
Accidental Meeting 1



"So you said and it has just been barely two weeks, you already are in love with someone who is not your betrothed," Kim Fan reminded his friend.

"Sigh! You know it just happened. It wasn't like it was planned, Kim Fan."

"Yeah, I know. But what are you going to do seeing as your heart is with another?" Kim Fan asked.

His friend did not know what to do or say to that question. He was equally having a tough time figuring things out.

After some seconds he raised his eyes and looked at his friend. "Honestly speaking, I do not know. But I guess she made it quite easy and ran away."

"What if she didn't run away? Or better still, what if you saw her again? What would you do, considering you still obviously love her?"

"Kim Fan I do not know exactly but one thing is for sure. I would not let her go away again. I would not lose her for the second time."