
Mr Nobody the Last King

His life epitomizes suburban bliss in tranquil place where he lives with his beloved wife and two children. But one fateful night, a violent break-in shatters their peace, stripping them of cherished possessions and sense of security. As the family struggles to heal, he finds himself irrevocably changed. Consumed by paranoia and driven by the need to protect his family at all costs, he embarks on a dangerous path, adopting unrecognizable and often destructive behavior. His obsession and his desperate quest for redemption in a world where everything he once knew has been turned upside down. He's a man of his words and he vows to see his family back to what and how the were before the ordeal.

Nduduzo_Ncwane · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Dark Shadows And Nightmares

As we drive away from the hotel, the evening sun casting long shadows on the road ahead, the silence in the car is deafening. 

Aurora sits beside me, her expression a mix of defiance and uncertainty. Aurian is at the back seat looking out the window.

I break the silence, my voice firm but not unkind. 

"Aurora, don't ever do that again." I say, glancing at her briefly before returning my eyes to the road. "Locking us in a room and springing a surprise like that—it could have gone horribly wrong."

She fidgets in her seat, her hands wringing in her lap. "I just wanted to help, Dad. I thought if you and Mr. Whitaker talked, really talked, things might change."

"I understand your intentions," I reply, softening my tone a bit. "But you need to consider the risks. This isn't a game. There are real consequences to these actions."

Aurian shifts in the backseat, finally turning his attention to us. "She's right, Dad. We needed to get you two talking somehow. You and Marcus have been at each other's throats for years. It's about time someone did something."

I sigh, the weight of their words settling on me. They're right, in a way. "I know. But next time, let's find a less dramatic approach. We need to handle this carefully, without putting anyone at unnecessary risk."

Aurora nods, looking contrite. "I'm sorry, Dad. I just want our family to be safe and happy."

"We all do," I say, reaching over to squeeze her hand gently. "But we need to be smart about it. We'll figure this out together, as a family."

As we continue down the road, the tension gradually eases, and I feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, we can find a way through this together.

I know this wasn't Aurora's idea but she's covering up for her brother now. She always does that , I've learnt to live with it over the years.

As soon as we get home, I head straight to Clarissa. The kids scatter to their rooms, sensing that a storm is brewing. 

Clarissa is in the living room, reading a book. She looks up as I enter, immediately noticing the serious expression on my face.

"Clarissa, we need to talk," I say, sitting down next to her. 

She closes her book, her brow furrowing with concern. "What happened?"

"Our kids... they arranged a meeting between me and Marcus Whitaker," I start, watching her reaction closely.

Her eyes widen in shock, and then her expression hardens. "What? Why would they do that?"

"They thought it was the only way to get us to talk and possibly reconcile," I explain. "They locked us in a room at a hotel and wouldn't let us out until we had a conversation."

Clarissa stands up, pacing the room, her hands clenched into fists. "I can't believe they did this. Marcus is dangerous, Timothy. You know that."

"I know," I say, trying to calm her down. "But we did talk. And I offered to help him with his problem if he gives Aurian a fair chance with Samantha."

She stops pacing and looks at me incredulously. "You did what? You can't trust him, Timothy. Marcus will do anything to protect his own interests."

"I don't trust him, not yet," I admit. "But I told him I'd help buy him some time. I think he's genuinely in a tough spot. We need to be strategic about this."

Clarissa shakes her head, her anger turning to worry. "I don't like this at all. Marcus has always been ruthless. What if he's just using you?"

"It's a risk," I agree. "But if we can get through this without escalating things further, it's worth a try. The kids were only trying to help. They want peace just as much as we do."

She sighs, finally sitting back down next to me, her hand resting on mine. "I understand that. But we need to be careful. I don't want anything happening to our family because of this."

"We'll be careful," I promise, squeezing her hand. "We'll figure this out together. As a family."

Clarissa nods, though her eyes remain filled with worry. "Just... be careful, Timothy. I don't want to lose you to this feud."

"I promise," I say, pulling her into a reassuring hug. "We'll get through this my wife."

I pull back, she hesitates a bit, biting her lip. "Timothy, there's something else."

"What is it?" I ask, sensing her apprehension.

"I've known about Aurian and Samantha for a while now," she confesses, avoiding my eyes.

I feel a surge of anger. "What? You've known about this and didn't tell me?"

"Yes," she admits, her voice trembling slightly. "I was hoping it would resolve itself, or that he would come to us when he was ready."

