
Moving On from the past " CEO husband Behave yourself "

Afamous young celebrity whongrew up with fame and fake friends is betrayed by her boyfriend when he sleeps with her best friend ....She looses her first love to her best friend during There senior year of Highschool .No one knows what lies in the future .No one knows what lies ahead she decides to go in hiding in a state far from home were she meet a domineering CEO that Dotts on her and gives her every thing she needs but the ex now comes back into the picture will she move on or !!!!.they meet again bt this time around she is the girlfriend of awell known CEO of the Tang Family Wealth and there is no sweet momeries but hatred for him .

Iami_Musoke_Salwa · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 4;***I kissed him***


In tang manner.....*** i searched downstairs and when I didn't find Mr. TangRoshen I decided to place the Mobile phone I heard borrowed to talk to my brother at the table and went to my bedroom. I took a bath and decided to rest it was past midnight anyways ...it seems I gave Mr. Tang a hard time during my sick times.

I took off my clothes and rushed to the bathroom ...After the shower I went and sat on bed in my  bathrobe  I just didn't feel like dressing up  I guess it was because of the Medically induced coma, but I felt weak.... So I Dozed off with in seconds' maybe this   place felt like home but I just felt so comfortable I forgot to lock the door  .....I am not sure how long it took but I heard a dream ..in the dream it seemed like I was locked up in a dark place and I kept shouting' kept screaming and calling my mom and Dad but no one came . I got so sacred that all over sudden everything went blank in my head and I might have gotten unconscious from fear .I woke up and felt a cold cloth on my forehead and looking up it was Mr.Tang  he looked at me in a dotting way and asked me if I was okay now..I nodded and tried to push his hand away but instead I clung to this bathrobe .it felt like my mind and my body were not corresponding with each other

like seriously I wanted to push him away but instead I****looked in his eyes  and in the shadow his face was so close to mine that I could smell the shower gel fragrance of His body ..**it Smelled like A mixture of cherries and Grapes but with a natural scent of Mint ...I tasted some wine in my tongue ,He might have been drinking  and now his his tongue was in my mouth

I didn't want to let his tongue into my mouth but my body was getting warm and warm at every second our lips twinned together ...I did not want to look at his face  because I knew I was already losing it ...My body was excited ,delighted and other mixed feelings I could not explain but I just corresponded to all the signals his body kept sending ...at this moment all my senses were over powered  he kept pouting his Adams apple and it looked more attractive I pulled off his Bathrobe and he got on top of me

my mind went black this is not what I want ,I just came out of a relationship but my body wanted it the heat it was producing just could not let me push this tempting man off me' we kept kissing until I felt his hard thing right next to my thighs** it had the power in itself to force me, or somehow get me back, against a doorjamb, where I lolled helpless with my eyes clenched shut, in a trance of tongue I jumped from under him shaking all over and said "iam...iam.. so sorry "and ran to the bathroom and closed the door  . I stammered  because  I was out of what to say .

I cried my legs wear shaking uncontrollably it took me awhile to get out of the bathroom and Mr. Tang did not follow me at least I'm sure he also felt what we did was wrong  ...by the time I walked out he was gone and i felt crashed inside but it was for the best   i needed to leave this place before I can make mistakes I can't stop from happening . So I called the house Agency that I was supposed to schedule and appointment with as soon as I landed in R country .

He explained that getting the suitable apartment according to my exact choice would take at least 3days and a week to redecorate  ..Just after I hung up I received a call from my brother who said he wanted me to Go to C.City immediately  and since I did not even Have a place to stay yet I agreed and planned to write a note to Mr.Tang informing him about why I heard to leave.

I booked a plane ticket to C.city for early morning hours .my ticket was for 4:30am in the morning and approximately Six hours flight . I organised my self and ordered for a pick up from Tang manor and left before 3:00am . The driver of the pick up said I was lucky to get a ride from this side of town at this hour , so I directly asked him y he said they rarely drive to this side of the Villa .so he said he had just dropped off  a rich girl from this side of time from the airport she paid double .so he agreed to bring her .we kept jazzing and then I reached at the airport on time

I actually had 30mins to spare . I went to The rest area and dozed off  until I heard the last call of the plane I was supposed to board ...I woke up and Rushed to the plane not noticing the guy that was sitting next to me in the rest area he seemed to have put all his attention on me  but didn't give it a lot of consideration was in a hurry.

In the plane I sat down looking the view out side ..obviously I was preparing my self to sleep ...I messaged my brother that I was on the plane . I relaxed obviously planning to sleep but I noticed  the guy sitting next to me !!!! he was the same guy that was sitting next to me in the VIP waiting room ...He noticed the doubts on my face and he said ....Hello iam Tmonqiye and you!!! I didn't want to seem rude so I replied and said I was Shao Wei . He  spoke his next sentence in R.country language and I smiled and told him iam from. The USA so I do not know native language of R.country  he laughed and said woowh how are you here ??? I smiled and said well its along story. he said " here to visit boyfriend "

I laughed so hard and said Ahhhh its two adorable babies .Niece and nephew  I pulled out my phone and showed him there pics Of course my niece and nephew are so adorable Zion and zoewy are the most adorable kids I've seen. we kept interacting about many things.    and  he said " pardon my misunderstanding but I feel like I've known you or met you somewhere "

I laughed and said noo I doubt  but before I cud cover my self to doze off the hair hostess came up to me and said " pardon me miss Yabai can you please give me an autograph ....my baby sister is abig fan of your last Gucci campaign "

I smiled and said sure  and Signed on the white scarf she gave me..My signature look is Wei lips yabai .

