wait here." Lynn went to her room. After few minutes she came back with a piece of paper in her hand.

She sat down, took a scissor and cut the paper into pieces. "I'm violating the contract, let's break up. I'm sorry but I can't wait for a year. If you will make a big deal about this I will asked help from Ms. Tin, I'm sure she will help me."

"Lynn, please." Carlo pleaded.

"Please Carlo, just understand my decision. Believe me it's for the best. And besides, you can't force me to be with you. You don't own me."

Lynn stood up. "Now, I thank you for the breakfast and the flowers, but I don't like flowers. If you can please take them back. Uhh I'll pay you for the breakfast, as you can see Janey ate them already."

Carlo didn't know what to say or do. He was expecting that Lynn would be okay today but he didn't know that she was stubborn. Or maybe because she really just don't love him.

"You can leave now!" Lynn said coldly.

Carlo stood up. He is hurt badly, he can't believe that this woman he loves could be this cold and heartless.

He left without looking back. He didn't see that Lynn was shaking and crying.

As soon as Carlo left, Janey ran to Lynn and hugged her. She knew that part of the reason of Lynn's decision was because she witnessed how Jimmy played her. Somewhere in her mind, she believes that rich man were all the same.

Carlo went home, he felt sick to his stomach. He planned the entire day for Lynn. He was supposed to bring her to an amusement park, then movie, then shopping. He wanted to spend the entire day with her. Apparently, she is not interested, because she didn't love him. He fixed himself a drink. He remembered her, her Lynn, it wasn't that long since they got together but it was enough for him to know that he wanted her to be in his future. But she simply don't want to.

Lynn came to work on Monday, she was feeling down but she needed to face her decision. She had it all planned out, how she would react if people would ask about her and Carlo. She will just say that they broke up and nothing else.

"Did you miss me?" Bert put his arms around Lynn's shoulder.

"Hey, you're back. How was your vacation?" Lynn asked. She had always been fond of Bert.

"Great! You should join me next time." Bert said.

"I don't want to be a thirdwheel." She whispered and smiled.

"You don't have to, bring your boyfriend with you." Bert teased her.

"What boyfriend?" She denied.

"Seriously, if he hears you denying him, he'll be upset." Bert said.

"I broke up with him." Lynn said directly.

"Really, why?" Bert was a bit surprised. He knew that it might happen but not so soon.

Lynn shrugged her shoulder. "Gap!"

"Right!" Bert nodded.

"Let's go to work!" Lynn said trying to change the topic.

They tried to open the elevator that was about to closed. It opened, with Carlo and Tin in it. Tin was wearing a black slack and a pink sexy blouse. Carlo was wearing a coat and tie. Today is the first day of training for the first batch of agent for Fast Pay. Lynn hesitated to get in, but Bert pushed her in.

"Hi Lynn." Tin smiled sweetly.

"Good morning Ms. Tin!" She hesitated for a second. "Boss Carlo!"

Carlo did not say anything nor looked at her.

So, what she did in the party worked. The two seems to have an issue.

Bert put his arms around Lynn. "Let's go out after work."

Carlo was not happy about Bert being too comfortable with Lynn, but he has no right to refute.

"Let's talk about it later." Lynn whispered.

"Why? I will introduce you to my cousin. He's a lawyer. You will like him." Bert said mockingly.

Lynn elbowed Bert's side.

"Quiet!" Lynn whispered. "Let's get coffee." Lynn pulled Bert out the elevator and headed to the pantry.

She took a deep breath as soon as the elevator closed.

"Are you two okay?" Tin asked Carlo.

"Let's not talk about personal matters, I'm not in the mood." Carlo said coldly.

Tin smiled, seems like she didn't have to work hard to separate the two.

The new QAs were assign to the new account, Fast Pay. And Lynn was not happy about it, the opening was apparently for the new account. The three were instructed to join the training for three weeks.

Her plan to stay as far as possible from Carlo won't happen now. He still end up to be her boss.

It's a good thing that being the director, Carlo will not attend the training. He and Tin were introduced at the beginning of the training but they left shortly afterwards. Lynn was relieve.

"Break up is no fun huh!" Jackie whispered during the training.

Lynn just smiled.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. In this situation that your boss is your ex, to make it work, you act like you never dated him. Infront of him and everyone." M said.

"Well it really depends, if you're ex is a jerk, he will be a jerk about your past too. Let's hope your ex isn't a jerk." Jackie whispered.

Lynn didn't say anything.

The director and assistant director, treat the team to a meal. Lynn did not have a choice but join. She sat as far as she can from Carlo, M and Jackie supported her and joined her.

Tin was showing off her charms to the team. She was putting food into Carlo's plate. Carlo was simply eating and not talking.

Lynn was avoiding looking on their direction. She made the decision and she will be firm about it.

"Ms. Tin, are you two together?" One of the trainee asked.

The rest of the team made a whistling noise.

Tin smiled sweetly. "We..."

"We're not!" Carlo said firmly and looked at Lynn's way.

Lynn pretended not to hear, and just continued eating.

"What nonsense are you saying. Boss Carlo is with Ms. Lynn, our QA." The trainer said.

Lynn cough, she was unprepared with that statement.

M gave her water. She drank it. When she raised her head, the rest of the team was staring at her as if waiting for her confirmation.

"No, no, we..." Lynn was struggling to find the right words. Should she say, they've broken up. Or should she say their just friends. But what if Carlo denies it.

"It's not proper to pry about peoples personal affair. I'm not paying you for that. Focus on your training."

Silence followed his words. The rest of the meal became awkward.

After the lunch, everyone was preparing to head out. They came with the company car, but they have somone extra. The trainer ride with Carlo and Tin but this time, she asked permission to join the team to educate them about their behaviour during lunch. Carlo agreed.

"Lynn, ride with us instead." Tin stated.

Lynn eyes widened. She looked at M and Jackie as if asking for help. The two just smiled awkwardly, neither of them would want to ride with the bosses.

"Carlo, Tin, what a small world?" Jeff put his arms around Tin. Then he noticed Lynn.

"You're also here?" Jeff added.

Lynn smiled. "Hey Jeff, give me a lift will you?"

Tin raised her eye brows. "You knew each other?"

"Yeah, it's a long story. But to make it short, this shorty here is my hero." Jeff laugh.

"What are you doing here?" Carlo asked coldly.

"Well, I had a business meeting with a client. What about you guys?" Jeff explained.

"Team lunch." Tin said.

"Why don't you give your hero a lift?" Lynn asked.

"Sure, anything for you my shorty hero." Jeff said.

"Let's go!" Carlo said to Tin then walked out.

Tin smiled and followed Carlo.

Jeff smiled and guided Lynn to his car.

"Is your lunch over?" Jeff asked.

"I still have around thirty minutes, Carlo gave us an hour and thirty minutes lunch."

Jeff nodded. "Let's have ice cream, it's still early."

"Sounds good!" Lynn liked Jeff's suggestion. An ice cream might calm her nerves.

Jeff smiled and take the next intersection. Carlo was looking at his rear mirror and saw Jeff's car headed to another direction. He frowned, something within him felt insecure and unsure. He did not like the feeling. He knew that Jeff likes Lynn and Lynn did not love him. The chance for them to get close is imminent and that thought is killing him. Carlo stopped infront their building. He asked Tin to get off and made an excuse that he got something to do. And he drove his car as fast as he can as soon as Tin got off.