"How could you keep something this important from me?" I demand, my frustration boiling over.

"I was trying to protect our family," she argues, her own temper rising. "I didn't want to escalate things further. I was trying to handle it."

"By keeping me in the dark?" I snap. "We're supposed to be in this together, Clarissa. We need to trust each other."

She takes a deep breath, visibly trying to stay calm. "I know, and I'm sorry. But I did what I thought was best at the time."

"Well, it wasn't," I say, my voice still harsh. "We need to be honest with each other if we're going to get through this."

She nods, tears welling up in her eyes. "You're right. I'm sorry, Timothy. From now on, no more secrets."

I take a deep breath, trying to let go of my anger. "Alright. No more secrets. We have to face this together, or we don't stand a chance."

She nods, wiping her eyes. "Together."

I pull her into another hug, praying that we can find a way to move past this and tackle the challenges ahead as a united front.

If my wife can keep such things from me, it makes me wonder what else she's keeping from me. 

This thought gnaws at me as I hold her, my mind racing. I pull back slightly, looking into her eyes, trying to read any hidden truths.

"Clarissa," I say, my voice low but firm. "If there's anything else you're keeping from me, now's the time to come clean."

She looks at me, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and hurt. "Timothy, I told you, I kept this from you because I thought it was for the best. There's nothing else."

I search her face, looking for any sign of deception. Her gaze remains steady, but the doubt lingers. "I need to know I can trust you, Clarissa. Especially now."

"I know," she replies softly, reaching up to touch my cheek. "And you can. I swear, there's nothing else."

I nod slowly, but the seed of doubt is planted. "Alright. Let's focus on what we need to do next."

She nods, squeezing my hand. "We'll get through this. Together."

I wish I could shake the feeling, but it stays with me as we plan our next steps. Trust is fragile, and right now, ours feels more brittle than ever.

Later that night, as I lie in bed, my thoughts keep circling back to Clarissa's admission. What else could she be hiding? The uncertainty gnaws at me, making it hard to sleep. 

I know we have to face Marcus and the issues with our children, also the family treasure needs to be brought back to safety,but now there's another layer of complexity. One that hits closer to home than any external threat.

I decide that tomorrow, I'll start looking into things more closely. Not because I don't trust Clarissa, but because I need to be sure. For our family's sake.

The nightmare grips me again, pulling me into a dark, suffocating abyss. I'm back in the house, the one I burned down all those years ago. 

The flames flicker around me, casting eerie shadows that dance like ghosts from my past. I hear screams, indistinct at first, but growing louder and more desperate. 

It's the family I destroyed, their faces twisted in agony, accusing eyes boring into me.

I turn to run, but my feet are rooted to the ground. Suddenly, the scene shifts. I'm in the present, standing in our backyard, surrounded by friends and family from earlier in the day. 

They all turn to me, their faces morphing into grotesque masks of horror and betrayal. Clarissa is there, her eyes wide with shock and pain. Aurora and Aurian stand next to her, their faces pale and tear-streaked.

Then, a figure steps forward from the crowd—my father. He smiles, a cruel, knowing smile, as he approaches me. "You can't escape your past," he whispers, his voice echoing in my mind.

I wake up with a start, drenched in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. The darkness of the room presses in on me, but it's nothing compared to the darkness in my mind. Clarissa stirs beside me, sensing my distress.

"Timothy?" she murmurs sleepily. "Are you okay my love?"

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Just a nightmare," I whisper, but my voice betrays the fear still gripping me.

She reaches out, her hand warm and reassuring on my arm. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head, not ready to delve into the details. "No, it's fine. Go back to sleep."

She hesitates but eventually settles back down. I lie there, staring at the ceiling, the images from the nightmare replaying in my mind. 

The feeling of betrayal, the weight of my secrets, and the fear that everything could come crashing down around me.

I know I need to face my past, to confront the ghosts that haunt me, but the thought terrifies me. How can I protect my family if I can't even protect myself from my own demons? 

I'm not going to be able to sleep. Let me go have a smoke. I'll sneak out the backdoor to the backyard. I told Rissa I stopped.

After having two cigarettes, I go back inside the house , give myself some oral attention and head back to bed. 

I cuddle up next to my wife , she snuggles closer to me , her back facing me. We fall asleep.

As the first light of dawn creeps into the room, I resolve to take action. The nightmare might be a warning, a sign that I can't keep running from the truth. 

It's time to confront my past 

and the man I have become, no matter how terrifying it might be.