
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Love Hurts

The account launching kicked off with ribbon cutting. It was presented by Mr. Carlos Chen, the CEO of Service Line International and Mr. Simpson of Fast Pay. After the ribbon cutting, the host called the CEO for a short speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm honored to formally welcome Fast Pay as part of our family. We at SLI, we consider everyone as a family. It's the secret of our success for thirty years. We treat every employees and clients the same way we treat our family members. As the head of the family, I must say that I am proud to witness the growth of my son who worked hard to make all of these possible. Carlo, I'm happy and rooting for you success. And everyone at Fast Pay, I am expecting for your hardwork, remember our goal is to deliver the best customer service for our client. I am expecting nothing but the best from everyone."

The crowd cheered and gave Mr. Chen a loud applause. After his speech, Mr. Simpson was called to make a short speech.

"Hello everyone! In behalf of Fast Pay, we would like to show our appreciation for the warm welcome you gave us. I am confident that Fast Pay and SLI will have a long working relationship ahead of us. I am glad that I chose and trusted your company. Thanks everyone!"

Everyone on the crowd cheered. Carlo on the other hand was distracted, he was seated infront but he kept on gazing around. He was looking for her.

Lynn went on the terrace. She wanted time and air. Her heart is bleeding right now and she needed the strength to get back at the party.

'Drink this!" A man gave him a glass of champagne.

When Lynn looked up, she saw Jeff. "What are you doing here?"

Jeff witnessed the moment where Tin was making a show infront of Lynn. He knew that she did it on purpose, to make Lynn feel abandoned and misplaced. "I'm invited. Are you okay?"

Lynn took the champagne but she hesitated, she needed a clear head to face the rest of the night.

"It's alright, it won't make you drunk, it has very little alcohol content. It will make you feel better. Take a sip." Jeff suggested.

Lynn nodded and smiled. She sipped a little and he was right, she felt a little relax.

"I'm fine. Thanks!" Lynn said.

A dance group was performing on the stage. Carlo excused himself and tried looking for Lynn. But he couldn't find her.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Jeff asked.

Lynn nodded. "But I can't. I have tasks to do."

"Just go!" Jackie said out of nowhere. She knew that Lynn was having a terrible time because of what happened earlier. "Me and M can manage. We only need to distribute the souvenirs and we're done." She said kindly.

"Are you sure?" Lynn asked shyly.

"Sure." M appeared suddenly.

"Thank you." Jeff said. "Let's go Lynn."

"You should trust Carlo." Jeff said while driving.

Lynn did not say anything.

Lynn got off Jeff's car as soon as they arrived at her place. "Thanks.", she murmured.

"Anytime." Jeff answered.

Lynn ran to her apartment, as soon as she reached her room, her tears started flowing non-stop. Why does it hurt so much, when she knew from the start that this is going to happen.

"Hello!" Carlo answered the call from Jeff.

"I've already taken Lynn home." Jeff said on the other line.

Carlo took a deep breath, so she left, that's why he couldn't find her. But why was Jeff the one she was with. He was cursing himself, he couldn't do anything, until the event is over. "Alright, thanks."

"I think you should do better. You don't even know that she got promoted and will be in the event. You're a loussy boyfriend." Jeff nagged at Carlo.

"She got promoted?"

Jeff laugh, "You asked her yourself." then he hang up.

Jeff shook his head. Carlo was making it hard for him to forget Lynn.

Janey was awaken by a loud banging on their door. She got scared and woke up Lynn. The two went on the door together, when Lynn checked it, she saw it was Carlo.

"It's Carlo. I don't want to see him right now." She said.

"What? Lover's quarrel? So soon!" Janey asked.

"I want to break up with him." Lynn said.

"Why?" Janey asked.

"I think he lied to me about his childhood friend. I think they are more than friends. I think he's like Jimmy." Lynn said.

"You think?" Janey asked.

"Looked, if we let him kept banging on the door at this hour, our neighbors will eventually complain. So, if you want to break up with him. Tell him upfront." Janey opened the door.

Lynn was surprised, she didn't expect that Janey would open the door so sudden.

Carlo step inside and ran to Lynn. Lynn backed out. While Janey left the two alone.

"Babe let me explain. It' not what you think." Carlo pleaded.

Lynn took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter what I think. Look Boss Carlo, I really don't care about you and her. I really don't want to have anything to do with you. Let's just end this."

Carlo hugged her possessively. "No! Never!" He had missed her a lot. He had been really busy but there wasn't a moment, he didn't think about her.

Lynn tried pushing him away but he was way stronger than her. "Let me go! There's nothing you can do. I don't want to be part of your life. I'm breaking up with you."

"We have a contract, you can't break up with me for a year." Carlo said firmly.

"Seriously, you think I will honor that after everything I witnessed." Lynn said angrily.

"I told you before, she's just a friend." Carlo insisted.

"Tell that to your mother." Lynn said.

Carlo let go of Lynn but still holding her shoulder at arms length. "My mum was just hoping on something she knew will never happen."

"Sit down Carlo." Lynn said calmly.

Carlo obeyed her and sat down. Lynn went to the kitchen and get herself and Carlo a bottle of water.

"You see, I've thought about it. I will never be the right girl for you. It's best that we end it right now."

Carlo grabbed her two hands. "Lynn, if you think I'm joking when I said I love you, you are mistaken. You see I never joke about my feelings. I meant what I said. What you saw was not real. She was just fixing my tie. You're the one I love."

"But I don't love you." Lynn said looking straight at Carlo's eyes.

Carlo was speechless. Lynn stood up. "It's not fair for you to bind me into something I don't want. You will be just hurting me and yourself."

"I know I neglected you for the past few weeks. I was really busy. But please don't hurt me that way." Carlo's eyes seems to be turning red.

Lynn was taken aback. Is he going to cry? Really?

"I really don't love.." Lynn was not able to finish her words. Carlo captured her lips with his and kissed her possessively.

After few minutes. He embraced her real tight. "I won't let you go. Never."

"Carlo please, let me go!" Lynn pleased. What's wrong with this guy? Why is he so hard to convince to let her go?

"You see babe, when I first saw you, I knew from that moment that you are the one for me. You can call me corny, cliche or whatever. But since that moment I found out, that I was certain about my feeling for you. You are bound to be mine forever." Carlo declared possessively.

Scary guy, but very romantic. Lynn though to herself. Her anger seems to be subsiding with his words.

"Alright, let me go. Let's talk tomorrow instead. You're tired, I'm tired. Let's get some sleep." Lynn said.

Carlo put his arms around Lynn's shoulder and headed to her room.

"What are you doing?" Lynn asked.

"Resting, sleeping." Carlo said while smiling.

"I meant, you go home and rest. Not here.", he said.

"Why not? I've slept here before." he said.

"Without my consent. And Janey is here." Lynn said.

Carlo thought for a moment. "Okay, I'll go home but I'll be back tomorrow."

Lynn nodded.

Carlo kissed her again and headed to the door. "Locked it when I'm gone."

Lynn nodded. When Carlo left, Lynn was thinking how Carlo was able to stopped her heart from bleeding with just few words.