
Fussing About



Due to the fact that they came later than Li Jing, which was as a result of Jun Tai Hua pressuring the former to come with him to the party after Li Jing turned him down saying she would be busy that day, they did not see when she and Ye Cheng walked in.

"Luo Jinhai, until when would you look like a sorry ass, come on, mix up with some beauties and enjoy your time at the party."

"I do not want to. They are not as beautiful as Li Jing."

"Li Jing is wherever she is now busy with something else. It is high time you start living life. A rejection is not a set back that one cannot come out from. Just pick yourself back up and try again. She rejected a date and not you in person."

"Okay. She did not reject me. That is good right?"

"Sure. Come on. Have a drink or more and celebrate with Mrs Lin." Jun Tai Hua urged him.