
Mr Nobody the Last King

His life epitomizes suburban bliss in tranquil place where he lives with his beloved wife and two children. But one fateful night, a violent break-in shatters their peace, stripping them of cherished possessions and sense of security. As the family struggles to heal, he finds himself irrevocably changed. Consumed by paranoia and driven by the need to protect his family at all costs, he embarks on a dangerous path, adopting unrecognizable and often destructive behavior. His obsession and his desperate quest for redemption in a world where everything he once knew has been turned upside down. He's a man of his words and he vows to see his family back to what and how the were before the ordeal.

Nduduzo_Ncwane · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Entangled Deceptions

Samantha's POV :

As I sit at the breakfast table with my mom and dad, the satisfaction of yesterday's success washes over me. The Millers actually believe we need their help. 

The irony is almost laughable. Let me introduce myself properly: I'm Samantha Whitaker, the future successor of my father's empire. 

Feelings for Aurian? Absolutely not. I'm playing him like a finely tuned instrument. Yesterday's performance was my masterpiece.

I glance at my dad, Marcus Whitaker, and share a knowing look. He nods subtly, acknowledging our shared victory. My mom sips her coffee, a serene smile on her face, completely unaware of the deeper machinations at play. 

"So," I say, breaking the silence, "how do we proceed from here?"

My dad leans back in his chair, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. "We continue as planned. Aurian's attachment to you is a weakness we can exploit. Keep him close, and we'll use him to get what we need from the Millers."

Mom nods in agreement, her eyes glinting with approval. "And remember, Samantha, stay focused. This is a crucial step in securing our family's future."

I smirk, taking a sip of my orange juice. "Of course, Dad. They won't know what hit them."

The breakfast continues with light conversation, but my mind is already racing ahead, plotting the next move. Aurian thinks he loves me, and that makes him a pawn in our game. It's almost too easy. The Millers are about to learn just how ruthless a Whitaker can be.

You see, I have a brother, Lloyd. He's the black sheep of the family, a rebel who turned his back on us the moment he discovered the true nature of our family's business dealings. 

Lloyd disowned our family, especially my dad. He couldn't stand the deception and the illegal operations that form the backbone of our empire.

"Have you heard from Lloyd recently?" I ask, curiosity piquing my voice.

My dad's expression darkens slightly. "No, and it's better that way. He's made his choice."

Mom sighs, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I wish he could see things differently. Family is everything, even if he doesn't agree with how we run things."

I nod, understanding their perspectives but feeling a twinge of uncertainty. Lloyd's rejection of our family has always bothered me, making me question the path I've chosen. 

Yet, his departure also serves as a reminder of what happens when you cross the Whitakers.

"Let's focus on the task at hand," Dad says, his tone final. "Samantha, keep Aurian close. We need to make sure the Millers are completely under our control."

I smile, pushing thoughts of Lloyd aside. "Don't worry, Dad. I've got this."

As breakfast concludes, I rise from the table, ready to face the day with a renewed sense of purpose. The game is on, and I'm determined to win, no matter what it takes.

I prepare to head out, I feel a mixture of anticipation and relief. Today, I'm meeting my best friend Kelly. 

We've been through so much together, and I know I can trust her with my secrets. Besides, she's studying psychology, which means she can offer some insight into the tangled web I'm weaving. 

And there's another layer of connection—she used to date my brother Lloyd. Their breakup was one messy breakup. It made me hate dating with my whole being. 

I grab my phone and text Kelly: "Hey, I'm on my way. Can't wait to catch up."

Within minutes, she replies: "Great! See you soon. We've got lots to talk about."

The drive to our favorite café feels quicker than usual, my mind racing with thoughts and emotions. When I arrive, Kelly is already there, waiting with her signature warm smile. We hug tightly, and for a moment, everything feels normal.

"Samantha! It's so good to see you," Kelly says as we take our seats.

"You too, Kelly. I really need someone to talk to."

She tilts her head slightly, her expression turning serious. "What's going on? You know you can tell me anything."

I take a deep breath, deciding to dive right in. "So, you know about Aurian Miller, right? The guy I've been seeing?"

Kelly nods, her eyes attentive. "Yes, I remember you mentioning him. What's up with that?"

"Well," I start, "it's all a ruse. I'm just playing him to get close to his family. My dad's sworn enemies with the Millers, and he wants to use Aurian to get what he wants."

Kelly's eyes widen slightly, but she keeps her composure. "Wow, that's... intense. How do you feel about it?"