      *****   " W?Yabai"****

She was really happy and then apologized for any inconveniences  which I said was okay .  So Mr. Tmonquiye looked at me and Said Woowh so I was sitting with Yabai with ? akiss ...**** he was becoming too noisy so I said I can explain .

Iam in R.country trying to avoid some people and hiding from some news that was about to circulate on the internet and Television shows soon or later . He looked at me in a Let me hear it kinda way *** and said if u know its false then hiding can't help you its better to stand up to whatever your fear is.  Then he asked if i could  share my Weibo which I did and added him as a friend he asked  for a selfie and I agreed only if he did not tag me .... He smiled and then pushed me closer to him and took A dozen of selfies playfully.

I asked him if I could rest now which he Agreed and I Covered my self ...but had Abuzz on my phone and checked it out .Mr.Tmonquiye had posted ...."Guess what Miracle I got by boarding the earliest Flight this Morning" Then he added Guess who I bumped into.  500₹ to whoever guesses right .

Damn this guy!!! I closed my phone and fell asleep .

****In C.City******

I woke up at the airport and Got off as first as I could because I could not stand another recognition ....I wore amask and  sunglasses and walked towards the passenger pick up area . Then I saw akid clinging to my Foot I looked down and Saw akid holding onto me so tightly

  Mr. Tmonquiye was behind me so he rushed to get the kid off my legs  he bent down to Pick the kid up who refused and Even kicked him and said he should leave his Aunt Shao...He replied the kid that not all beautiful people are your Aunty's young boy . he made a face at Tmonquiye and clung to me and then burst out crying I held him up and Said "baby don't Cry we shall go find your mummy and Daddy .Okay". but he kept crying I said Baby aunty will go with you Don't cry . he looked  up at Tmonquiye and asked me  Aunty " Is this ugly man with you??" 

I burst into laughter and said no baby his just a passenger in my flight. so baby what is your name ? I asked ..** He opened his eyes wide open and Said You guess*** I smiled and said baby u know I can not guess right !!! So he Said pretty aunty what are you doing here ??Then he opened his big round eyes and stared at me . I told him baby U see I have a sweet nephew and niece that I came to see . So he clung to my neck and said " Really So Is your nephew a good boy"  I smiled and said of course my nephew is so handsome just like you and we shall meet him after I help you find your mummy and Daddy . He said okay . but he heard a cunning smile on his face that I did not Notice . I received a phone call from my brother   who asked me to move to the south wing of the airport . I went with this baby in my hands hoping my brother will help me search for his family .

We reached where my brother and his wife was .The baby jumped from my hands and Called "Daddy " I looked in all directions to see if I could see the little boy's family   but did not see any .My brother then said in amocking way to the baby I was holding ....So How did you know that was your Aunty !!

He smiled and said he had followed most of my campaigns and I kinda looked like zoewy ...he spoke like a big boy would and he said its too bad his sister took over the beauty of his aunt .He always wished he looked like me.  I looked at them in Confusion and Asked " wait A minute don't tell me this Cute little guy is my Sweet handsome Nephew " He laughed and began to run around so I followed running after him asking why  he had fooled his aunty . Then I carried him to the car and he sat on my lap and hugged me tight .

In the car zoewy  also looked at me and  she said "Aunty Do u love me too like you love Zion "  She looked so cute . Just like I looked when I was young . I laughed and so hard and said of course Baby have you looked in the mirror yet . She opened her Eyes in bewilderment and asked why !!! I told her because you and i are like twins baby . Let's take apic and compare  baby okay ??? She covered her mouth in excitement and then she said Ohhh aunty how could I not have seen I was as pretty as you .

She covered her face again and then she looked up at my brother and said " Daddy  Am I as pretty as aunty Shao wei" My brother replied with an of course but I interrupted and said baby your more pretty than Aunty . She declined and said all kids in her school said I was so beautiful and they even said Zion was lying when he said I was his Aunt.  Zion interrupted her and said "Aunty Shao will you be picking me up from school now that your here" I said of course baby...  Before I  could say more Zoewy interrupted "will you perform the parent daughter dance with me  too aunty Wei " she had Avery huge smile on Her face of course the kind of face u can't say no to. I looked at my brother and said well we shall ask your Daddy if I can attend baby . They both turned  immediately and shouted Daddy Please ... Please Daddy obviously my brother was going to agree but he said if you do your homework on time and not disturb mummy then yes she can attend . They smiled and said thank you Daddy . Then Zoew turned to me immediately and started to Speak up all the things she wanted to do for the next parent shows .  I looked at the two kids and felt saw happy The kind of happiness no one can explain of course I heard not carried Prince yet ...well he was sleeping and I was afraid of carrying the adorable baby since his barely 2months .

***The Tang Manner R.country***

Thank you my dear readers ...I uploaded kinda  late today **Its actually **my Birthday*** tomorrow and Have been a bit busy with birthday preparations but I I still kept a few minutes for the upload .Please comment and inform me if its interesting PS will upload more tomorrow .....Moving on from the  past" CEO Husband behave your self"