


Chapter 833: Explosion

Shock contorted the butler's face as he saw Li Jing standing before him. His mind raced. 

How was this possible? 

Where had she come from? 

He darted a glance towards Ming Xi, who mirrored his expression of stunned disbelief. There was no mistake — another Li Jing stood before them. This could only mean one thing: an imposter.

"Seeing ghosts?" Li Jing's sharp voice sliced through the stunned silence.

Ming Xi gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. The implication of Li Jing's words hit her like a tonne of bricks. 

A ghost? Did that mean their Madam Li was dead?

"Answer me!" Li Jing demanded, her patience wearing thin. What was going on? Why were her staff acting like she was a phantom?

"M-Madam," stammered Butler Wu, hoping to appease Li Jing before things spiraled out of control, especially if the imposter was listening. He lowered his voice, pleading, "Reduce your voice."