I shrug, trying to play it cool. "Honestly, I'm fine. It's just a game to me. But it's getting more complicated. Dad wants me to keep pushing, and Aurian is falling for me hard."

Kelly leans in, her voice gentle. "And what about you? Are you really okay with all this? Pretending to have feelings for someone, manipulating him... it can't be easy."

I look down, fiddling with my coffee cup. "I don't know. Sometimes, I feel bad about it. But it's what I have to do. My dad's counting on me."

She nods thoughtfully. "I get it. Family loyalty is important. But don't lose yourself in this. Remember, you're more than just a pawn in your father's game."

Her words hit me harder than I expected. Kelly always has a way of cutting through the noise and getting to the heart of the matter.

"And how's Lloyd?" I ask, changing the subject slightly. "Have you heard from him?"

Kelly sighs. "Not really. He's still off doing his own thing. I miss him sometimes, but we were on different paths. He couldn't stand the family business, and I respected that."

I nod, feeling a pang of guilt. Lloyd's rejection of our family has always been a sore spot for me. "Yeah, I get it. He never could accept what we do."

"Just be careful, Samantha," Kelly says softly. "Don't let the business consume you. You're smart and capable, and you deserve to live your own life."

I smile, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Kelly. I needed to hear that."

We spend the rest of the day talking about lighter things, reminiscing about old times, and just enjoying each other's company. For a few hours, I can forget about the complex web of deceit and focus on being myself.

"I have news. I'm seeing someone."

"That's exciting, Kelly!" I exclaim, genuinely happy for her. "Tell me all about him."

Her eyes light up as she launches into the details. "His name is Brian, and he's studying economics. He's really sweet and funny, and we just clicked right away. We've been going out for coffee after class, and I think there's potential there."

I smile, listening intently as she describes her budding romance. It's refreshing to hear about something positive amidst all the chaos in my own life.

"He sounds great," I say sincerely. "I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy."

She genuinely beams at me. "Thanks, Samantha. It's still early days, but I'm hopeful."

As we continue chatting about Kelly's new relationship, I can't help but feel a twinge of envy. 

While she's exploring new beginnings and enjoying the thrill of a blossoming romance, I'm stuck in a tangled web of deceit and manipulation.

But let me push these thoughts aside, focusing on being happy for my friend. After all, everyone deserves a shot at love and happiness, even if my own path is a bit more complicated.

I can't help but feel a sense of longing. Maybe one day, I'll find someone who makes me feel the way Alex makes Kelly feel. But for now, I'll continue playing my part in my father's game, all while secretly yearning for something more.

We spend the best of our time catching up on life, reminding ourselves of the things we want to do from our bucket list. Having Kelly is the only bright light in my life right now.

As we're about to part ways, Kelly gives me one last piece of advice. "Remember, I'm always here for you. No matter what."

I hug her tightly. "Thanks, Kelly. I know I can count on you."

Driving back home, I feel a bit lighter. Having someone to confide in makes a world of difference. But as I pull into the driveway, reality sets back in. 

The game is far from over, and I need to stay sharp. For now, though, I'm just grateful for friends like Kelly who help me navigate this treacherous path.

My phone rings. It's Aurian, just as I suspected. I answer, bracing myself for yet another scene 


"Hey, Samantha!" His voice rings through the phone, filled with excitement. "I was thinking, since we both have the evening free, why don't we do something special tonight?"

Remind me again, who told this guy that I have the evening free? Sometimes I wish I could just stop all this nonsense. I cannot stand this guy at times.

Who am kidding… I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm, even as my heart feels heavy with guilt. "That sounds wonderful, Aurian," I reply, trying to match his excitement. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go for a romantic dinner," he suggests eagerly. "Just the two of us, no distractions. What do you think?"

I bite my lip, struggling to keep up the charade. "That sounds perfect," I say, my voice trembling slightly. "I'd love that."

"Great!" Aurian exclaims, his enthusiasm contagious. "I'll make a reservation at that Italian place you love. Say, around 7?"

"Sounds perfect," I reply, my heart sinking at the thought of deceiving him further. "I can't wait."

As we hang up, I'm filled with a sense of dread. Tonight's dinner will be yet another step in this elaborate charade, another moment where I'll have to pretend that everything is okay. 

And with each passing day, the weight of my deception grows heavier, threatening to crush me beneath its burden.

These are my decisions and I have to stay true to them no matter what. That's exactly how my father is going to see that I deserve to take over from him one day.